How are all you new mummies doing?

It's so nice when you have a haircut, I feel loads better after mine yesterday. Was starting to feel like a scrag before as my hair was looking really wispy
Had mine cut :) it's bt as short as I wanted but I wasn't cure I wanted a pixie cut yet. I bought some
More eyeliner because the brand I used before I was pregnant has started to make my eyes water... This one seems ok.

It's kinda like a very short textured bob
Hi all, just catching up after a very busy day and a half. Had kids parent teacher interviews last night. Both kids are exceeding expectations, and are all round kind and well behaved kids. We were very surprised! They want to see how they are at home!lol. Had a night out with friends after that. Then had the best facial ever this morning. It included a back neck and shoulder massage too, and short head and foot massage too. I was only expecting a facial.

Now packing to go away for 4 days. Only going a few hours drive away with the inlaws, so thought it would be easy packing. I forgot all the baby stuff that needs to go too.
Hope you have a great time Toria! Packing got babies feels like it's neverending.

I nearly went to sil yesterday as hubby had a interview in Oxfordshire so stayed in northampton to make the commute there this morning quicker but then I couldn't be bothered with the mammouth packing for a few hours so stayed here.

We officially have A tummy sleeper in thomas. Put him to bed and almost immediately rolled onto his stomach then woke up so I turned him over and he's turned back again already. So I'm going with him sleeping like that as he's rolling both ways fine. It's pointless me trying anything else as I'll be up there every five seconds otherwise.
Luke seems to be a side sleeper, altimating between side and front

I'm going shopping tomorrow for some 9-12 vests fur Luke and some sleep suits and pj's as he's almost out if them also some fleas boots for winter to keep his feet warm when we go out,

I can't believe I only have the weekend and I'm back at work for the first time since December! Worse still, I'm back at my old work site and I haven't been there for 15 months and I know they'll just expect me to jump ion without telling me what has changed in16 months then moaning at me because I'm doing things wrong,
Hi all!! Busy few days!!! A lot of you have seen my Facebook but man what an emotional rollercoster!!

Got a phone call from my dad yesterday morning saying unless by brother has gone for a pooh in the cat litter tray twice overnight then the cats are in the house somewhere!!

So we went to alton towers then we went over to my dads - this is the first time i have been over and Inside all week ( I went over calling them outside )

I sat bya small gap under the bath ( it's a freestanding bath- hard to explain the gap ) that's right in the corner out of sight where the pipes go under and the little blighters after a few minutes anxiously came out!

Not sure why they haddnt come out to hubby who had been calling them within the house but so relieved it bought me to tears!!

I've been so down and not really had the time to come on and catch up with you all but hope your all ok? X
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Aww that's brill news bex little monkeys!! Bet your so relieved glad u had a good time at scare fest too! Good luck with the move! Xxx
That's great Bex! Naughty kitties, but glad they're safe and sound.

Luke woke up screaming, and I MEAN screaming thismorning so I went in and couldn't settle him, thought he might be hungry but it was only 2:45 so couldn't have been that... After 15 minutes I got him to stop screaming and then he went back at about 3:15 - non idea what it was about but i think maybe a nightmare or something.

We were going to get an wart start and be up and out by 9:30 but his lordship decided to sleep in until 8;45 so he hasn't had his porridge yet.
Thomas had his first full on spew everything in your stomach up moment today. First time he's ever done that (despite being a sicky baby) it was on daddy's watch too. The panicked voice was a classic!
In other news just had my appointment through for his 8 month developmental check (which I didn't know existed!) Sod's law it's on my next kit day so I'm going to rearrange. Have to fill out a questionnaire before I go about what he is or isn't doing. From what I've read the only thing is getting into a crawling position, other than that he's doing everything. Most of it he's been doing for a couple of months. Will be interesting to see what they say besides that
In other news just had my appointment through for his 8 month developmental check (which I didn't know existed!) Sod's law it's on my next kit day so I'm going to rearrange. Have to fill out a questionnaire before I go about what he is or isn't doing. From what I've read the only thing is getting into a crawling position, other than that he's doing everything. Most of it he's been doing for a couple of months. Will be interesting to see what they say besides that

Austin had 6-8mth one at 7 mths. They did a quick general check of him then had me do the questionnaire. Showed us where they they would expect him to be in the areas & where he is & stressed that it didn't matter as they develop at different rates anyway & this was just an average. Then she gave us a crib sheet with suggested activities to help aid his development.

Also talked about dental hygiene & gave us toothpaste & tooth brush. I found it beneficial but does rely on you being honest. She's gonna call someone next month to check if he's developed any further where he wasn't quite at the right point
All seems ok, but then I don't really have much time for hv's. I've already got a toothbrush as they gave them out at the Childrens centre when I used to go to early days baby group. He still hasn't got any teeth though!
You'd have to be very stupid to lie about these things. I know a lot of people seem to see it as a competition but quite frankly I couldn't give a flying fig whether someone else is crawling and thomas isn't. I don't do all of that!
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All seems ok, but then I don't really have much time for hv's. I've already got a toothbrush as they gave them out at the Childrens centre when I used to go to early days baby group. He still hasn't got any teeth though!
You'd have to be very stupid to lie about these things. I know a lot of people seem to see it as a competition but quite frankly I couldn't give a flying fig whether someone else is crawling and thomas isn't. I don't do all of that!

We'd been brushing Austin's teeth for a few week & he'd even got a dentist appt nook for the following day. I agree it's pointless in lying or exaggerating but you can bet there's some out there who do!
Excellent news Bex!! What a week!!

Poor wee Thomas, it's a horrible thing to see them like that.

Took S to local council swimming lessons this morning, what a load of rubbish!! There was like 2/3 year olds in the same group - what goods that? There was no organisation whatsoever and I spent half the time just playing with her. :wall: gives us an excuse to clear the Calender and do something on a Saturday morning together I suppose and her big cousin goes too x
We went shopping! I got like some pyjamas and sleep suits in 9-12 and some frozen Olaf tshirts, plus some Xmas pyjamas. I also got myself an elf Tshirt and elf hat and ears withr a bell lol also a new rucksack for work and some work tops.

We also go Luke some winter boots and mittens.

Nice day out all in all.
After a manic day moving - we decided earlier today that we would have a Chinese tonight

I havnt eaten all day - had a yoghurt for my breakfast and that's it so I've been sorting Oscar for bed while hubby went home to grab a few bits then picked up Chinese

Got back and half my order was missing - I'm well annoyed because I drill it into him to always check order - same with any take away and he didn't - so I have 4 chicken balls for my Chinese! Marvellous
I'd be ringing them to tell them to come and collect it and deliver me my order! I've done it a few times when people get things wrong.

I'm waiting on my pizza! Hubby hates that I always get a double mushroom
Pizza with no meat lol
When I was working ( and whilst pregnant) me and my ex done deliveries for a chinese takeaway! I had to stop as I had hyperemesis, But just call up and say you missing what you ordered and they'll put it on top of their delivery list!

I'm excited! Late last night I bought some toys on Amazon for hayley some are for christmas some for her birthday that are being delivered tomorrow. Only thing left to buy are some little stocking fillers and clothes 9-12 months for her to grow into.
I'm hanging my head in shame - I still haven't started for Christmas!! Gonna start looking while watching X factor I think.

Gutted Bex! I would actually have cried!! How's the packing going?

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