Shelly that's a really good story hun, my daughter measured small at my 20 week scan (they didn't do 12 week routine scans 13 years ago) but didn't think anything of it, she ended up coming 2 weeks late as I was induced, she wasn't small by the time she was born she was 7,5 but compared to my first daughter 8,9 born at term, so she was smaller
Perhaps this one is just small
My bleeding has really slowed down today
I've hardly any on my pad and only light spotting when I wipe, no pain at all
The EPU nurse said I had a large area of ECH (extra chronic hemorrhage ) which is a pocket of blood/bruise outside the Gestational sac
Could the bleeding be this?
So glad your spotting has stopped
Ellie thanks sweetie it's really nice of you to think of me
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