How are all you new mummies doing?

Hope Luke settles soon for your Jojo!

think im in for a long night, hayleys woke 3 times in the last 40 mins.
I reckon it is his teeth jojo. Poor baby, not good with a cold to cope with too.

Emma was the same today. Just started screaming for no reason. Totally inconsolable. So started on the granules and she came right. So strange as she was fine yesterday, and that's when the tooth popped through.
Kerry, that's rediculous he thought it was ok to not tell you where he lives now! My step daughter wasn't allowed to come to our house till her mum inspected it!
Kerry, that's rediculous he thought it was ok to not tell you where he lives now! My step daughter wasn't allowed to come to our house till her mum inspected it!

He makes everything as difficult possible. But i told my lawyer if he didn't tell me I'd stop contact. An inspection!? Haha thats mental, however; if i could get away with it i'd want to inspect it (and baby proof!) :P
Yessir does make me more relaxed.

Hoping for an uninterrupted nights sleep too, doubt it though as he was difficult to put down. Fingers crossed everyone else gets a good sleep too
Must be the time for teething! S was down for an hour then woke up inconsolable, like in proper pain. She only stopped if I picked her up, as soon as I tried to put her down thinking she was asleep off she would go. She's back up again now! :wall:
Slept until 4am and woke up so have him cough stuff and paracetamol then he got up at 6:00 uP and back down again after some gel and a few cuddles. I have ego work today and I don't wanna lol
Poor babies
Hayley woke a few times due to teething and her cough. Think it's more the cough bothering her. Bought some calcough yesterday but not sure if itll make much difference.

Going into town today to try and get my nieces 10th birthday present. No idea what to get her!, i anted a minecraft t-shirt but they are all boys. Don't think she'll be pleased with that. So back to square one
Did / does anyone's baby cry and moan in their sleep due to wind? Every morning from 5 - 6.30ish and then in his afternoon nap (about this time) my lo will do this in his sleep he does have quite bad wind and we're giving him infacol. Did / does anyone else's lo do this? Is it normal and will it pass?
Only really just had wind issues at 8 1/2 months and I wouldn't say he moans much. But thomas was always a sicky baby so I think the wind came out that way
Waaah. I agreed to try LO in her own room tonight but (as much as I'd like to be able to put the light on when going to bed) I am so not ready :-(
Aw maud the first night is the hardest but I haven't looked back since thomas has been in his own room (he was 5 1/2 months when we first did it)
Emma went to her own room at 7 weeks. That's the longest any of my kids lasted in with
Yeh stanley as in his at 6 weeks our bedroom was too small and cramped and I like watching tv in bed!

I've tried to get stanley on a more structured eating plan cos he was leaving milk and dropping his 10-30am feed so now he has
3 8oz bottles morning/afternoon/night
3 meals breakfast/lunch/dinner plus a biscotti/snack and water with meals

Is 24 Oz enough or should I be encouraging more? He's 7 and half months
I think that's good Stacey! Ryan has never drank more than 7oz in one bottle so sounds like Stanley is doing well!

Ryan's 5th tooth finally broken through in the night and it looks like number 6 will break tomorrow or Sunday. His have come through in such a funny order! Bottom two, then his lateral incisor (little tooth directly next to big one) on his right, then the big tooth next to that and now his lateral incisor on the other side has broken through and his other big one is the one that's blistering! Such a odd way to come through! X
My hv told me that at 7 months they should be on 18-21oz. Luke is currently trying to drop a bottle at 2:30 I think.

Luke has 7oz at 8am, 2:30pm and 7pm and breakfast at 9:00, snack at 10:30, lunch at 12:00, 7oz and a snack at 2pm (although he doesn't drink all that), dinner at 5pm, 6-7oz at 7pm.
I'm still offering Emma 8 oz at 7,2 and 7. She's leaving 2oz now and then.
Thanks that was helpful! Seriously dunno what I'd do without this forum sometimes haha.. It's nice to know I'm on the right track anyways! X
Well she's asleep in her room. Took 2 attempts to get her into her cot as she got confused the first time, rolled straight onto her tummy and started crying. Fingers crossed she won't get upset when she wakes during the night in the wrong room. At least she is used to her cot as she has taken her naps in there since 5 months. Never overnight though... It will be weird not hearing her little noises when we go to bed.

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