Not updated for a while as we've had a crazy week.
I am sure anyone who reads James' journal will know he ended up in A&E on Wednesday and was subsequently admitted for 3 nights due to a viral induced wheeze.
Talk about a shock. James was clearly poorly hence me making an emergency GP appointment but never in a million years could I have imagined how it would have all panned out.
I took James to GP in a baby-gro, I had zero cash and no nappies or milk as I thought we'd be home within half an hour!
We ended up in A&E as the GP wasn't happy with his breathing, we were spent about 7 hours in A&E and initially there was talk of us going home with an inhaler so I went into shock when they told me they had a bed for James
He just wasn't responding to the inhaler or nebuliser.
Thankfully we ended up in a nice little bay with a window bed and a lovely lady opposite who was there with her boy the whole time we were.. We've swapped number and plan to meet up in better circumstances.
Our first night James was on hourly inhalers, although they would mix it up with nebulisers here and there. Second day & night was two hourly, third day & night was 3 hourly so we've had very little sleep.
James hates his inhalers so every time he has it he'd get pretty distressed, after a while though I just kind of zoned out. Me or OH would hold him and nurse would do inhaler.
I cannot praise the nurses and staff highly enough. In particular the beautiful, silent angels that are the night nurses. I would waken to do James' inhaler with them but they'd let me sleep through any ob's they did. They were just the nicest ladies ever...
We were discharged yesterday once we got to only using the inhaler 4 hourly. We came home but I had to nip back to hospital as he needed some other medication and it took ages to be dispensed.
Last night was OK, James does not like his medication. OH holds him and I administer it. In hospital he's pretty much go to sleep immediately after any night time inhalers last night it took him 2 hours to calm down.
We are reducing the number of puffs he needs now in line with the guide for weaning him off the Salbutamol.
We'll see GP in a few days and see if the lower dosage in OK.
Sadly I have gone into complete meltdown and cannot stop crying. I think I just went onto autopilot whilst he was poorly and now we are home I am just reflecting on things a bit more. Also he hates me doing his inhalers so its quite stressful and I've had barely any sleep for nights now!
I don't know how the ladies that have to take their children in regularly cope???
All in all its been a horrible experience but definitely the nicest way to have such a horrible experience if that makes sense?