How are all you new mummies doing?

Kerry, that gro hush thing you commented on on Facebook. My friend and her brother invented that! I got one of the Proto types :-)
TThankfully she didnt cry , but she was very fed up after waiting that length of time

Really toria! Haha that's cool. Do you use it, I had never heard of it
Just catching up ladies - hope Hayley is better and you get stairgates sorted toria!!

Stacey I'm sooo jealous you recorded your birth, I wish I had now and will defo record it next time!

I'm going back 4 full days jojo so mon,tue, thu, fri 830 til 430. Not toooo bad but I would have felt more comfortable with 3 but bank account says no!!

Having a great time in Amsterdam too but weather is horrendous. Went a bike ride round the canals and stuff and out for dinner and drinks tonight with my friend while her hubby babysits all the kids ;-)
TThankfully she didnt cry , but she was very fed up after waiting that length of time

Really toria! Haha that's cool. Do you use it, I had never heard of it

It must just be new out under that name. I got the sample one about 7 months ago, and they sold it to Jojo maman bebe just after that. Then the gro company wanted it exclusive.

It's ok, used it when Emma was little. But it's been in the cupboard since.
Some of my weeks are 4 days some are 5 - 5 day weeks are ridiculous when I'm only doing25hra and I intend on telling my boss that but I'll wait until the next Rota because here a lot of people on holiday so could be why I'm in more days.

Luke managed to break an ornament lol- glass one too (snow globe) but no harm done - I don't even know how it happened! He wasn't anywhere near it, the phone rang so I answered it and walked across the room to give it to hubby and next thing I know.

We're all cleaned up and he's watching Thomas the tank engine and giggling his head off for some reason lol
Havnt read any of this but havnt had time

I'm so devestated - very upset :(

The cats we took to my dads to stay there for the year have escaped after only a few days and done a disappearing act - I'm extreamly frustrated and very angry because they have escaped through the toilet window upstairs!!

Have been out all evening looking for them and now home with a cup Of tea crying :(
That's awful! Does he live far from where your house was? Night they have gone back there?
Oh no. I had to comment so sorry about your cats - I really hope that they are found. Thinking of you xx
10 miles away as crow flys :(

Thanks guys I'm so so gutted - they are both quite nervous cats and very shy

Just got to pray they get picked up and scanned :( breaks my hard thinking they are out there

They are mum and son and the son has never been without her and it devestates me more that they could and likely Arnt together :(
So they didn't come back :(

I hope you find them. I know I'd be heartbroken if my babies went missing.
Sorry to hear that Bex! My cat Elmo ran out the front door of my old house last year. I was devastated, crying in work then requested a half day holiday, came home early and wandered the streets for hours alone in the pouring rain looking for her. The next morning when getting ready for work I looked out the window and she was in the back garden and we managed to get her. She was fine, think she had been in someones house all night being fed! Their instincts will kick in and they'll be fine, hope they come home soon x
Bex that's bloody awful :( hope they come home soon.. Fingers crossed for you x

Kaedin is your name Kerry I think I might have missed something!!!? you will probably find mediation will favour you On Hayley's birthday.. Chris hasn't had his son on Xmas eve for 7 years and the courts haven't decided where he will be this year yet. I wouldn't worry too much and mention it to your mediator.

Stanley used his size 3 teats and finished his bottle in about 5 minutes :| ha think he preferred it though cos he was forever messing about drinking before today!
My stepdad went for his full scan today an will find out the results next week about how severe the cancer is and will go from there.

we've got baby social tomorrow and we're making ghosts from upside down foot prints! And spiders from handprints for halloween.. Should be fun! X
Oh no Bex! I take it coz you said they're shy that they won't have gone to others looking for food/fuss? Have you posted on local fb groups asking if anyone has seen them?
I'm going to swimminf with Luke tomorrow but will be ye last Thursday I go to because I'll work every Thursday... Switching to Friday or Wednesday from next week.
Aw Bex I hope they have returned. The furthest my cat has ever got was the back garden but I spent half an hour searching the house before I found her (she must have followed out close behind me when I went to put out some washing so I can only imagine how you feel. Sorry I haven't been on much everyone but Joseph has decided that he likes to pull the lid on my laptop so I can only use it when he is alseep. Hubby is on earlys and little man is still in bed x
Oh no Bex! And sign of them this morning?

Fingers crossed for your step dad today Stacey. Good hes gotten in so soon. My sister txt me last night saying she had colonoscopy yesterday. She has chrohns disease so its quite common. Anyway, they only got a little way in and it was blocked. Could be scaring, but could be bowel cancer. Hope they get her checked ASAP, such a worry.
Keeping my fingers firmly crossed for positive outcomes for all those undergoing diagnostic tests and that your cats come back quickly bex.

I wore high heels to work all day yesterday (like I normally do) and my legs are crippled now. Everytime I go up and downstairs my thighs burn
We're not allowed heels for work :( flat shows only, but flat shows hurt my feet! Give me heels any day!

Your pain is probably just because you haven't worn them in a while.

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