!!!How did your OH react when you told him ur pregnant?????

Lovely stories!! Mine isn't so good but a happy ending.

I have very irregular periods and it isn't unusual for me to go without for 3 months but it did lead a good few false alarms. Last November I took a test and I was so positive it would be negative that I laughed while taking it. When I saw the faint pink line appear my first thought was 'that can't be right!'.

Ewan didn't take the news very well. We had been going through a rough patch at the time anyway and we were arguing a lot. After a few days of telling him our arguments got so bad that he walked out and went back to his parents house. A week later he went to London to visit his sister and never spoke to me once. It took my mum phoning his mum to get him to contact me and let me know what was going on.

When he came back we talked through everything and it still wasn't 100%. It has took a lot of work for us to get back to the way we were and now Ewan is over the moon about Aimee.

It isn't the best story in the world but I don't care. There is a happy ending and that is all that matters to me. :D
I've been married to DH for a long time and thought that babies would be on the cards at some point but never seemed to be the right time. When my biological clock started alarming (around early 30s) a chatted with DH who said that we were too settled now and while he would have liked to have a baby when we were younger, he wasn't bothered anymore. That was a big shock for me! As time went on, I was getting more broody but I didn't want to force the issue. Eventually after having surgery, I realised we had to make a final decision so I asked DH to list his pros and cons for having a little one. On thinking about it clearly, we both agreed that the pros far outweighed the cons. Some how, it took us a while to actually get serious about baby making (I think we probably both still were a little nervous) but when we did, I was fortunate enough to fall pregnant very quickly. I had a funny feeling that I may have conceived before I missed my period so wasn't too surprised when I was late. I was really busy around that time and didn't have time to pick up a test. Then at the weekend, my sister and her husband were coming to stay. On the friday night I could hardly sleep with wondering if I was pregnant. Ended up making an excuse to get up at 6am to pop to all night Tescos to pick up a test pack (I said something like needed something to feed my visitors). By the time I got back everyone was up and so I had to chose my time to do the test which was very strong positive (didn't stop me doing more later). When DH came upstairs, I dragged him into the bedroom saying did he want to know a secret and told him. We were both stunned and it was quite quiet really. We didn't want to tell anyone yet and so we couldn't talk about it except in bed at night or appear any differently until our visitors were gone.

I had period pains and what I now know was implantation bleeding a few days later. So when we were on our own again, we were worried about that and not too hopeful. I had a scan at 7 weeks and a heart beat was detected. I think that by this stage we had been so anxious that all we felt was relief. As time has gone on, we have got more and more excited. I so look forward to DH holding our little girl in his arms!

Sorry that was so long....I love this thread and yes I've been in tears reading it :oops:
Aww, such lovely stories ladies.

Me and my husband have been together for 10 years now and after our 1 year wedding anniversary last August we decided that I should come off the pill and let nature do its thing. To be honest I didn't really think anything would happen because I always thought I was barren!
In December we were moving to a new flat and I was shattered but I just put it down to all the stress and house stuff. I went to my works Christmas do and was practically falling asleep at the table and hated all the food. I went home really early which was very unusual for me and my cousin picked me up ( was a bit upset by something my manager had said to me too) and we got a bottle of wine and went to hers. Half way through the bottle she told me that she thought I ought to do a test. i was two weeks late but hadn't actually considered it! :doh:
The next day with a stinking hangover we went and bought some tests- they were so expensive I really resented it! The dh was at work till late and I was supposed to be going out that night so I had a glass of wine to get my courage up and peed on the stick. It was obviously positive and when dh finally came home I said 'I think we have a problem', burst into tears and brought out the test- it took a whole to sink in but then his face lit up. he pulled me into his lap and cuddled me but still didn't believe it so made me do the other test and buy a digital one the next day!
Wow, sorry thats long! Short story is that he was and is very happy!
What a great idea for a thread! DH and I had been TTC for a few months after talking it over first. I tested two months in a row with negatives and finally broke down and ordered some cheap pg tests off the internet.

3rd month I took one, saw no line, set it down, came back a few mins later to toss it, and thought I saw something. Saved it, DH looked and didn't see anything. Took another cheapie test the next day, same thing, possible really faint line. All this time I was cramping like heck, period cramp style, so DH was firmly convinced I was seeing nothing.

On the day my period was due he marched me out and bought some "real" pregnancy tests and said "there pee on that."

When I came out with a pink + sign he took the test, stared at it, stared at me, tried not to smile, then went and grabbed the test instructions and read them, then said, "Are you sure you did it right?" :rotfl: I said, "Look honey, we women may not be able to aim as well as you men can, but I know I hit that stick."

