*Forum Meet in York - 12 noon, Friday 20 June 2008* see pg1

June is looking like a good bet... when are the main dates that people *can't* do and we'll see what dates are left.. :D
cant do beggining of June as baby will Collier will be brand new or being a monkey and not made an appeance yet

but mabye do middle or end of june
as i'll be gojng up home to show off my little cute Son to my Family anyway
have to see what james says about that he may not want me to take little one away so soon :think:

any day of the week is fine
Sarah&LJ said:
friday 20th?

You can or can't ... lol

I'm thinking a Friday would be good as 3 people have said so so far, does anybody have any beef with doing it on a Friday?
i can lol sorry....well i can do any friday tbh but seen as though a couple said not the begining and ond after 23rd i though why not then lol sorry
York looks like the most favourable and I've sent a letter to their tourist info asking for info on a city centre cafe/coffee shop place etc to accept loads of mums and prams lol

leckershell (of course)
Lola's Mummy
jools221181 (try to pursuade claire! :D)


Geordie Lass

interested but not york...

Just NOT the first 2 weeeks i cant travel with brand new baby
Mind anytime in June is pushing it espeicaly if Collier is over due
i may have to bow out on this one all together

Just had a word with James he dosnt want me to come its just to soon after we both need to bond with our Son
i agree

Tough if its at the end of the Month and James is away at work i may just be able to make it
sorry :cry: :cry: i was looking forward to meeting everybody and coming up North

your going to have to put me as a wait and see :( :pray:

NORTH EAST GIRLS GET PLANNING for our meet :pray: :cheer:
im very interested but i have the world's most unpredictable child! transport is also an issue, i could train it but Ami requires an enormous amount of stuff - just in case - as well as the regular stuff that she always needs.

put me down as a maybe. id like to meet you all but gotta take each day as it comes at the mo.xx
Hi, sorry for the delay in posting again. Sorry leckershell, I didnt mean to offend or upset you. Its hard to get things over with just text.

And as others have said, well done you for organising this, plus now we get to have 2 meets, yorkshire and north east.

I am interested in coming. I can do any time really, Im due 28th June and got my mum up in middle of may Sad Brick Wall but other than that Im free.

I live nr Scotch corner so anyone want a lift from darlington or surrounding areas, through to York, Im happy to help out. (Geordie lass if you wanted to get train to darlo I could pick you up from there???) only have a ford ka at mo but if we get our new multipla I will have loadsa space!!!

Anyway. Im def intersted. Very Happy
lulu said:
Hi, sorry for the delay in posting again. Sorry leckershell, I didnt mean to offend or upset you. Its hard to get things over with just text.

And as others have said, well done you for organising this, plus now we get to have 2 meets, yorkshire and north east.

I am interested in coming. I can do any time really, Im due 28th June and got my mum up in middle of may Sad Brick Wall but other than that Im free.

I live nr Scotch corner so anyone want a lift from darlington or surrounding areas, through to York, Im happy to help out. (Geordie lass if you wanted to get train to darlo I could pick you up from there???) only have a ford ka at mo but if we get our new multipla I will have loadsa space!!!

Anyway. Im def intersted. Very Happy

DUE 28TH JUNE thats cutting it fine

Ta for the lift hun :D :hug:
are you hoping i can put my brand new labour skills into good use and help you give birth on the way down :think:

now that will be a very intresting day :rotfl:
geordie lass said:
DUE 28TH JUNE thats cutting it fine

I went to last years birmingham meet at 39 weeks ;) Took my green notes with me and everything in case my waters broke in cannon hill park :rotfl:
I'm so excited if it's going to be York, :cheer:

Friday is a bit of a problem for me just because I am back at work tomorrow and will work Mon/Fri every week but as long as it's decided which date fairly soon I should be able to book a holiday from work :pray:

I will be coming from Darlington cos it's easy just to get train directly into York Centre :cheer:

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