First icsi

Have you tried half decaff coffee and half hot chocolate as a decaff mocha?
I heard that raspberry leaf tea relaxes the uterus so is good for period pain and for stimulating a late birth so might not be great for implantation and early pregnancy.
I haven't tried that but might give it a go, thanks for the tip :)

It isn't raspberry leaf tea, just strawberry and raspberry, I don't know if its considered raspberry leaf? We can't have anything can we? xx
Sorry girls phone has been playing up !
That version of a decaff mocha sounds yum !
I thought it was only once we got pregnant lol x hey if it works I'm up for anything :) xx
Yeah the fruit of the raspberry is probably ok. I think you only have to avoid these things if there's a chance you're pregnant. I wasn't told to avoid Caffeine after embryo transfer but cut down to one normal cup of tea per day and the rest decaff. Charlie on the IVF thread posted the info she got from her clinic for me and I was doing most of it anyway, e.g. no alcohol after transfer. I didn't realise about soft cheeses though, thought that was when you are actually pregnant and I had some brie at the weekend. Sure it will be fine!
I am sure the cheese will be fine, my acupuncturist told me to cut out all caffeine straight away :( I find the decaff tea fine but I miss iced coffee and mochas so bad. Will try your suggestion though, although my acupuncturist said coffee is still a no-no as its very toxic, even if its decaff!! Too many rules xx
I was suprised about the cheese I'm sure it will be fine, in my book it said goats cheese was the big one to avoid ? I will try and post a pic x
I'm finding decaff tea no probs and I don't really drink fizzy drinks, but at work when it's busy I miss a coffee and our boss brought us a tassimo for the office, hmmm wonder if tassimo do decaff pods? X x
Is it the artificial sweeteners in fizzy drinks that are bad?
Hi! I'm starting my first ICSI this month as well. I'm doing long protocol as well so will be starting injections of buserelin on Friday - it seems surreal to be in this position but like you I am trying to focus on the positives of finally having a plan of action! Trying not to think of the needles though as I'm terrible and have nearly fainted when having blood taken before. Just going to shut my eyes and hope for the best lol! Good luck for your cycle xx
Ah wow good luck Hon, I won't be too far behind you, it is very surreal isn't it, when you start ttc you don't ever imagine this process but your right, it's great to have a plan and be positive ! They go through the first one with you don't they, is your OH going to help you inject? I wonder if the thought is worse than actually doing it ? I'm hoping so anyway lol I know there is some tips like putting ice on the area first or there's a numbing cream that you can buy too? Wishing you lots of luck with it all x x x
I was most worried about the injections, I remember doing my first one and literally laughing after it because I worked myself up for nothing! I didn't even feel it! They can get a bit stingy down the line but honestly don't worry, you will be fine :) wishing you both lots of luck xx
Ah thanks Charlie, did you stick to belly or rotate belly and thigh? X
Do you know what the aspartame does? I tried to cut right down on fizzy drinks in the last few weeks but wasn't quite sure what's bad about the artificial sweeteners, I suppose they are chemicals so don't do you any good.
I have no idea. I still have the occasional fizzy drink, I love a diet coke. I drink caffeine free coke now instead but I am sure the other stuff in there is no good. If I followed all the rules I would be drinking only water and eating just fruit and veg xx
Ah wow good luck Hon, I won't be too far behind you, it is very surreal isn't it, when you start ttc you don't ever imagine this process but your right, it's great to have a plan and be positive ! They go through the first one with you don't they, is your OH going to help you inject? I wonder if the thought is worse than actually doing it ? I'm hoping so anyway lol I know there is some tips like putting ice on the area first or there's a numbing cream that you can buy too? Wishing you lots of luck with it all x x x

Are you having your ICSI on the NHS? I am and the way it works here is that you get invited to a teach clinic with other couples and a nurse talks you through preparing the injections and how to do them. There are 3 different types and you don't get to practice actually injecting - I was expecting a full practice and to come away with step by step instructions but not a bit of it - if I hadn't made my own notes i'd be clueless now. Def take a pen with you to take notes! If you're private it'll probably be better than that.

My oh is going to do the injections as I don't think I could physically do it - I'm a bit of a control freak though so that's going to be interesting lol. I just keep thinking if everyone else can do it so can I so deep breaths hun I'm sure you'll be fine! Another couple at our teach used ice cubes to numb the area first but I don't want to introduce any other complication unless I can't stand it so I'll leave that for now. When is your first injection? xxx
We are having ours private and our nurse will do the first one with me apparently.
That's odd isn't it. It's a big thing to shar in a group shame you didn't have a great experience

I am a nurse and I give injections to my patients every week but doing it myself does freak me out lol
you could practice if you weren't top confident with water and an orange ?
That's great that oh is going to do it for you, defo deep breaths and speed get it over nice and quick lol
My first injection is hopefully around 27th ish depending on af arriving x

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