To all the young mums,

i look young 4 my age 2 (tho im not a teen, sorry gatecrashing this section!) and when i was heavily pregnant i hated going out on my own coz i did get nasty looks and ppl would barge past me it really upset me. i wanted not 2 care but i couldnt help it ppl can b so intimidating and u feel vulnerable when preg dont u
people were pushing into u omg thats awful... i hope that dont happen 2 me because i wouldnt be able 2 stand there and say nothing :x (not saying thats what u did)..

i spose if somebody was starrin abit 2 hard i would ask them what there problem is... ive got a big mouth not a good thing sometimes though lool
Doesnt really matter, there is always someone out there who has to have an opinion. I had my first at twenty five - and was deemed too young (mainly like Squiglet by spanish people) and I have just had my third child at forty one and am considered far too old by another bunch - just cant win!
:wall: :rotfl:

i honestly am one of those people that doesnt care in the slightest,
man i am proud to think ive done this and im going to be happy,
ive already had old people staring at me,
i told one old woman to fuck off cos she was like staring at me.
and i was like like "yeah its called a baby" and she was like blahing to herself as she walked off
i do get some comments but it doesnt bother me unless im in a bad mood and then i fly cos its ridiculous,

but nah im gunna be well up for taking my little fella out
i dnt give a fuck

when ppl add me on myspace n shit even though i have riley on my pro and it clearly says proud parent cos her pics r set 2 private they then become visable when the person is my friend n they are always like

ur a mum?

i get id'd for fags
and i dont think ppl think riley is mine

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