Bex that's bloody awfulhope they come home soon.. Fingers crossed for you x
Kaedin is your name Kerry I think I might have missed something!!!? you will probably find mediation will favour you On Hayley's birthday.. Chris hasn't had his son on Xmas eve for 7 years and the courts haven't decided where he will be this year yet. I wouldn't worry too much and mention it to your mediator.
Stanley used his size 3 teats and finished his bottle in about 5 minutesha think he preferred it though cos he was forever messing about drinking before today!
My stepdad went for his full scan today an will find out the results next week about how severe the cancer is and will go from there.
we've got baby social tomorrow and we're making ghosts from upside down foot prints! And spiders from handprints for halloween.. Should be fun! X
So I went to sainsburys to get dinner as Daniel is away tonight so thought I'd just have a microwave meal.
They have 1/2 price on toys so I've just spent £40 on stuff! Doh shouldn't have looked
Aww, poor Austin. I managed to catch Isabelle's finger on her highchair tray today. She screamed and I felt awful. We've had a pretty rubbish day all round though today
Here's hoping for a good night's sleep and a better day tomorrow.
I just know that it's non-toxic paint Kerry but you can probs just Google it and see what's safe for babies.. It's a nightmare to get out of clothes though!
Fingers crossed for your sister by the way.. X
Stanley was sat in a big tray of shaving foam too today at baby social! He was loving it.. We are at 'mess around' tomorrow so lots more messy play I can't wait!
Here's the pics of his ghost feet and spider hands!