I havent been on here for a while but I need some cheering up!
On Monday I had some eggs collected to then do ICSI treatment. They only managed to get 3 eggs which wasnt great as i did have 7 folicules, but i do have one ovary so 3 is better than nothing. My FSH is 11 which again isnt great.
Anyway, we after the egg collection we then had to wait till the next day to find out how many fertilized-we were hoping for at least 2.
I got the fone call on Tuesday saying that sadly none of my 3 eggs had fertilized with my partners sperm. The wouldnt tell me why and I have to wait till Friday for our follow up app.
We are both totally devestated that it didnt work-we didnt even get any embryos which sucks even more. This has been a long process for us with a lot of bad luck and i was just hoping that maybe it was our time for some good luck...obvioulsy not yet!
I have been reading on the internet and while its rare for no fertilization to take place is does happen. Has this happened to anyone?? And if it has, did they say why-sperm quality, egg quality??? I also would like to know-if it was just bad luck and there is nothing wrong with my egg or partenrs sperm...when can we try again??
Thank you in advance for your replys.
Friday seems like soo far away!
I havent been on here for a while but I need some cheering up!
On Monday I had some eggs collected to then do ICSI treatment. They only managed to get 3 eggs which wasnt great as i did have 7 folicules, but i do have one ovary so 3 is better than nothing. My FSH is 11 which again isnt great.
Anyway, we after the egg collection we then had to wait till the next day to find out how many fertilized-we were hoping for at least 2.
I got the fone call on Tuesday saying that sadly none of my 3 eggs had fertilized with my partners sperm. The wouldnt tell me why and I have to wait till Friday for our follow up app.
We are both totally devestated that it didnt work-we didnt even get any embryos which sucks even more. This has been a long process for us with a lot of bad luck and i was just hoping that maybe it was our time for some good luck...obvioulsy not yet!
I have been reading on the internet and while its rare for no fertilization to take place is does happen. Has this happened to anyone?? And if it has, did they say why-sperm quality, egg quality??? I also would like to know-if it was just bad luck and there is nothing wrong with my egg or partenrs sperm...when can we try again??
Thank you in advance for your replys.
Friday seems like soo far away!