Timothy Michael Schermuly born 26.10.07


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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well, better late then never!!!

Timothy was born at 6.43am on 26th October 2007. He weighed 9lb 1/2oz after a fairly straightforward delivery.

I had my show and my contractions started at 11.30pm Thursday night, so once they were 5 mins apart, we headed for the hospital at 1.20am. At first they didn't think i was in labour as i was still talking and laughing, but when they did the internal i was 3cm!! I was 7 days overdue, so they decided to put me on the CTG to make sure baby was okay.

My waters went at 2am, and by then i was 4cm dilated. The miwife said they expected me to dilate abut 1/2cm an hour :shock: far too long if you ask me!! By 5.30am I was 8cm dilated (and was needing the entinox now), they told me that if I hadn't fully dilated by 6am then I would have to have a drip to speed up the contractions for delivery...

Needless to say, I had to have the drip in the end, but afer 5 mins of having it in, I had hit 9cm and was definitely ready to push!! 10 minutes later, the midwife took away my entinox (nasty lady!!!) after an hour of hard pushing (3 pushes to a contraction, ouch!) Timothy was finally born! :wave: The peads checked him over as there had been meconium in my waters and he was given his vitamin K.

Michael didn't get to cut the cord unfortunately, as it snapped... but as that was the only hiccup with proceedings (other than my stitches), it could have been a lot worse!!

We've put photos on our website (link in sig). He is now packing the weight on and is getting cuter by the day!! :cheer:

Awwww bless he looks kinda shocked that he made it into the world.. but the foto of 16days with all that hair.. he just looks so bright and happy... :D His expressions are priceless...

Congratulations... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Squiglet said:
Awwww bless he looks kinda shocked that he made it into the world.. but the foto of 16days with all that hair.. he just looks so bright and happy... :D His expressions are priceless...

Congratulations... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

eeep... would you believe he was born with all that hair!?!?! He is gorgeous tho (and I know i am biased!!) and he is definitely developing a personality now!!
All Tim's are beautiful. Since having my son nine years ago, yours is the first Tim I've heard of. One of our reasons for choosing the name was the fact that all the Tim's we knew were such good blokes.

Congratulations and he really 'is' beautiful. I hope Tim brings as much joy to you as my Tim has bought me!!.

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