How are all you new mummies doing?

Good luck with the presentation Stacey and the interview.

Jen, Hope S is ok with her appointment
Oh poor Scarlett and poor you Jen :( hopefully the results will be fine fingers crossed xxx

Thanks ladies! :)
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Yay, well done Stacey, what's it for?

Thanks ladies, getting nervous already!
Just remember Jen, it will probably upset you more than it will S. Have they explained how they do it?
Can't believe I'm saying this but think im going to have to put size 4+ nappies on thomas for nights now. Last couple of mornings when he's woken his nappy has been full to bursting and his www has leaked and made his sleepsuit and vest wet.

Size 4 nappies should go up to about 40lb and I think thomas is about 21lb so I'm abit miffed that we're going up a half size now but at least I can use the 4's during the day still. Guess I better not buy too many size 4's now just in case he starts leaking through them more regularly
I don't think the 4+ are too much bigger than the 4's. I bought some by accident and they fit fine. That back hen Emma was about 7 months too. I've got a cupboard full of 4's now. Just hope I can get through them all.

Does teething make babies wee more too? I know it makes them poo more. But we've got a lot of both at the moment. Emma woke up crying about 1 this am. Went in to settle her and the room stunk! Her nappy was very heavy with wee too. Had to do a nappy change and feed to get her back to sleep. Not sure I can cope with much more of this!
IWitch and I have both been using 4+ for a while now, they have extra absorbency I think and both of us found that necessary! Will run out of sizes soon! Lol

Tooth number 6 has cut! Woop! X
I don't think the 4+ are too much bigger than the 4's. I bought some by accident and they fit fine. That back hen Emma was about 7 months too. I've got a cupboard full of 4's now. Just hope I can get through them all.

Does teething make babies wee more too? I know it makes them poo more. But we've got a lot of both at the moment. Emma woke up crying about 1 this am. Went in to settle her and the room stunk! Her nappy was very heavy with wee too. Had to do a nappy change and feed to get her back to sleep. Not sure I can cope with much more of this!

Is she drinking more milk to compensate for eating less if her teeth hurt? That would explain more wee?
IWitch and I have both been using 4+ for a while now, they have extra absorbency I think and both of us found that necessary! Will run out of sizes soon! Lol

Tooth number 6 has cut! Woop! X

Yes size 4+ is a necessity! They aren't much bigger but i have a feeling austin would leak right out of a 4. Size 5 is a while off tho isn't it?
I don't know Toria but thomas is only taking in slightly more water but seems to be weeing way more.

What size do nappies go to anyway?? At this rate he'll be too big for them before he's potty trained
Hayley came home at 1pm...still got some rash on various parts of her body but hospital told my ex to look out for blisters on her mouth or tongue. No idea why just the mouth would be affected to cause concern? But ill be keeping a close eye on her.

She missed her nap at 10ish so ive had to just put her down now at 2pm for her first nap. He also didnt bring pram back as he forgot (??) Said he'd bring it in about an hour - it's now 1.5 hours later and no word from him. So im stuck in until he decides he's ready to bring it back. Urgh.
Good news that she's home. Aren't mouth blisters a sign of hand, foot & mouth?

We're currently without our pushchair :-( It's got a faulty handle so had to go back for repair. Could take anything from 1--4 weeks! The shop have lent us a stroller, so at least we won't be stuck in the house, but it's forward facing, has no cosy toes and nowhere to put the changing bag or the shopping, so a bit limiting on where we can go. Really hope it doesn't take a month!
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I don't think the 4+ are too much bigger than the 4's. I bought some by accident and they fit fine. That back hen Emma was about 7 months too. I've got a cupboard full of 4's now. Just hope I can get through them all.

Does teething make babies wee more too? I know it makes them poo more. But we've got a lot of both at the moment. Emma woke up crying about 1 this am. Went in to settle her and the room stunk! Her nappy was very heavy with wee too. Had to do a nappy change and feed to get her back to sleep. Not sure I can cope with much more of this!

Is she drinking more milk to compensate for eating less if her teeth hurt? That would explain more wee?

No shes not taking any more milk. If anything, shes taking a bit less. I've just changed her again. Absolutely full nappy. (Poo and wee). When she would normally go 7-7 and only have a slightly wet one. Her bottom is red raw too. I've never heard her scream like that before. Feel so bad for her :-(
Kerry, as maud said the blisters would indicate hand foot and mouth. Its quite on at the moment.
Not really sure what's wrong. She's been getting rashes all over her body and they've been developing so quickly, whilst others are fading.

Started giving her food at 4:30 and she projectile vomited everywhere, started to kinda choke on it too. Thankfully it isn't lumpy food due to her reflux otherwise it wouldve really hurt coming back up. Trying to get her to bed has been tough, would wake screaming when i leaned to put her in cot and wouldnt settle unless i was holding her close. So brought her downstairs to sleep in my arms whilst i watch im a celebrity get me out of her. She keeps waking as she still has an awful cough. Drs first thing in the morning, may just be this viral infection but i want to get it all checked out.
Don't blame you Kerry. Thomas is very clingey when he's got a cold and cough, this last one he had (which my poor dad is now suffering with) I co-slept with him a couple of nights as he was hardly sleeping on his own and I could tell he needed extra comfort.

All these poorly babies is making me feel so sad. I hope they all recover and are back home and their normal selves soon
It is really sad to see all the babies ill. Emma's still not well either. Only teething issues, but driving me around the bend.

Can anyone suggest anything other than metanium and sudocreme for bad nappy rash? Looks almost like blisters, and she's shaking when I change her cause it hurts. Almos cried myself changing her last night. I'm currently letting her crawl around nappy-less. Fingers crossed my carpet stays wee and poo free!
When thomas had a nappy rash that looked like bed sores it took a week of Metanium ointment and cotton wool with water only to wipe for it to heal. I was changing him hourly!!

Cause it worked I didn't investigate anything else
Luke someone's leaks out or his 4's but only when he's napping during the day which I don't get at all

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