February testing thread

Got everything crossed for you Scotchegg xxx
temperature drop this morning and every sign possible AF's on her way
OK ladies I have updated the :bfp: - please let me know if I have put them on the wrong place!! Head weeny bit fluffy at the mo!


And HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMSGIRL for yesterday :yay:

WOW thats 5 BFP's and we are only 11 days in! thats great ladies
Hi Sunny

Can you put me down for testing on the 27th please?


awww so pleased for you guys!!! hope theres some :stork: magic left for us!!
heres wishing
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All done tinselcat me darlin :dust:

Lol mrs wigglez! How are u hun? How many dpo?

A question; I think I might have ovulated earlier this month than I first thought (cd9/10). Will af come 14 days after ov always? Or is it possible to have a long lutheal phase (longer than 14 days)?

Im not sure but my opks are strange this month. Will see if I can post some pictures one day and maybe you can help me out?
I think normally the LP stays the same or up to 16 days, sure i read that somewhere. so maybe you are having a shorter cycle this month esperanza? how long are they normaly?

Gte some picys up so we can have a peak ;)
generallly speaking the first phase of your cycle can be variable, but the second phase will always be the same length - so yes, AF due 14 days after ov (if that's when she normally comes)
can you put me down for another fail. Witch is fully here. Oh well.
Sorry to see the witch got you Scotchegg, hope you're ok xx Roll on next cycle xx
Any news from our 4 testers today? Fingers and toes crossed it bfp's all round :fx:

Happy Birthday to Jenny, hope you have a lovely day x x


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