How are all you new mummies doing?

ii i think were done with xmas... but i might get a few more stocking fillers and maybe a stacking toy.

luke woke up screaming at 8:15 (5 mins before dr who which i think is suspicious lol) and i think he bumped his head as his head was red, so brought him down to calm hom down and hes just staring at doctor who lol
Omg I'm fuming! On this long weekend away with my father inlaw his gf and her kids and families. Chris is sitting on his ass doing not a lot. Earlier we all went for a walk,stopped at the pub for one before coming back. Last minute all the males decide to stay for a few more. None of them have 4 kids or a baby!They didn't get back for 4 hours, 30 mins before we needed to head back to the pub for dinner! So I had to come back to a strange house with all 4 kids. Then we go back to the pub for dinner and I spend most of it feeding then walking Emma up and down the dark street to get her to sleep. THEN we get back and he goes and sits on the sofa while I get Emma changed, to bed, get the older ones sorted, bottles washed etc. I've now sat down and he's asleep on the sofa! Grrrrrr!
It's a mans world toria - that all there is to it. I can't help bit internally laugh at the fright that my Chris is about to have when I go back on Monday. He's been a pampered man for 9 months!! Haha. Just make sure that it's made up to you tomorrow! x
Is your OH looking after LO when you're at work?

Toria that sounds like shit! I'd hurt them, severely.
They don't deliver - it's 10 mins away in car so that wouldn't have worked

Would have been a 20 min round trip so I just accepted defeat

And ate chocolate and Ben n jerries instead WOO hahah
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Well that makes up for it Bex! Haha

He is Monday/Tuesday this week and sometimes before work if he's back shift. Even in general he's going to have to help out more round the house and stuff. I've been telling him for weeks to read my Annabel karmel weaning book so he knows more about weaning and recipes etc, has he done it? Nooooo. He's gonna get a fright when I leave the chicken out on Monday and tell him to cook something for her mwahahaha!!
It's a Chris thing! Mine goes out to his dad's this morn on the pretence of doing something on the car. Get a phone call at 1.25 to say he's just helping his dad then he's setting off he finally gets home at 2.50! Immediately sits down watching TV. Doesn't interact much with austin & surprised when he whines (told him time & time again he wants interaction from daddy)! We got to SIL come back, he asks if I mind he has a quick go on his game. I wind up bathing austin. He takes over to dry him & dress him. I get him to sleep meanwhile he's back on ye game. He does some photo editing whilst I watch Xfactor & then I go to sterilise bottles but kitchen needs tidying. As sink is filling I'm emptying the washing machine to put clothes on the airer & he heads upstairs! Fuming! When he announces he's going to sleep I'm handing him the monitor. And if he thinks we're dtd I'll hand him a sock
I feel for you, I have moments like this but the handing him a sock comment made me crack up laughing
Oh it's a bloody Chris thing alright! I've been moaning on about him not doing enough round the house, so now he thinks that if there's washing up to do after dinner it's ok for him to wash a couple of pots, by a couple I literally mean 2!! Then leave the rest for me.. Seriously :wall2:
He washed up only his breakfast bowl this morning so I told him I'm only going to wash my pots from now on see how he likes it!

By the way so glad you found your cats Bex! Phewwww
Haha defo a Chris thing then!! Ewwww to the sock haha
Aw no Kathryn, don't know what's worse. I'm like the walking dead, had a terrible sleep myself worrying about work and then S not sleeping! :wall: Chris is working so get no help at all today even at bed time and still have loads to do. I'm seriously considering asking someone to take her for an hour or 2 today which I never do! x x
Jen if you can get someone to have S for a couple of hours I would. It is hard when you are on your own all day and you are shattered. Kev is at work until 6.30 (if he gets finished on time which is unlikely). Luckily for me I have had a good nights sleep and so has Joseph x
It's planning it around nap and food times and stuff isn't it, then you think is it worth the hassle. I'm almost talking myself out of it haha x
How sad is this - lying awake and looking through my old posts on the forum in the ttc bit and found the thread that I got my bfp on. Nat you must have gotten yours the next again month! I had forgotten what a rollercoaster month it was! Let the crazy fortnight commence!!
I really miss being pregnant now. I was thinking about it last night. I would love to feel all the movements again.

Think I should plan another trip to Italy as I got my bfp after coming back from hols. That trip was heaven
Think that's why I wanted to read back, was such an amazing time, I miss it! Oooh in that case I better go back to Vegas too where S was conceived ;-) Italy is one place I would love to go actually x x
Just realised the link didn't work, just looks like I'm randomly saying let the crazy fortnight commence haha!
It was amazing. Venice and sorrento were so beautiful I'd def go back. I loved the touristy bits of Rome but the rest was abit like any other city

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