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ICSI treatment


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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I havent been on here for a while but I need some cheering up!

On Monday I had some eggs collected to then do ICSI treatment. They only managed to get 3 eggs which wasnt great as i did have 7 folicules, but i do have one ovary so 3 is better than nothing. My FSH is 11 which again isnt great.

Anyway, we after the egg collection we then had to wait till the next day to find out how many fertilized-we were hoping for at least 2.

I got the fone call on Tuesday saying that sadly none of my 3 eggs had fertilized with my partners sperm. The wouldnt tell me why and I have to wait till Friday for our follow up app.

We are both totally devestated that it didnt work-we didnt even get any embryos which sucks even more. This has been a long process for us with a lot of bad luck and i was just hoping that maybe it was our time for some good luck...obvioulsy not yet!

I have been reading on the internet and while its rare for no fertilization to take place is does happen. Has this happened to anyone?? And if it has, did they say why-sperm quality, egg quality??? I also would like to know-if it was just bad luck and there is nothing wrong with my egg or partenrs sperm...when can we try again??

Thank you in advance for your replys.

Friday seems like soo far away!

Hiya Hayley :)

I'm really sorry to hear about your recent failed cycle :(

It could just be a fluke situation because there was only a few eggs, if you had 20 eggs that all failed to fertilise then that would be more suggestive - so fingers crossed that you did just get unlucky.

If there is an underlying problem, then in this situation it tends to related to egg quality.

You don't say what kind of tests your hubby has had on his sperm though so if he hasn't really been investgated because he had a good result, then possibly it might still be a genetic issue on his part.

I'm under the impression that at some clinics they make you wait 3 cycles before trying again but other seems to let you try right away. If you need further diagnostics then it might be several months away...

I don't suppose all of that would have cheered you up much, so hopefully your consultant will have a more positive opinion based on actually knowing your situation better than i do :)
Hi Hayley

I am so sorry your ICSI cycle failed. Having been through the long, long procedure myself i know how much you must have been disappointed to learn no fertilisation occured.

I received ICSI and IVF. When i got the call from the hospital the following day i was so surprised to hear that my 8 eggs that were put forward for IVF failed to fertilise. I was told it was either the sperm that has a substance missing from the head of the sperm or my eggs have a hard membrane too tough to penetrate. With expensive tests we may know more but we cannot afford this.

My other 8 eggs were put forward for ICSI and only two were grade 1. So they inserted two. I don't know why the others failed to fertilise they did not say but it just happens.

So far one or two of those embies worked and i'm currently pregnant but taking one day at a time.

Don't give up hun look forward to the next step and i wish you all the luck in the world on your TTCing journey xx
hi hayley! I'm so sorry to hear that it didn't work out! I don't have any experience on the topic, but didn't want to read and run!

Hope your turn will come soon! You deserve it!!!


Thanks to those who did reply.

We will find out tomorrow why exactly it didn't work and will then take it from there. I just hope I get the fluke answer not anything else.

It just shows that you can get pregnant from just a few embryos but we need that first!

Hope it all goes ok tomorrow for you hunny xx
No advice but just wanted to day good luck for tomorrow. :-D XXXX
So sorry to hear your news :-(
I only had 2 eggs retrieved on my first cycle, so the second cycle I had much stronger dose of stims and got 5 eggs. Sadly I've just got a BFN, but the doctors will review your meds based on your response this time, so hopefully your changes of getting better results will go up if you try for IVF/ICSI again.
Keeping everything crossed for you that you're able to try again soon xxx
Oh bead I'm really sorry it didn't work for you this time. I had lunch with a friend of mine today she is preggers with twins on her 3rd Ivf cycle and she just announced it's twins.

Don't give up hun but I know how gutted u must feel right now xx

Take care sweetie xx
Oh bead I'm really sorry it didn't work for you this time. I had lunch with a friend of mine today she is preggers with twins on her 3rd Ivf cycle and she just announced it's twins.

That's what I need to hear :-) Right, will be booking in for round 3 on Monday morning! <apologises in advance to the bank manager...> :whistle:

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