How are all you new mummies doing?

Today is a good day! My manager said he hasn't issues with staff who want to better themselves and is allow
Img me to do my level 5 in leadership. It takes my earning potential triple of I were to use it :)

Woo hoo!

The weird thing is that potentially this could mean I would be more qualified to be a manager than some of the managers in my company.
My father in laws girlfriend popped in today, she had Emma, and said "oh, you didn't tell me Emma had teeth!", so I checked and she's got both bottom ones just coming through. They weren't there yesterday!

They just pop up don't they? I didn't realise luke had his until he bit me. Has she been fussy with it?

I disagree! Austin's 4th looked exactly like the other 3 did before they cut & the 4th was like that for about 2 week! He's been incredibly upset with this one in particular tho they all have appeared to given him grief
Emma has been teething for about 4 months on and off, some days she's just cried and cried. Lots of dribble. The Ashton and parsons has been great. But then the dribbling stopped and she has been fine for about a week. Jill showed me the teeth about 11:30 this am, and since that she's had 2 awful nappies. And the dribbling I've noticed since then too.
Today is a good day! My manager said he hasn't issues with staff who want to better themselves and is allow
Img me to do my level 5 in leadership. It takes my earning potential triple of I were to use it :)

Woo hoo!

The weird thing is that potentially this could mean I would be more qualified to be a manager than some of the managers in my company.

May as well do it and see about promotions at work. If not, move on.

At my old job I was the most qualified in my dept. although that didn't include experience. On paper, I'm more qualified to do my OH's job that he
Today is a good day! My manager said he hasn't issues with staff who want to better themselves and is allow
Img me to do my level 5 in leadership. It takes my earning potential triple of I were to use it :)

Woo hoo!

The weird thing is that potentially this could mean I would be more qualified to be a manager than some of the managers in my company.

May as well do it and see about promotions at work. If not, move on.

At my old job I was the most qualified in my dept. although that didn't include experience. On paper, I'm more qualified to do my OH's job that he

Lol see I'm what you would call an "all-rounder" I have administration experience, project coordination experience, customer services experience as well as finance but also managed to get 10 years care experience in a variety of fields as well as some supervision duties so his level should put me a shoe in somewhere when Luke goes to school. I'll be 35 and that's a good age I think. I swear I could do the team leader job wih my hands tied behind my back.
Watching this miracle babies programme sobbing

What is wrong with me lol!
I watched that last week and it was waaay to soon after Scarlett was so ill. I'll try again this week ;-)

Hope you ladies are good, it's been mega busy here. I don't wanna be back at work! I feel like I'm constantly chasing my tail and my house is only getting messier :wall: day off today tho so baby group this morning and swimming with S this afternoon :-)
Oh and what do you guys think. Picked S up from an afternoon at nursery (1-5) and I asked how she slept. They said they had tried from 230 when she normally goes down at home but she was going crazy so they got her back up, she finally went down for half an hour at 4. (She normallu sleeps at least and hour and a half!) Snack is at 3 where she is supposed to get something hot and I asked what she had had and they hadn't given her anything cos they were trying to get her to sleep. I was a bit pissed to be honest. Surely if they had thought about it, it's more important that she eats and not sleeps!! I thought she would get that then I could just give her a small snack when we got home but instead I had to play catch up with food and milk so didn't get her down til 8 by which point she was shattered!!
Emma doesn't sleep at all in a cot at nursery as there's too much noise I think. She just has cat naps in a bouncer here and there. I've told them it's more important that she sticks to her eating routine, then I let her have a little nap at 5 when I pick her up. That usually gets her through till bed time at 7:30ish

Next time she's at nursery tell them you had an awful evening due to as being out of routine.

Does S have her meals at the same time as the rest of the nursery? If not, I reckon they forgot and were just telling you a little white lie about concentrating on getting her to sleep. I've had something similar at Emma's nursery where they forgot to give her breakfast, luckily she was still having a big bottle still just before going in so it want too bad.
Had the best sleep in about 5 months last night. Emma slept 8-6:30 without a peep :-)
Usually I get up before Luke does at 6:30 to go to work but it's my day off so I was looking forward do 8am and peppa pig in bed with the boy, but he chose today if all says to wake up at 6am and deny me of my only pie in of the week. Boo. It's either his cough or he's teething again but he qS also up at midnight-12:30 too.

Great news about Emma though toria :) I know she doesn't sleep well a and if anyone deserves a solid night sleep you do lol
Yay well done Emma!! Maybe she can pass some psychic thoughts to her pal Scarlett!! Haha.

Yeah I would way rather she had her snack than a nap too. She slept in the car home anyway. Think I'll just reiterate that her food is more important.

Seen you fb post too - what an arse!! If there's one thing that makes me rage, it's other drivers lol x
I'm not sure it will continue tonight. But at least I got sleep last night.

Yeah I'm still annoyed about that woman. The town I live in is full of stuck up people that think because they have a big house and a big car they own the place. She was oblivious that she was in the wrong. The way she was looking at the old man in front was just disgusting. She's lucky I got enough sleep last night and she didn't meet the tired mum of three that's been up all night!lol
Toria, so please you got a good nights sleep and well done for telling that stupid woman what to do. You handled it really well. I think id have looked like a psycho woman if someone did that to me.

I have my last kit day tomorrow before christmas ( will be doing some after) feeling more relaxed about organising thomas' stuff this time, he's going to my in laws which they always hugely enjoy. Looking forward to abit of selfish me time at work as well.
Getting more convinced last night was the calm before the storm. Emma didn't want her bottle tonight. Totally gave in and screamed after about 3oz. Her bottom is red raw even though I've plastered her in various creams and changed her as soon as she's had a dirty nappy. Early night for me I think :-)

Kathryn, that's good they like having Thomas. You must feel so much more relaxed about it.
Hey ladies :)

Hayleys bottom 2 teeth cut the gum 2 days ago, but still not fully thru. she's been quite grumpy the last few days but fine if i keep up with teething granules and some calpol. Bums been fine, however she's done 4 poops today! But I've started giving her ranitidine again for her reflux (despite my doctors still just fobbing it off) which has helped with the sickness but only a little.

Had ex drama, he told me he's taking me to court as i refused to agree to him having hayley friday night to monday morn at mediation. Then he bought a house and moved and didn't tell me. So i had no idea where my daughter was as he refused to tell me his address. After my solicitor was in contact he text me his address. So i will now know where she is at least. Phew! He kept moaning about contact on Wednesday as he felt like a "respite carer". So I offered to cancel it and he gets the extra 3 hours on sunday, which he agreed with. Unsure where he stands with taking me to court now but i guess ill find out in due course. Feel like its been a hectic few days
Luke has been up and down since 7pm and now downstairs screaming! He cried so much he couldn't breathe out before and was just gulping for air which was a boy scary but he calmed down a bit and was fine. I think it's his teeth. I haven't even eaten yet. Waiting for hubby to get on to see if he can settle and will give him more calpol at 11:30 if he's still up. He's also loaded with cold it seems which won't be helping. He was fine all day though.

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