He made me test the next day as well "just to make sure" :roll: :lol: But he was definitely happy!
My OH had already told me I was pregnant way before I knew for sure. When I did the test I called him and said "I am" and he said "Told you! Mission accomplished!!" What a big head :roll:
Hi ladies :wave:

Im afraid mine isnt a happy story either :(

I met tias father by the internet, been talking for almost 6 months and then he came to stay for a2weeks. I knew something wasnt right the day he left i was feeling really sick but i thought it was because i was upset that he was going home. I was taking emergency contraception to halt my period while he was here as the doc had taken me off the pill 3 weeks earlier due to complications. When you stop taking it your sposed to bleed but i didnt
I waited a week and did a test and it was a faint positive, so waited till after the weekend and did another and it was a full on bfp!!!

Needless to say that relationship ended right there and then on the phone, How can anyone choose a man over a child i will never know. So what!!! im a single mum of 39 :shock: with 3 kids 15,14 and my gorgeous 18 month old baby girl and im extremely proud of all of them.
She has lightened up our lives like the rising sun on a warm summers morning and i wouldnt have it any other way :hug: :hug: xxx
We had just found out this his brother & SIL in law were pregnant when it occurred to me I hadn't had a period.

I had come off the pill about 6 weeks before & had a withdrawal bleed but nothing since. We had spent about 18 months discussing ttc and all the things having a child would involve - sleepless nights, money etc. and had decided to try as we were 30 and didn't want to leave it much longer. (I always had it in my head I would take aaaages to get pregnant).

Anyway - I actually assumed it was a problem with my periods but thought I should do a test as they would only make me do one and then go back at the doctors and I didn't want to waste time. Anyway - M was at work when I remembered about doing it. It turned positive before I even had the cap on and I nearly fell off the toilet in shock. I had to re-read the instructions about 5 times just to make sure I had read them correctly.

I then called M to say 'we need another test - I think this one must be broken' and told him it was positive. He took a few moments for this to sink in then he got REALLY excited. Apparently he told his work mate straight away and rushed off to Boots to buy another.

As soon as I did the other one it turned positive straight away again and although I was a bit cautious and said we should wait till we told people he couldn't and was on the phone to his brother telling them the good news. (I decided to tell my family in person the next day).

We then spent the rest of the evening going, 'I can't believe it, a baby' And I had to keep checking the tests JUST TO MAKE SURE.

He is so excited about being a dad and is getting very protective of us both. It really has bought us even closer together - which I didn't think was possible as we were already very close. He is truly my best friend, my love, my family and I know he will be the best daddy ever.

Oops - got a bit mushy there.

annyhoo, that is my (long) story.
Aw, these are so lovely! :cry: <- but with a happy face!!
Awww, keep it comin girls, these storeis need a box of tissues by their side. Those of you that arent with your babies partners, i would like to say, use are the brave ones, and ur right kayzee, how can a woman choose a man over a child?? We yearned for this baby, and now we cant wait to meet him. Love use all, xxx :hug: :hug:
Mine is a happy one :D
DH and i had been trying for 8 mths and i was getting a bit depressed about the whole thing. my period was due to arrive xmas day and i really didn't want to play the waiting game followed by the depression when it came on xmas day so on xmas eve after DH had gone to work i used one of my ovulation sticks and i got the 2 lines. i had 1 pg test there so after drinking pints of water so i could pee again i finally got a positive!! i rang DH at work and just blurted it out, i couldnt have waited!! best day of our lives
Our pregnancy wasnt planned and we only found out when i was nearly 3 months gone :shock:
Totally missed 1st tri :rotfl:

I was on the pill (Must have missed one, not going to be one of those people saying im one of the 3% that it doesnt work for)

Me and my OH had lived together for a long while but we didnt want a baby at that time.
I was a BIG party girl and were both still young ( i was 19 when we found out, Lee 21)

I wasnt sick but my boobs started getting really sensitive.
I was just taking the pill unaware... When i came off, i didnt come on straight away like i usually did..
Waited about a week to make sure then told Lee i was late.

We got a test (Actually 3 :oops:)
The first one just didnt work...
And by then i couldnt go anymore...
So i started drinking loads...

Took the next two tests together...
And came back that we were pregnant,

Even though we kind of already knew... it was a big shock
Lee just gave me a hug and said it would be ok an we'd do it together
Then we were downstairs talking about it..
We knew abortion was out of the question
And then started talking about baby names (One being Callum that we liked from the start :D)

We even went to the doctors together the next day to comfirm it,
Even though the tests are pretty accurate anyway!

