My experience of mc isn't so bad... Lots of cramping and you would know the day you pass most of it so don't think you've missed it, but mine have been like very heavy periods. Lots of pain killers, hot water bottle and bed and I've not been too bad. My natural mcs have been a little bit earlier though, as had d&c or whatever they call the op now for the 2 I've had around the 10 week mark. I'm so hoping this is your take home baby, but if not and you face a decision on what to do, I would recommend the op, over much faster and not painful at all. Mentally easier to cope with as well I think. Not sure if others will agree but this has been my experience and I've had 2 of these, once taking a tablet to pass it and 4 times I've naturally passed them, normally around the 6 week mark.
I'm willing this to work for you... You do hear stories all the time of ladies who bled right the way through tri 1, and went full term... But often better to keep yourself prepared for the worst until you know more...
Massive hugs to you Gail. You may not feel it at times but you've been so strong, if anyone deserves a happy outcomes it's you X X X