February testing thread

ScotchEgg I have moved you to tomorrow - you're looking good for a bfp hun! :dust: What tests are you using? xxxxxxx

using these ones off amazon - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultra-Early...1MU4/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1297204885&sr=8-3 - I spent about £20 on tests last month and really can't afford to do that again!!!

I realise they may not show as quickly, but if it's not positive don't want to have spent a fortune on them!

I'll keep testing every day until the witch or the BFP...

And CONGRATULATIONS excited - have a wonderful pregnancy!
BFN again this morning - not sure if temps are staying high or dropping, need another day to tell...losing faith...
Keep positive hun, what's your longest ever cycle & what CD are you now?

longest EVER cycle was 127 days!!! but that was 18 months ago. Longest recent cycle was 35 days in June/July although they've been dropping ever since and settled at around 29 days. currently on day 33.

Predicted dates for AF were Tues-Friday this week so I'm not even at the end of that bracket yet. I think I ovulated quite late for me - on day 20. I think that's why I'm struggling - I don't consider myself to be properly late yet!

Had a bad night worrying about something pants at work - think it's the lack of sleep that's making me feel like cold dry dog poo waiting for someone to stand in it!
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Omg 127 WOW that's long, how on earth did you cope with that?!?!?

Well it's Wed my lovely so nearly there & the 35 day cycle was a while ago so I'm positive in it being something other then the witch plus OV on CD20 so 14DPO tomorrow then??

Sorry to hear work is worrying you, hope it's not anything bad hun


i feel much better after this little chat :)

with the long cycles - took me 2 years to adjust to coming off the pill - that was my longest, shortest in that 2 years was 66 I think. Luckily I came off long before we started TTC. I really see that as a blessing. Was strange - no sign they were settling then suddenly started ranging between 28 & 35 days from the start of 2010. The cycle before that was 78 days and that was short!

14DPO is tomorrow...that makes me clear after Friday as I don't count CD1 as the last day of previous cycle (got myself in a fizz because I made that mistake last month and turns out I wasn't actually a day late, I was counting the days wrong!)

Right, let's get this mess sorted out - back at lunch...
Huge congratulations Excited. Fx for a very very sticky bean hun. Wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy xxx
scotchegg - fingers are crossed for you my lovely! no AF is still a good sign dont lose faith!!

congratulations Excited!!
Hi Sunny
Could you put me down for the 24th please? My surge has come 4 days early
:yay: i get a feb testing date :yay: x x

Hi Sunny
Could you put me down for the 24th please? My surge has come 4 days early
:yay: i get a feb testing date :yay: x x

All done for you honey and here is some :dust:
:yay: for early surge!! That's yer running that is and being all chillaxed ;)
I am missing you girls so much - just wanted to let you know. xxxxxx
Much :love: and hoping you'll get your :bfp: very soon xxxx
Could you change me to the 21st please, fertilty friend is telling me I ovulated CD10 rather than the usual CD12 :(
I am missing you girls so much - just wanted to let you know. xxxxxx
Much :love: and hoping you'll get your :bfp: very soon xxxx

We miss you too hunny, hopefully we will all be over there with you soon :fx: Thanks for updating the thread, ive made up a new name for you in my journal, i think you will like it :) x x

I am missing you girls so much - just wanted to let you know. xxxxxx
Much :love: and hoping you'll get your :bfp: very soon xxxx

We miss you too hunny, hopefully we will all be over there with you soon :fx: Thanks for updating the thread, ive made up a new name for you in my journal, i think you will like it :) x x

I love love love the name!! I went awwwwwww for ages :)
You'll all be over in Tri 1 before you know it. Good things are coming xxxxxx

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