It was a mix of happy, sad and being shocked after that!
But mostly happy and excited, especially after the scans
And at the 20 week when we found out we were having a boy, Lee nearly cried
Now we have our son and we couldnt be happier!!
Awe I love reading all of your stories :D

DH and I had been married one year when we both got really broody, even now we argue about who was the broodiest hehe...we decided that I should come off the pill and that was around our wedding anniversary. Period was overdue by a week, tested and was negative, but I felt like I could be pregnant although had absolutely no symptoms whatsoever :lol: then week later tested and it was positive. I was more in shock than DH was, even though I knew I was pregnant, he was absolutely delighted and happy. I think I was just in shock cos it happened so quickly :D
Awww, everyone's story is really nice.

Well, we got married last September and started trying straight away. Started using the ttc section on here, and bought the clear blue fertility monitor. I had really awful cramps on the 15th December, 10 days past ovulation, so I tested 4 days early and it was positive. DH was out so I waited until the next morning and peed on a clearblue digi test and wrapped it up. I gave it to him and said it was an early xmas pressie.
When he opened it he didn't havea clue what it was,
he thought it was a pen. I made him read the words 'pregnant',
and we both had a cry and then DH told almost everyone that day,
even though I told him to wait :roll:
It was a bit stupid to tell everyone so early, people where saying
'how far gone'. I was like 'erm 10 days' and 'i haven't actually missed
my period yet'!!

I had messed up my pill over xmas and had a bit of a scare in January which eventually turned out to be nothing. This had us talking about whether the time was right so I didnt take any more of the pill and we started hoping for a BFP without actively trying. That was until May, I joined this forum, worked out an average cycle from the periods I had after stopping the pill and got a 38 day cycle. Having been on the pill for 8 years I presumed it was take ages to leave my system so bought some OV sticks on ebay and we decided to start taking things seriously and start actively trying. I had my LH peak on the 23rd and obviously ov'd on the 24th which was the saturday, we 'done the deed' that night and on the monday and tuesday I didnt feel right and had a gut feeling that I was falling pregnant. On the 3rd June (5 days before AF) I woke up and had an urge to do a test.
TBH i expected it to come back negative and would get the thoughts out of my mind until I was actually late. A few minutes after doing the test I walked back to the bathroom to check and it was positive. I called Ian into the bathroom and showed him the stick asking if he could see the line. His reply was sort of, what does that mean? I blurted that it meant we were pregnant, he told me to calm down, not to get too excited as it was early etc but I convinced him that if you get a line its a definate. I went to my mothers on the way to work to tell her and after Ian dropped me off at work and started driving to work himself he said he was starting to fill up. Needless to say we are both over the moon and the same day as getting our result we had a phone call to say the offer we had placed on a house had been accepted subject to contract etc.
Me and dh decided we'd like another baby as a brother or sister for Aaron but wasn't sure when to start trying. When Aaron hit 2 we both got a bit broody and decided it was time so I came off the pill. The first month it didn't happen but the 2nd month we went on holiday to Hayling Island and the day we left Plymouth I was due my period. Nothing happened that day and I felt a bit out of it. My periods come like clockwork so when I woke up the next morning and there was nothing I told dh that we should test. He kept saying that it was probably the pill coming out of my system and we shouldn't get our hopes up. We went to Gunwharf shopping so I got dh to buy me a test and when we got back to the caravan I decided to do the test. Dh was waiting outside the bathroom asking if I was ok and anything? I did the test and waited and it came up pregnant. I opened the door with a smile on my face and shaking and gave him the test. His face lit up and he was so pleased :D Then he was like "phone your mum!" so I phoned her and told her she had another grandchild on the way :D

It was almost as good as seeing his face when the sonographer told us we were having a little girl. I'll never forget his face that day, he was beaming :D
its true, there certain things that you'll both never forget, when we went for our 20 week scan the midwife said-'would you like to know the sex today?' at the exact same time i said no and he said yes :rotfl: . So the midwife was like, 'which one is it?' I just looked at h is face and was like, go on then. I thought i was gona have a girl and he thought we were gona have a boy, ofcourse he was right, and he had this big grin on his face :D .
What a lovely thread its soo nice to hear other peoples experiences.

Mines a bit up and down but here goes..

I have a son already and we thought we would try for a brother or sister around a year after ours sons first brithday. I found out was pregnant but m/c at around 6 weeks in march. Left it again to GP's advice and fell again in the June was admitted to hospital in july with Ectopic pregnancy and lost left fallopium tube, again to to leave it for recovery after seeing consultant in October told ok to start again late October preggers again at this point we were thinking surely after all that had happened we deserve a break.. but no lost again at the end of November.

