Met my Dh through work... but not ur usual xmas party drunken snog.
I worked in the Dublin branch of our company and he worked in one of our London branches.
I had to ring his department to get a copy of a contract we didnt have on file, and he picked up the phone.
Got chatting and then everytime I needed a contract I rang him direct.
Started emailing each other, usual jokey emails.
About 6 months later... still didnt have any idea what he looked like... i got the opportunity to go London to meet u with a friend of mine from America.
Decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and asked if he fancied meeting up.
we did... and he proceeded to tell me that he had a girlfriend of 9 months

I( acted all cool as if it didnt bother me.
My weekend finished and after I got back to Dublin we got back emailing. Eventually emails got a bit honest and he told me he had feelings for me etc but still had feelings for his girlfriend even tho they were having problems.
Anyway, about 4 months later.... he came to Dublin with friends. We ended up ...well, together (didnt dtd but near enough sorry tmi).
He went back to London.... his girlfriend had been in Australia on hols. When she came back, he ended it and three weeks later we officially became a couple.
we commuted between Dublin and London every weekend for 5 years.
I moved tot eh UK 4 years ago.... 5 weeks before we got married.
we are now together 10 years and expecting our first