*^*^* Sheffield/meadowhall meet *Tue 14th Oct* *^*^*

Looks like it's going to be Sheffield/meadowhall then :cheer:

Can people from the area please suggest meeting places? :)
the oasis food court is prob the best place to meet as there is plenty of room there is baby food warming and if its nice there is an outdoor playarea just at the side
agree with the food court...think meadowhall is the best bet as its covered and shops for mummies (and me lol)

If you pick a day i will do my very very best to come...i finish work in 2 weeks then will be temping till the end of october so i should be ok :)

wooo hoooo :D
What days can people not make it?

I was thinking about having the meet in October?

I can't do the 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th though :(
I can make anyday in october apart from the 3rd october, we have our 6-8week check up with the health visitor.
I can do anyday except Wednesdays in September and then in October I can do Mondays or Tuesdays as back at work.
1st week of Oct im on holiday so wont be able to come till after 4th Oct.

Preferably not a Wednesday as I have paid up front for swim babes, but any other day and I can make it no problem.
I'll definately come to this one as I live in Sheffield.

Although it depends on the date and how old my LO is.
I'm trying to do a poll for the dates but it won't work properly :wall:

The dates are going to be

Tuesday 7th October
Saturday 11th October
Tuesday14th October
Saturday 18th October
Tuesday 21st October
Saturday 25th October
Tuesday 28th October
Anyday for me, saturday i bring harrison..... tuesday i don't!!!

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