February 2016 Mamas!!

Nooooooo!! That's not what I wanted to hear! Did she still look like a newborn!?
Haha, sorry! Yeah she still looked like a brand new tiny baby, very cute. I really wouldn't worry, especially if the midwife has said the baby doesn't feel particularly big. She must be feeling babies all the time so must know the difference!
Glad it's all good though, bigger baby must be better than too small (for the baby, not you!) - must be healthy I guess.

I just had leaky booby (just my right one) - I feel happy about this :)
Haha congratulations Molly!! That's it now... Better get some breast pads! And don't go near any newborns as that will set it off!!
Helps soften everything up, also helps get your milk. I just don't wanna start it too early and induce anything
Ooh, I did not know that Elle. Good to know! (The tea, not leaky boob) x
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I wouldn't worry Elle, I drank it religiously last time & went two weeks overdue haha! I quite liked the taste of it though so will probably still drink it again :D
I was just about to watch One Born Every Minute, and suddenly decided that that would be a very bad idea.
Haha yes steer clear of that one!!!

Can you feel when babies engaged? Midwife told me Monday that she's very low and almost there. Been feeling her like pushing really low today. Has she made it!?
Haha yes steer clear of that one!!!

Can you feel when babies engaged? Midwife told me Monday that she's very low and almost there. Been feeling her like pushing really low today. Has she made it!?

I didn't feel it last time, babies head down already this time and it does feel more uncomfortable already although I don't think she's engaged yet

So how were everyone's Christmases?
I really struggled! I was so uncomfortable and had alsorts of funny pains going on. I'm sure it was baby getting more engaged, today however it feels like she's popped back up!
Hi ladies! I've been away on holiday without my laptop and couldn't remember my password but happy Christmas anyway- hope you've had lovely times :-) I'm still in Christmas mode- seeing lots of my family tomorrow and gutted I can't have my usual glass of baileys with dad- aargh I miss that stuff! Not long to go now anyway- can't believe I'm 31 weeks- it's flying by. Hope you're all really well- I'm just feeling sooo huge now and am fed up of constant trips to the bathroom! But I loved my holiday- so lovely to get a few peaceful days of just me and my husband. Hope you're all fine and that you're not being pummelled too hard by your little bundles of joy :-)
Ruby xxx
Elle I hope you're ok- sounds painful. Can't remember if you're a few weeks ahead or around the same as me. Sometimes I get the most crippling pains and have to sit down- it especially hurts in my sides. I just assume it's growing pains and hope that's all yours are too but hope you're feeling a bit better now. Rest as much as poss- it's getting so tiring now!
Hi Ruby,

I am 35 weeks so a bit ahead of you. Sounds like you had and are still having a good Xmas :) I have been a bit if a Scrooge!! Really not sure why I'm so uncomfy, I'm sure it's baby getting into position. I put another post up with a pic of my bump. It is soooo low!! I reckon I can only drive for another week or so! X
Ooooh you're so nearly there- that's so exciting!!! Sorry you're so uncomfortable though- that's rubbish :-( take it easy! Xx
Hi ladies! Havent been here for a while. Just wanted to drop an update�� 34 weeks now, looking after very active toddler, he is 2.5 years old, and was diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks. On insulin injections 3 times daily, its quite frustrating, the whole thing. Diabetes have always been considered as "fat" people disease, you have to be on diet and so on. But it is such a misconception!! In fact my after meal numbers were controlled very well at the beginning, but not the fasting sugar levels. And sometimes no matter what you eat, no matter how healthy your lfestyle is or has been, sugar goes up! Aaah! I dont understand GD, and not happy that i got it. So, yeah, this past has been frustrating!

On a positive note, I have everything ready for the new baby girl, last thing we bought was snuzpod - crib what can be attached to bed for easy breastfeeding or cuddles at night. I will have to have a csection early, at 37 - 39 weeks, even though she is not larger for her gestational age. Not happy about csection part, as i was hoping for vbac, I m silently hoping she will arrive naturally a day before section date���� Anyway, more likely my bundle of joy to be a january baby. Any advise on how to trick the system and avoid csection?

Otherwise no complains, sometimes dont sleep very well, sometimes I get tired, not too many pains, just nice strong kick kick kick kick kicks. Seriously, felt like she was practising running in there.

Hope you all have been ok, it is getting very close. Xx
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Hi Inga! Have they brought your due date forward?? As I thought you were the same as me, 10th Feb? Sorry to hear you're having to have a C Section, will hope she arrives earlier! Also sorry to hear about the GD.
I have started to realise I can't rush about doing a million things at once anymore, starting to get very tired and have just come down with a horrible cough and cold, so feeling sorry for myself today! I've been getting rib pain, and a bit of heartburn, which is a killer! Gaviscon is my new best friend :) Also wonder if the baby is engaged as get all sorts of funny pains and feelings down below. Seeing midwife tomorrow for my 34 week check so will ask xx

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