To be fair to easy@home, they continue to pick a line up when the One Step can't - for sensitivity reasons I highly rate them.
I would totally discard the positives I've had with them if I hadn't got positives on CB and eventually, One Step.
@Maza1993, that's super positive. Yay for O and yay for two week wait!
@flowerbomb, I always use Fertility Friend, it's way more accurate but it won't read the tests. All you need to do is to read the test and decide whether the T line is darker or as dark as the C line. Good luck!
AFM, I have a blood test next week. Thankfully the GP was more sympathetic than the EPU. Based on my tests (and the fact I've been through this before), I think it's another missed miscarriage. My HCG levels are hovering around 10, which is why tests are not getting darker. He's also running a progesterone check.
Still no blood, or even spotting. I'm now 2 days late. I can't believe this is happening all over again - I am so done.