Without sounding crude had NO sex until 1st Jan 2008 and that was the once as both me and hubby not that interested in it tbh.. had a follow up consultant appt on Mon 7th Jan and they tested me as routine it came back negative on the friday 11th I said to my hubby I dont feel right and asked him to get me a couple of tests from Tesco his reply was "you cant be you were only tested monday" anyway he relented and brought two home and I stuck them in the bathroom and decided to give it another couple of days on the sunday morning decided to do a test.. so did my business left it and walked away to make him a cup of tea in bed. After walking back upstairs and handing him his tea went back to bathroom and there it was a faint but recognisable line.. with this i wallked into our bedroom and launched the PT at him and said "can you look at that pls".
His face was a picture.. :shock:

Anyway we did not get excited about the news as we were expecting the worse.. i had early pregnancy scans but it wasn't until I had my scan at 12 weeks we accepted this pregnancy as LO had a great HB and developing right.

Sorry this is so long you most probs are all :sleep: now.

Take care :hug:
Kathy x
asma said:
Hey girls, thought i'd start this off, as i wanted to share with use how much of a emotional and joyous moment it was for us, it's gona be a bit long but i hope use dont mind. Here goes,

We got married in August 2001, we started trying for a baby in Dec 2002, my birthday month :D . I used to have irregular periods, but i was used to that and knew it'd be a bit harder than normal, but we were up for it. A couple of months later i was two weeks later than normal, so of course i thought i might be pregnant, so i bought a test, as we waited for the results, my OH started telling me baby names he likes, i didnt want to upset him, so i was being enthusiastic aswell.

It was negative, and i'll never forget his face :( . He tried to smile for me, but i knew he didnt want me to think he was upset. He's so sweet. So we carried on trying. Over the next 5 years i did so many tests that i lost count :roll: . We had been refferred to our gynacologist, who told us that OH had perfectly healthy semen, but i had polycystic ovaries :? . This put another hurdle in the way, but OH always made me feel better :hug: .

Family would always be at us asking - 'any news yet', then i think they gave up too.

My OH has loads of nieces and nephews, and he adores them, and they love him, but he always felt something was missing. We never really talked about it too much, cos it started to hurt. What made it worse was that whenever anyone else had a baby, he'd be happy but then lost in thought.

So anyway, last October i missed a period, again :roll: . But this time i did notice my sore breasts, which was nornal, but not for this long. This time i did things differently. I didnt tell OH that i was late and i didnt tell him i was gona do a test, cos i thought its just gona be negative again. Funny thing was normally i sit looking at the test till the time is up, but this time, i put it on my dresser and carried on ironing, and as forgettful as i am :doh: , i totally forgot about it. It wasnt until i'd finished ironing that i remembered :rotfl: . So i picked it up, looked at it, then i tossed it in the bin, but then i thought - one second, i'm sure that was two lines??? I quickly went back to the bin, took it out, and it was!! :shock: I sat down, trying to take it in. Then, of course i went and did another two more tests only to get the same results. I still didnt want to say anything, so i phoned my GPs and asked if i could leave a sample, they said yes and that i would get the results that day :cheer: . So you can understand all this excitement inside of me, but then i thought that i should still wait for the MW to get back to me. So i waited for an hour and half which seemed like hours on end. I finally got the call (answered it within the first two rings, MW was like - oh hello)and she confirmed what i had wanted to hear for so long. She laughed at me, cos i said are you sure you've got my specimen there and not somebody elses :rotfl: . She said it was definitly mine. :dance:

I couldnt wait till OH got home so i could tell him, cos knowing him, he has to have it 100% sure before he could believe it.

He came in and i had this huge grin on my face, he knew something was up, but later he said he'd never have thought it was that, aww. I went up to him and said(which neither of us will ever forget), 'what i'm gona tell you is 100% true,and yes i've had it confirmed, i'm pregnant :cheer: '

His face completely changed :shock, then he started crying, awww.we couldnt stop smiling, and he said people at work even noticed, cos they were asking himy he was so chirpy, but he didnt tell them why, we didnt want to say anything until after our first scan, just to be safe.I'll never forget that day, and this pregancy has been amazing right from get go. On our first scan, before the MW ran the machine over my tummy, me and my OH were thinking the same thing - imagine if there's nothing there :rotfl: , but of course there was our little miracle.

Sorry if i bored use guys with my long story, but i wanted to share it with use.

How was it for the rest of you? How did you tell him? What was his reaction? Include all silly and funny bits too, lol

what a lovely story, hope i have a happy ending like yours. :hug:

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