How are all you new mummies doing?

I never thought pregnancy was anything to write home about lol I never felt particularly special or anything, felt like I was harbouring an alien most of the time.
I loved being preg too I remember u getting ur bfp Jen then me n u had all the breast feeding trauma lol remember when u private messaged me when I was struggling n feeling the guiltiest I've ever felt lol xxxxx
I didn't necessarily feel amazed by pregnancy during it but I certainly miss it now. Think
I'll feel differently next time
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Just finished painting the downstairs loo. Trying to slowly get rid of all the magnolia in our house. Using endurance paint for high flow areas. Doing our bedroom next weekend as the new bed should be delivered in the next couple of weeks. Once that's done I can do the hallway.

Have to say the builders did a crap job with plastering and painting. Really shabby work so it's nice to sort it all out. I didn't realise that Dulux do gloss paint now that can be washed out of brushes with water. I'm so happy about that, hated using White spirit
Jojo I actually feel sick with nerves tonight. I more feel overwhelmed already at all the people that will be there and everyone asking after her and stuff. I just know I'm gonna cry!!

Aw I remember it well nat. It was so nice to read :-) I've loved being on the forum from start to finish. I forgot some of the lovely people that were rooting for us all too x x
I no and all the ppl that were on the forum so much then they just disappear! Hope they are all ok a a getting on good!
Good luck Jen and jo Jo I feel for you both needs must tho ladies! Xxxxxxxx
Good luck ladies,

Thomas has terrible wind tonight. He keeps farting and they stink :(
Hayley has been teething really badly today, both her bottom front teeth have just cut the gums. Can see and feel them - poor girl kept biting teething toys and crying as it was hurting! Plenty of calpol and teething granules this afternoon.

She was also up from 6am so crashed at 6:30pm and wouldn't even finish her bedtime bottle as she was so tired. Hoping she still sleeps through. I've been in all day waiting for an amazon delivery and it's still not arrived. I assumed the latest delivery would be 9pm, but im too tired to stay up waiting any longer!

Jen & Jojo I hope yous both have a good first day back at work.
Only jst managed a quick catch up. Been busy cleaning spew out my hair and yelling at Chris every chance! Grrr. Off to sleep whle I can get some. Emma not well, and Maddie allergic to everything in this house so wheezing like crazy. Think I'll be up in a fe hours :-/

Good luck tomorrow ladies!
Thanks ladies - feel sick to my stomach!! Hope the babies were good last night x x
It's early! God I forgot I had to be up so bloody early lol I haven't been up Thai early in months!!

I'm having a Cuppa and watching peppa pig before I venture out into the dark dark dark morning.
Good luck! We have been up since 5.30 :-( feel terrible n also at work today Macie is normally so good at sleeping so it's a shock to the system! She's def teething she won't let me touch her bottom gum n her bmi is red raw she never has a nappy rash. Xxxx
Worst nights sleep. Don't think I had 1 full hours sleep all night. No idea what's up with the cheeky monkey
Early?! Austin's been up for almost 2 hours lol!

Work & babies will be fine ladies. Don't worry
Oscars ILL again yawn

We've gone from a king to a double at MIL so was all abit of a squeeze with the 3 of us in bed

Hubby and I were falling off the edge while poorly man as starfished in the middle! wouldn't settle in his cot come 4am bless him!

Mil was like 'morning - did you sleep well?' Could have punched her hahahaha
Lol Bex, glad no one was cheery with me this morning

We have a single bed in thomas' room which I was in last night as he woke up so often. When ever I bring him in with me he takes up so much room.

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