Wont sleep in her moses basket


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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elluoise refuses to sleep in her moses basket.

since coming home from hospital she just wont sleep in her moses basket, so i stupidly let her sleep in my bed on a cushion one night, and ever since thats the only way she'll sleep!

ive tried puttin her in teh moses basket on teh cushion but she wakes up and starts screaming within minutes.

what shud i do?

its ok temporerily her sleeping in my bed but long term its not good for her? is it?

dunno what to do :(
eva was exactly the same. i just started putting her in it more until she got used to it. it's natural for her to want to be next to you where it's warm.

i remember people advising me to put something that smells like you in there - a pj top or something. i think what worked for eva too was i put a hot water bottle in it before i put her to bed (obviously didn't leave it in!) so it was all warm and snug.

try and get her used to it for day time naps and she should get more used to it! let us know how it goes x
yep i done that to. i used to cuddle a teddy for madi and it would really help :)

she hated her moses basket more than anything
i had the same problem with Louie for about 5 wks :(
he only liked sleeping in his bouncy chair :shock: it was awful, we used to take up the chair (its qiute flat & very comfy) & put it next to our bed.
after a while of this i got fed up & fed up with people thinking i was a nutter :lol: letting my son sleep in a bouncy chair!!

tried him in his basket on top of a rocking stand next to our bed, it took about a week or so, but in the end he got used to it.
also i folded a small hand towel & placed under the mattress at the top of the moses basket mattress, because i am convinced that was coz Louie didnt like sleeping dead flat.

try this & see.
i know this is easier said than done & i thought Louie would never sleep in a 'normal' place, but believe me it will happen.
good luck hun.xxx :hug:
I co sleep with Olivia, she feeds pretty much all the time so I just lay her next to me. Olivia hated her basket from day one too.

During the day she will sleep in her car seat, she loves it in there as its confined and snuggly, she will sleep in it during the night to if I wanted her to, but I dont sleep much anyway and lying her next to me gets me an hour or so most nights :D

Hun I wouldnt worry about it, she is too young to understand and all she wants is to be with her mum.

To be honest most babys dont like moses baskets and will go from ie; car seat to a cot. Most of the people I know did it that way and had no problems putting bubba into a cot.
Leorah hated her basket too so co slept with me. By the time she was 6 weeks she was feeding less and went into a cot in her own room without any problems.

I believe that she is more independant now because of the closeness we have and she knows if she needs me I'll be there right away. I actually sectioned her own bit of bed off and then we would cuddle up after one of the night feeds so she also got used to being in a big space.

I look back on our co sleeping fondly, there is no way she'd sleep in my bed now, she thinks its playtime :lol:
lozzijane said:
elluoise refuses to sleep in her moses basket.

since coming home from hospital she just wont sleep in her moses basket, so i stupidly let her sleep in my bed on a cushion one night, and ever since thats the only way she'll sleep!

ive tried puttin her in teh moses basket on teh cushion but she wakes up and starts screaming within minutes.

what shud i do?

its ok temporerily her sleeping in my bed but long term its not good for her? is it?

dunno what to do :(

have u tried velcro :lol:
budge said:
lozzijane said:
elluoise refuses to sleep in her moses basket.

since coming home from hospital she just wont sleep in her moses basket, so i stupidly let her sleep in my bed on a cushion one night, and ever since thats the only way she'll sleep!

ive tried puttin her in teh moses basket on teh cushion but she wakes up and starts screaming within minutes.

what shud i do?

its ok temporerily her sleeping in my bed but long term its not good for her? is it?

dunno what to do :(

have u tried velcro :lol:


Budge you are a scream!

Sounds a bit of a nightmare hun, have you tried putting her in it and gently rocking it? Or cuddling her to sleep and then putting her in rather than putting her in it awake?

You have probably tried all this I know...I think putting something of yours in it too to comfort is a really good idea.

Mention it to your HV she might have some tips.
i would let her at the moment she still young and you need to get sleep so if this is the only way??? i think its cute she must find you really comforting.

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