February 2016 Mamas!!

Glad everything went good molly don't know why they try to scare people what's the point.
Well I'm officially on maternity leave!!! I'm so ready for it! It has nt sunk in yet I don't think does nt seem real! Lol I'm sure it will soon lol x
Ah congrats Suzanne. It's an amazing feeling. Although I was overly emotional about starting it the day after. It's a strange time, I felt I was almost in limbo. It's good Christmas is soon as a distraction
Steady now Molly!! Don't over do it lol. I'm on the fizzy water wooohooooo
How's everyone today? Thought I'd cracked sleeping the other night but last night was dreadful again!

I've also caved in a booked some Anti-natal classes, wasn't going to do it as my lb is only 22 months but thought I'd do it for the social side hopefully!
When do you start your ante-natal classes Pumpkin? Mine don't start until mid-Jan and I'm due 10th Feb! So hopefully will get to complete them ok.... One of the classes is a full day, so I need to ask work if I can take it without using my annual leave - wish me luck!!

My midwife told me the other day she thinks I'm having a boy based on the heart rate! Has anyone heard this before? She said she's right 90% of the time!

Hi lucky, I have heard that about heart rate before. I think it's a girl of the heart rate is above 160bpm. Google it tho as I have baby brain!! My girl certainly fits the theory.
I'm im the same boat with anti natal classes. They only offer 2 2hour sessions and they are 3 days before I'm due!!

Had midwife today, she thinks baby is almost engaged. Anyone else experienced pain associated with baby getting engaged?
My first antenatal class is 30th Jan and I'm due 27th Feb. I'm doing it for social reasons too, Pumpkin! Feel like it might be a bit of a cringe though.

Why not sleeping well? Because of bump or overactive mind/anxiety?

Never heard of that LuckyB! But it'll be interesting to find out if she was right. We're team yellow as well, and were joking earlier about all the old wives tales like hairy tummy means heightened testosterone = boy etc.
I went through it... I know I'm having a girl and tbh I only fitted 1-2 of them!! The heartbeat theory being one x
Mine classes start mid Jan and end mid Feb so just before due date, there's also a catchup after all the babies are born.

Really hoping to meet some nice people, my last pregnancy I didn't do classes, met a lot of people but they'd all been to groups together so it was really hard to break into that circle

Think I'm sleeping badly because I'm getting bigger and uncomfortable, other night though I had to go to the loo twice and then couldn't shut my brain off from thinking about nothing!
Yeah I know Pumpkin same here, its the main reason I'm doing it!

Haha thanks for the link Elle, very good. I got some girl results and some boy, so again who knows!

I went to hospital this morning to get monitored as I had some bleeding when I got up and I hadn't felt the baby move so was really stressing out. All was absolutely fine thank god!! They were so lovely in there too, really thorough and kept me on a monitor for over an hour. I've been told to take it easy as much as poss and we're not allowed to have s*x until after the baby's born! I've been getting a lot of tightening across my stomach over the last couple of days, which they think is Braxton Hicks, but they said - if you get a gush of fluid, go straight to hospital!

Woah glad you're okay LuckyB!
That must have been scary, so nice that they were lovely to you as well!
Lucky I went through similar last night! I spent 4 hours in the maternity unit after having a show and tightening. I've had the tightenings all throughout the pregnancy and they think I have irritable uterus.

Had a growth scan today and I've been told at 34 baby estimated weight is 6.5lbs. I'm really nervous now and upset as they don't think I can go to the nice birthing suite and will have to go on the ward :(. I really do not want a c section and they aren't considering inducing me
Oh wow Elle! How reliable are those estimated weights though? Try not to worry as they could be wrong?
The consultant said the weights can be off as they take measurements only from head circumference, tummy and thigh bone. So everyone is different. I feel so guilty for feeling like I do about it. Of course I'm happy she is healthy but I'm so worried.
Ahhh of course, it's totally natural to be worried. The midwife said to me at my last appointment that my baby was nice and big and I was like - oh great! (eeek!) The thing is, it is what it is and there is nothing we can do about it, so it's easier said than done but not much point in worrying. However it happens it's going to hurt, but the end result will be so worth it :) x
I know you're right lucky. See my midwife has told me she doesn't feel a particularly big baby in there. I know the measurements can be wrong and I've given people the advice I should be listening to!!

What if she doesn't fit into any of the clothes we brought!? Or even her Moses basket! Lol
Haha, that happened to my friend, her baby was 10lb something so ended up having a c section. None of the baby clothes they had bought fit, and she spent about 3 weeks in her moses basket before she was too long for it!

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