*Forum Meet in York - 12 noon, Friday 20 June 2008* see pg1

Hope so.. :D

Either then or the friday before I was thinking but just waiting for some more people to come online and say whether they can make it or not.. there's a Travelodge Saver Room waiting for me to book! :D
A travellodge where leckershell? Is the meet definitely York? This definitely depends whether I can come or not but I think I can make Friday 20 June if train isn't too dear and it is York.

Yes York :D
Found a room at Travelodge Leeds so I'd go up to York then back to Leeds and stay over - works out ok that way...
Friday 20th sounds good to me......might book into Travelodge too :think:
ohnoes - after saying any day is fine, I am not too sure about this one. It will be my niece's 1st birthday and I may well be on my way to Guildford that day for her party on the Saturday.
I will see what is going on, because I might be able to come during the day and we travel down south at night.....
I am a maybe (but hoping to be a yes)
Date is fine but as I said earlier I can only come from 2pm weekdays so if you're all going to be meeting much earlier I'll have to pass.
That date is fine for me I'm not too far away at all!!
all fine here chick...ill check out the trains from leeds to york for us too...
Yep thats fine for me i'll pencil it in my dairy, just need to know times and places now.
I will have a look at work tomorrow to see if I can take the day off :pray: :pray:
I prob cant do that date as its my partners birthday. I am also due on the 28th!!! :shock:
20th June sounds good for us, will probably come down on the train from Darlington. :cheer: :cheer:
Keano of course it is more the merrier :cheer:

Babyroo if you want to meet in Darlington train station and get train together once times arranged etc just pm me :hug:
lulu said:
I prob cant do that date as its my partners birthday. I am also due on the 28th!!! :shock:

That's a shame, it prob would have done you the world of good at the mo, :hug: :hug: :hug:
Emmylou said:
Friday 20th sounds good to me......might book into Travelodge too :think:

Emmy if I knew where I was going to be (house wise) on that day you could of come and stayed with me but won't know if will be at mums or only have a 2 bed place or what....boooo

The date and place seems ok to me subject to a shift change or OT offered and its only about 45 mins from me so I won't need to stay over.

Emmy are you going for a travel lodge in leeds to or York?

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