February 2016 Mamas!!

Oh, no, I am 34 weeks. That was a mistake. Yes, my due date is 10 feb.

Also, about delivery early, they told me will induce me, if I really want to, but wont do full induction with hormones or antibiotics, just breaking waters part... So a bit unhappy about whole medical system here, in this country ( not UK).
Hi lnga sorry u struggling with your gd and not happy about csecteon dession... I also have gd but mine is still dite controlled... I'm 32 weeks but just wondered when they told u what they was going to do in terms of induction or csecteon... I'm still waiting on what will happen and every time I ask I get the run around by both my community medwife and gd medwife... I'm a ftm and getting really stressed not knowing
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Morning! I am feeling a bit funny today. Well, it started a couple days ago, my feet were very itchy, and ladyparts... Its probably not connected. Feet not that itchy, but for last 3 nights all bits down there are swollen, red, itchy and get a feeling i must be dilated. I do not think its yeast infection as its all kinda dry, with no lumpy bits, wet, but dry hot itchy. My little munchkin has been very low since like 20 weeks, every time i sit on my knees i feel she comes very low, almost coming. But now just walking seems to bring the baby lower and between my legs, which is uncomfortable, so Im sitting down with legs closed.lol. Thinking to call doctor later when my hubby wakes up. I know its early, almost 35 weeks, but GD babies tend to come early (she is good size, not big at all), I am still feeling funny, with dome reminders of what it is like when period is coming. No contractions, just few tightenings. What do you think? Could this be it?
Hi February mummies! Where is everyone gone??! All must be recovering from new years parties!;-)
Quick update here, I have been in a hospital overnight as had contractions - threatened preterm labour, they managed to stop contractions for a while anyway. I thought I' ll go home, and when a real thing will start, than will go back. Feeling very tired as I couldnt sleep at all and had very painful Steroid injections to mature babies lungs if she cones early. So, all good now;-) But I'm not fully convinced, I think she wants to arrive early.

No opennings, not dilated, no infections either, just some mild yeast infection.
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Hey Inga :-) so glad you are home safely and that everything's ok- sounds a bit scary but you did the right thing going to hospital. I hope she stays out for a few more weeks but good luck if you do go into labour!

How's everyone else? I've been busy trying to catch up with everyone while I still have time so have been all over the country visiting family etc. Back to work for a bit now although wish I didn't have to- I suddenly feel massive and am so tired!
Oh wow Inga you poor thing, did they say why they think she is trying to come early?? Have you been put on bed rest or anything?

Ruby I feel the same, back at work and shattered! I walk a lot every day and am feeling a lot of pressure down below, so have bought a support belt which helps a tiny bit. NCT starts tonight!

Ooh NCT- have fun! I haven't found a class convenient but I really wanted to do it! Hope you had fun!
Hi everyone, how's it all going? I've got my first (and last) nhs class on Saturday for a couple of hours for women who want to birth naturally after a c-sec- hubby can't make it due to childcare so I'm going on my tod but should be good, and then i start nct classes the following week.

I seem to be sleeping ok, only having to get up once in the night for a loo trip and feeling quite organised so all good :)
Hey all!

I haven't started any NHS classes or NCT ones, not until Jan 1st.

All good here, 33 weeks now and still just a little bump. Braxton hicks really kicking in but I weirdly enjoy it.
Had some major problems with mould in our house which is quite concerning so I've been quite preoccupied with that. Wouldn't want a newborn in a mouldy house!

How was your antenatal class Lucky?
Hi ladies :-) everyone seems happy and healthy- getting exciting now as our time draws near! I haven't had any Braxton hicks (I don't think)- hope that's ok.... Just lots of discomfort when baby decides to lie sideways!!!
Hi all
We also have a problem with mould in our house Molly!!! So annoying isn't it, hoping to get it sorted asap. NCT was good, still got a few more classes to go but have learnt quite a few things so far and all the other couples seem lovely so hopefully will get a good support network, as I know no-one in our area!
I've been getting some Braxton hicks, but also really bad pressure pain when I walk. Seeing midwife Weds so will ask her about it as it feels like the baby is about to fall out!
Hey everyone quick question, for all the feb Mummys... Just wondered when everyone is going to start washing all baby clothes, iv got another 6 weeks left to my due date but iv got gd so medwife keeps saying that they could induce me early or he could come early on his own and just don't want to leave it to last min.
Hi everyone, how are you all doing? My contractions and pressure and a feeling that baby is trying to come is gone, dont know if I should be happy about that, but seems like it is up to her when she wants to be born. Little tease!!

Good news I might get a sweep in a weeks time , I'll be 37 weeks, as baby seems to be on a larger side and I have GD insulin controlled. If that doesnt start things off, booked in for induction at 38 weeks. Yeay! Cuddles from my princess very soon! Starting to feel quite uncomfortable, and my 2 yr old is missing out on fun as I cant run after him.

Dmjh, I washed baby clothes soon before 30 weeks, I know someone whos baby crib was set up before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Up to you, will you have lots of energy and time before your due date?
Do you mean washing baby clothes because they are second hand? I have a load of them that need to be washed, they have been sitting in a bag and I don't even know who owned them before me! I haven't really thought about it to be honest, suppose I better do that.

I still don't have baby's room ready. We are AirBnb-ing our spare room at the moment to get as much extra cash as possible before s/he arrives! I think we'll put the cot in our bedroom at first though.

That's exciting Inga - still feels like ages away for me, I'm not even 34 weeks yet.

Glad to hear you're all well x
Hello all! Finally on mat leave so have a bit more time. I have been washing stuff this week, buggy good to go, Moses basket sorted. Now to pack mine and baby's bag! It's been nearly 4 years - I can barely remember what I need to put in!! Lol

The bad news here is that baby has been confirmed breech and I had a failed ecv (manual turn) last week. It's an awkward monkey if nothing else! They have agreed to me trying a breech natural birth though, so hoping to avoid a section if poss. The operation doesn't bother me, it's more the implications for afterwards that would be tough!

Wonder when our first Feb baby will be here - have any Feb mamas popped yet?! X
Hi all, I've spent the last 2 days washing all the baby clothes. Its something to do with the chemicals they use in the factories, can be harsh on a baby's skin, so they need washing first. I haven't bothered washing the pram suit or cardigans though, as figure they will have a baby grow on underneath.
Mine and baby's bags are packed, pushchair is half assembled, cot is done, but we still need to do the Next to Me cot. Can't believe how close we are all getting. Saw midwife today and baby is 1/5th engaged.

Thanks inga im still working full time but iv got 3 weeks of work before due date but think I'll start this week, not sure how I'll feel towards end and iv got loads to wash lol

Hey Mollythemama Iv got some second hand clothes from my sister but washing everything even all new stuff we bought lv.
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Ah I didn't know about that. I think I will just wash everything then, new stuff included. Thanks!

And yes, we've had a February baby ahead. Elle had a beautiful little girl she posted elsewhere on the forum :)
I didn't know about the baby clothes washing thing- makes sense though. I will start thinking about that in a couple of weeks. Haven't packed my hospital bag yet so I guess I should do that too.

Has anyone heard that thing about dates? Apparently if you eat 6 a day in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy you have a shorter labour. Shame I don't like them but wondering if I should force them down anyway!!!!

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