How are all you new mummies doing?

Good thanks. She woke up the same amount as usual. Only issue was that I couldn't just climb back into bed after her night feed as I stayed in her room until she dropped back off. We might not disassemble her crib straight away though, just in case...
That's the only down side, it's not a case of rolling over and settling them. You've actually got to engage your brain and move. Lol.
Chris and I swapped our sleep in days this weekend. What a difference a Saturday morning sleep in makes! Got up at 8, did washing, hoovered, cooked breakfast, out Emma down for a nap. Feel full of energy to get on with all my chores.
A good nights sleep really helps! It's unbelievable the difference it makes.

Thomas stayed up really late last night we got back at 11pm and he went straight to sleep. Still woke at 7.30 though but we brought him into bed as after a little play he went back to sleep and we all got up at 10am including the dog. Very lazy day.

We've had our new bed delivered so we're trying to sell our old malm one that is in perfect condition and just had the guy collect it for £120 so I was well chuffed
Hayley was up a few times last night. At 3:30 she wouldn't settle so I brought her into my bed and we fell asleep for a little then she woke and wouldnt settle. But she's had a cough since sunday and it's been worse today.

My ex picked her up at 12 and he just messaged me as she's got a rash over most of her tummy. I called him saying to get her checked out as she hasn't had a rash with me. He said she's fine in herself, and i could hear her babbling away in the background. Hopefully everything is fine, but he said he would keep in touch to let me know, and if its something ill get taxi to the hospital to be there with her.
Hayley was up a few times last night. At 3:30 she wouldn't settle so I brought her into my bed and we fell asleep for a little then she woke and wouldnt settle. But she's had a cough since sunday and it's been worse today.

My ex picked her up at 12 and he just messaged me as she's got a rash over most of her tummy. I called him saying to get her checked out as she hasn't had a rash with me. He said she's fine in herself, and i could hear her babbling away in the background. Hopefully everything is fine, but he said he would keep in touch to let me know, and if its something ill get taxi to the hospital to be there with her.

That sounds a lot better communication from your ex. Do you think this could be down to the change in contact arrangements?
Not really. I think it was more to cover his own back, as he text saying "do you know anything about the rash on hayleys belly and the spots". Then whatsapped me the pics...almost as though to point blame? Just seemed to me like he's sending evidence to say she didnt get the rash with him, so it mustve been something i done..iykwim?

Hopefully he does keep in touch and let me know how she is at the hospital getting checked out.
My ex got back to me saying triage said it's nothing to worry about. Possibly just a reaction. He said maybe to the cough medicine i gave her, but she's had some of that for the last few days so im unsure

Does that sound about right? Can they take days ?


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Id have thought if she was going to react it would be within a few hours rather than days. They can get rashes when they have a virus. Thomas often gets one on his face.

Just spent the last 3 hours cleaning my car. We no longer need it as hubby is getting a company car so I will have his current car. So I now need to sell mine. Finally got all the pictures I need so going to post it on classifieds tonight and see what interest I get
My ex text me saying its a viral infection. Glad to know she's alright, still happy as larry too which is great :)

Good luck selling your car Kathryn, hopefully you get a decent offer quite quickly.
Glad its viral - always worth keeping an eye out just in case.

I'm really nervous about selling my car privately. I've only ever part-exchanged when buying a different car so this is all very new to me. Doesn't help that my cars mot is due at the end of december so i'm in a massive catch 22 as to whether i get that done or not and if it fail i then potentially have a very expensive bill to pay before i can sell.

It's all abit of a minefield. I'm tempted to just take it to one of these places that buys used cars. I know that i'll get about £600/£800 less for it though, which is alot of money to lose.
Aww poor little Hayley, that looks awful Kerry. Did your ex really think you would "miss" seeing a rash like that?

Kathryn. What you could do set your selling price, and if anyone starts going on about reducing it lots cause mot is due, then you could just say you will pay for that. Is there anything g that it might not pass on?
Aww poor little Hayley, that looks awful Kerry. Did your ex really think you would "miss" seeing a rash like that?

Kathryn. What you could do set your selling price, and if anyone starts going on about reducing it lots cause mot is due, then you could just say you will pay for that. Is there anything g that it might not pass on?

I know! Honestly his brain baffles me, there's no missing that rash!

Well I'm embarrassed, went for a nice bath to relax. Then was drying my hair and managed to get a huge bunch of my hair stuck in the brush. Tried to untangle for the end had to cut loads off. :wall2: No idea how i even managed it in the first place!!
I'm pleased Hayley is ok Kerry. Good luck selling your car Kathryn. Well hubby is on his 2nd night shift of the weekend. Sister in law rang today asking if she could by Joseph a christmas jacket and 6-9 months size will be fine. She seemed thrown when hubby corrected her that he is in 9-12 month stuff now. x
Haha, made me laugh kaedin! Hope your hairs not too bad and glad Hayley is ok. Rashes are always a grey area.

I would sell car before mot Kathryn just in case. Would be a gutter if it needed loads done :-(

Got a bit rubbish news yesterday. 3 times we have done urine samples for S since being in hospital but they have all come back inconclusive. (A symptom of the virus she had can be urine infections) Docs hope it's just because it hadn't been a 'clean catch' so we've to go in on Monday for her to be catheterised to get one :-( it's routine for them I'm sure but a big thing for us. My poor wee bubs had been through enough. She's loaded with the cold just now too :-(
I've got an interview on Tuesday for that job I applied for, there's a group discussion with the candidates and some young people! Then I have to give a 10 min presentation to showcase a piece of work I have carried out in support of a young person!
If I'm successful then I'll have a formal interview in the afternoon! :| hate presentations!!!
Good luck Stacey. I am sure you will do fab. I hate to do presentations when I did my degree and I hate them too. Just try and think of something nice that you want to do once your presentation is over xx
The only thing I can think is that one of the suspension springs last time had a misting of oil on it. If that's got worse it could need replacing which is £400 I also might need a tyre. That's it though. Other than that I've had no issues with it at all (touch wood)

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