How are all you new mummies doing?

It is really sad to see all the babies ill. Emma's still not well either. Only teething issues, but driving me around the bend.

Can anyone suggest anything other than metanium and sudocreme for bad nappy rash? Looks almost like blisters, and she's shaking when I change her cause it hurts. Almos cried myself changing her last night. I'm currently letting her crawl around nappy-less. Fingers crossed my carpet stays wee and poo free!

I used Lansinoh nipple cream when my LO bum was really bad and it worked a treat :)
It is really sad to see all the babies ill. Emma's still not well either. Only teething issues, but driving me around the bend.

Can anyone suggest anything other than metanium and sudocreme for bad nappy rash? Looks almost like blisters, and she's shaking when I change her cause it hurts. Almos cried myself changing her last night. I'm currently letting her crawl around nappy-less. Fingers crossed my carpet stays wee and poo free!

I used Lansinoh nipple cream when my LO bum was really bad and it worked a treat :)

Genius tip!
Oh no that sounds so painful toria.. Poor Emma.. Stanley hasn't had nappy rash yet but he's only just cut his first tooth. My mam mentioned that my cousin had really bad nappy rash like that with blisters must be agony.

I've got my interview tomorrow did my presentation work today.. Fingers crossed I do ok!! :|
Yeah Emma cut her first tooth durning the week. then the day after the nappy rash appeared. I was changing her hourly and thought I'd stopped it in its tracks. Took her to nursery Friday and asked them to change her hourly. They didn't, and her bottom was bright red. They said she didn't smell so they didn't bother!grrr, I told them she wasn't stinky and to just change her regardless.

She's had lots of nappy free time today. Surprisingly my carpet is still clean! My son didn't realise she was nappy less, he was lying on the floor watching tv while Emma was walking along holding the sofa. She went to get down next to him, and she softened the landing on the side of his face. So funny. His face went from shocked, to disgust, to I'm gonna cry. Lol

Good luck tomorrow Stacey!
Yeah Emma cut her first tooth durning the week. then the day after the nappy rash appeared. I was changing her hourly and thought I'd stopped it in its tracks. Took her to nursery Friday and asked them to change her hourly. They didn't, and her bottom was bright red. They said she didn't smell so they didn't bother!grrr, I told them she wasn't stinky and to just change her regardless.

She's had lots of nappy free time today. Surprisingly my carpet is still clean! My son didn't realise she was nappy less, he was lying on the floor watching tv while Emma was walking along holding the sofa. She went to get down next to him, and she softened the landing on the side of his face. So funny. His face went from shocked, to disgust, to I'm gonna cry. Lol

Good luck tomorrow Stacey!

LOL how funny bless him!

That's naughty of the nursery not to do that, poor little thing, must be horrible x
That made me laugh Toria! poor boy :P Hope emmas bum gets better soon.

great tip for the nipple cream, i have a good bit of that just sitting in my wardrobe!

Hayley projectile vomited today and it was awful! Soo much came gushing out of her all over her and her walker & covered half of my floor. Didn't know she could have so much in her stomach!! Hoping she's feeling better tomorrow and hopfully her rash will fade soon.

good luck for your interview stacey
Jack is Emma's favourite sibling mrs b. You wouldn't think it from what she does to him!lol. Last week he wanted to help bath her, so after his shower he jumped in the bath with her. Soon after, she got her poo face on. I've never seen him move so fast. I got her out quick too, dried and nappy on before she poo'd. but Of all the kids, that was the first time ever there has almost been a floater. Just his luck!
Jack is Emma's favourite sibling mrs b. You wouldn't think it from what she does to him!lol. Last week he wanted to help bath her, so after his shower he jumped in the bath with her. Soon after, she got her poo face on. I've never seen him move so fast. I got her out quick too, dried and nappy on before she poo'd. but Of all the kids, that was the first time ever there has almost been a floater. Just his luck!

Hahaha! How funny! All these funny anecdotes will be lovely for them when they're older! X
I would love to say I came up with that idea through intelligence but it was purely a case of nappy rash and that's all the chemist had haha! It worked a treat though.

About five weeks ago OH and LO were having a bath (they tend to share a bath!) and I heard lots of shouting, ran through expecting something amazing to find baba had pooped in the bath all over his dad!
Hayleys rash was really bad last night but seems to have gone toay thankfully.

She woke at 3.30am and wouldnt settle, brought her into my bed in the end. Been busy all day so haven't even managed a shower yet! Looking forward to my bed tonight that's for sure.
Thomas is finally on the move! After months of nearlys he's done a commando crawl across the room and pulled himself up to kneeling on the coffee table. Not sure how I feel about this new development as I'm now going to have to be extra careful but I'm glad he's finally got his lazy bum into gear lol
Thomas is finally on the move! After months of nearlys he's done a commando crawl across the room and pulled himself up to kneeling on the coffee table. Not sure how I feel about this new development as I'm now going to have to be extra careful but I'm glad he's finally got his lazy bum into gear lol

It's a nightmare, isn't it, lol. Amelia's started crawling the last couple of days. She's been rolling everywhere for weeks but we've a proper crawl now. Think we'll be baby proofing this weekend. Already had to move all the photos off the fireplace and ordered a draught excluder so she doesnt crack her head on it!
I'd moved some stuff awhile ago but the things I thought would be ok definitely aren't! So going to have to do that. Also fit stair gates which we haven't done yet. Arggggh lol
I didn't get the job :( there was 15 people going for the positions 3 got taken by people who already work there.. I only did the group discussion an the presentation did even get chance to do the formal interview which I would have found easier cos I know the job well! Argh so annoying I hate presentations!!! The amount of time it takes to fill out an application form then prepare for an interview to be told no!
The only other job I've not been given was when I had to do another presentation! It's not like I applied to be a bloody public speaker they should have given everyone the chance to do all 3 parts of the interview process as some people might be good at interviews and crap at presentations and vice versa!
Oh well that put a downer on my day.. At a funeral tomorrow too one of Chris friends died through drinking :|
My lounge area is so sparse now Emma's on the move. Everything seems to be a danger! She's recently discovered the pipes leading to the radiators are really hot. So she now loves touching them when I'm not looking. Oh and her other favourite thing is hanging on the washing airer tower thing. She thinks is so funny watching me lunging to stop it toppling over on to her.

And I brought the carseat in earlier as she was sleeping in it. Forgot to put it over the gate, and found her like this!


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Sorry you didn't get the job Stacey, that is annoying you had to put so much in just to get told no. Keep your chin up.
Thanks toria!

Hope Hayleys rash settles Kerry

Stanley pulled the clothes horse over on himself the other day whilst I had my back turned taking the bottles out the steriliser I could have died!
I had a tough day, hayleys been great but ive just felt emotional. Think it's starting to dawn on me how much my life has changed in the last few months, broke up with my partner of nearly 5 years, chucked out my house, had to move back with my parents, trying to sort access, getting taken to court ect ect. It's just like everything has been flipped around and nothing is where i thought they'd be

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