Dysco and her chick


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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So as I have a sleeping 10day old boy on my chest this is probably a good time to start my journal. I'll do a birth story soon I hope, but in brief Ollie was born on 20/12/2012 at 00.25. I was induced and he ended up being term+15. It wasn't the birth (induction, epidural, ventouse) I'd hoped for but feel ok about that, as he is here safe and sound. He is gorgeous and we are both totally in love with him.

He weighed 7lb4 at birth and the first 24h I struggled with breast feeding, but we got the hang of hand expressing colostrum, DH would feed from a syringe whilst I expressed. I got bf started on my second night but then struggled when I got home. He suddenly started feeding that evening and has never looked back! He was 7lb1.5 at his 72h weigh in and 3 days later was 7lb8!!!!! He'll be a chunk before I know it, although it mostly seems to be going to increasing in length atm. The hv comes Monday so we'll what his measurements are then!

The main issues we have right now are sleeping. Mornings are fab, awake time, good sleep but then in the afternoons he's harder to settle. Evenings he's fussy, cluster feeding and will only sleep on someone chest. Today we started a bedtime routine, just bath and bed but staying upstairs rather than up and down as we have been. He's never slept we'll in his Moses basket, preferring the cot on the pram so again trying to avoid that and only use the Moses basket unless we are out. It wil take a few days to know if we are making progress! We've gad a series of visitors staying, who have been great and meant more sleep for us but I think has also overstimulated him a bit and he fights sleep. Guests leave tomorrow and we gave another week of DH on paternity leave to try and get something workable figured out.

Well that's loads from me for now. Apart from to say that there are so many things about having Ollie that have already changed my life, including making me even more in love with my husband (which i didnt think possible) who has been fantastic so far, doing so much for both of us.
He's gorgeous dysco. Congratulations :)
Will be following this xxxxx
Darling - he is so lush!!! Cant wait for Grace to meet him!!!! We shall/must deffo catch up in the new year! xxxx
just found my way here!! He is adorable!!!

amelie went through various phases, first she would sleep only rocked, then only with the vibration on, then only if rocked in her car seat or swing or on carry cot on the stroller and then she decided that her moses basket is just like that.
i would say that its not really a problem for now if he wants to sleep in his carry cot while you are rocking him. important its to not make a huge connection of you feeding him to sleep every time as the carry cot thing its easier fixable in my opinion. now amelie gets frustrated if you try to rock her to sleep :roll: try to establish good naps and a good night sleep even if that means rock him. (obviously thats only what worked with Amelie God it sounded like preaching you sorry for that)
she now sleeps wherever you put her really :) without rocking and goes down usually in like 5 min.

did you try sth like the Fisher price seahorse or ewan the sheep? amelie loves them both she has one for naps and one for night sleep.
you are doing brilliant! he is only tiny, soon things will be far easier.

looking forward to hear more about how you both doing and see pictures!!!
aww so cute!

a wee tip for the moses basket, as our LO was the same, refused to sleep in it! Only slept on our chests and we had to wait until she was proper asleep before putting her down in a hot water bottle warmed basket! little madam

anyway, I had taken out the cheap foam mattress that came with the basket and had replaced it with a proper breathable one. But I figured that the mattress and the cot wasnt exactly soft, warm and cosy like our chests. So I set out to make it that way!
put both mattresses in, and wrapped the top mattress in a soft thick fleece like blanket. It was SO cosy and she started sleeping in it no problem after that. Our sensor mat still worked perfectly through both mattresses too.

something to try anyway! good luck. x
Yay Dysco, so happy to see this journal.

Ollie is so beautiful.

I look forward to watching him grow and sharing your journey :lol:

Dysco what a beautiful little boy you have! Congrats xx
Lynds thanks for the tip! I did wonder about that! The pram matress is so much cosier! We'll see how the pram goes tonight. Anything for a few more hours sleep!!

I agree hope, I don't want him to have to be fed to sleep but at the moment he generally falls asleep on the boob. But he does doze if he has awake time in his bouncer chair and in the baby Bjorn. I tried the moby wrap for a short time today, I'll aim to give it a proper go tomorrow, he'd just come out the baby Bjorn so was a bit grumpy and in need of a feed but he went in ok and looked cosy! Lets see how tomorrow goes!
Dysco I use a nap sac that I put her to sleep in and I move it everywhere I put her to sleep.
It's from the same company that your star wrap is. It's so cozy and cute. Amelie slept on that since day 1 and made the transition to cot etc very easy as she was laying on the same thing.

Here it is

I am quite sad that Amelie almost outgrowing hers but it has been such a godsend those very early weeks.
Aww what a gorgeous boy you have hun and congrats! Hope his sleeping gets better for you soon :)

We may have had a break through last night as Ollie slept a total of 6 h in his pram cot!!! Lets see if the same happens tonight! He seems to have a tilt switch so that if he falls asleep on his tummy, on us for example, he wakes when he's put in his back to sleep. In the early he didn't do this but now we can't transfer him. Last night I fed him and kept him on his back. Then transferred him to bed with Ewan the dream sheep to give him the breast noises I think he likes. Who knows, it might be a one off, or we might be making progress! :)
Aww clever little man! He was probably so content and full :) I was still feeding Amelie on the clock every 3 h until 3 weeks old as he lost a crap load of weight at first week.
We have ewan too. I put the womb noises every night for her :)
HV came today and my li'l monster has gained 10oz from his birth weight in 11 days!!!! He started at 7lb4, after 72h was 7lb1.5 and on day 11 is 7lb14!!!! And there is no chub on him yet so it's all going in length! He is growing like a bean sprout! Neither me or DH are tall so will be interesting to see where he gets too!! We got real smiles today too! In some ways he is much more like a 1 month old, which considering he was 2 weeks over due makes sense!
Oh bless hun - 10oz is an excellent gain!

That is really interesting what you say about him being like a one month old, that makes total sense!! I've never thought of it like that.

Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family Emma.

Lots of love

Is he trying to catch up with Amelie?:p
Well done mummy and baby chicken :love:
I cage believe he smiled already!!! Clever little guy!!! Amelie's proper smile was at 6 weeks :roll: age smiled before on things but the real big gummy smile came then.
Isn't it beautiful when they smile??? :love:
Yay to the dyscochick parenting journal! :D So good to hear you're doing so well with breast feeding - it feels like such an achievement when they gain weight doesn't it! Sounds like you're doing so well - can't believe you got real smiles already! Hope you catch one on camera soon for us to see :D

Anyway, Happy New Year to you and your lovely little family - look forward to sharing our parenting journey together :) xxx
He is beautiful!! :) I will be following your journal hun! xxxxxx
Happy new year :) checking on you :love: how are things going? are your men both behaving???

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