Due in September

Yay. Pleased everything went well kanga, and 6 days ahead is good. Do you think that could be right, or do you know when you ovulated?
Yay. Pleased everything went well kanga, and 6 days ahead is good. Do you think that could be right, or do you know when you ovulated?
I have no idea if it is right or not as I shouldn't have gotten pregnant as I had the coil in! I had a scan to check coil had gone and they said I was 6 weeks, but it is really hard to date that early on. But it sounded about right as I remembered bleeding on xmas day, just didn't know it was a normal period. I have been put forward between 5 and 6 days with all my boys though so must have babies that grow quickly in the early weeks, but then slow down as they have all been small for gestational age at birth. Just excited to see what happens when I have my 12 week scan now, whenever that will be as nothing booked yet.

Char I am banning myself from the doppler definitely until baby is alot bigger. I just like listening to the heartbeat so know I will use it at some point, but wont for the next month or so
Just to add in my warning about dopplers (no judgement as I have one but I know how dangerous they could be) my third baby had reduced movements a lot of times, in my area if you present to hospital twice with reduced movements they scan you, if you go again they scan again. So I had had two scans already in the later weeks. I was 39+2 and I had both my other children with me and my husband was off somewhere too far away to come back and I thought about waiting, I’d only been in a few days previously and everything was fine. But I decided I couldn’t leave it because it didn’t seem right. So off I traipsed 30 minutes to the hospital with my two children and was put on a monitor and I wasn’t really feeling much but did feel a couple of small movements. They said heart beat was fine but that they would have to scan me. Scan showed good blood flow, they sounded positive and heartbeat fine. They said they thought he was big and maybe going to be 10lb 15. I was sent into a doctor who at first seemed to be saying I was ok then someone brought in the scan and she quickly changed her mind and said she wanted to induce me the next morning. Again they said it was because he was looking big.
When I got to the hospital the next day they seemed to be treating me extra carefully and weren’t doing even basic stuff without a consultant being there. I asked what was going on. They said the scan had shown no movement and although everything else was fine that was why they were inducing. He was fine in the end obviously. BUT if I had just used a Doppler and ignored movements and thought he was fine because I’d only been in a few days before then things might not have been fine.

So just always be careful ladies x
Gosh Rose that is scary, I most definitely wouldn't use it later on in pregnancy as a reassurance tool either. I'm glad your little boy was all good. I too had reduced movements in my last pregnancy and he was measuring below the 5th centile. We had scans every couple of weeks from 30 weeks to check growth and the placenta was working. I ended up in over 7 times with reduced movements, once it was twice in one day. I was then induced at 37+5wks because of the reduced movements as they were worried something could change even though the ctgs and scans were fine. At one point his growth measurement really dropped off and I thought they were going to get him out at 34 weeks. But luckily although he was small, he did grow along the same line so that wasn't the biggest concern, the reduced movements were x
That sounds scary too Kanga! I’ve never had small ones, mine have been 8lbs 8, 10lbs 1 and 9lbs 6, I think I’d be so scared if I had a tiny one that I was going to break it!
Wow Rose, you are super woman! Mine have been 7lb 1oz, 7lb 6oz and 6lb 1oz. Think I would freak out with having a huge baby.
I went in with 3 lots of reduced movement with mine and was induced at 38&2, she was born 2 days later. She was 6lb 15.5 (could they not have said 7lb, haha).

Pleased to report that I seem to be feeling ok today. Which is nice. But now I'm trying to not worry about that, lol. Have still got the same pregnancy headache lurking away in the background though
Hey ladies.We are couped in the house today. Planted on the sofa with blankets around us nothing else for day like that.

My babies were 1lb 4oz :angel2:, 6lb 14oz and 7lb 8oz. They did a estimate growth chart for this one at my booking in (cant mind them doing that before).
I also have had long ass labours. Never got the urge to push with any off them apart from my little girl I had at 24weeks. Im refusing to push this time until I feel the urge other wise. I caused myself more damage with mild prolapse cos they kept telling me to push.. I'm so afraid making that worse. Really got me few months after birth.
Ttcno2 I have a prolapse from giving birth too. My 1st was an emcs at 7cm due to fetal distress as his heart rate stayed at 50bpm. 2nd was born 30 mins after arriving at the hospital, I had an overwhelming urge to push, it’s crazy how it takes over, he was out with just a few pushes. My last was the craziest labour. Waters were broken at 2:30pm, at 6:25pm I was still 1cm, only having very mild tightenings and had been on the syntocine drip since 5pm. He was born at 7:07pm after just 18 contractions. I dread to think how quick this labour will be and worry about getting to hospital on time. So even with quick labours and having the urge to push I still got a prolapse :(
Oh I’ve had estimated growth charts done every time too, they are based on your bmi I think. Which is why I think my babies always measure as small for gestational age because my bmi is high so they expected me to have bigger babies.
Ttcno2 I have a prolapse from giving birth too. My 1st was an emcs at 7cm due to fetal distress as his heart rate stayed at 50bpm. 2nd was born 30 mins after arriving at the hospital, I had an overwhelming urge to push, it’s crazy how it takes over, he was out with just a few pushes. My last was the craziest labour. Waters were broken at 2:30pm, at 6:25pm I was still 1cm, only having very mild tightenings and had been on the syntocine drip since 5pm. He was born at 7:07pm after just 18 contractions. I dread to think how quick this labour will be and worry about getting to hospital on time. So even with quick labours and having the urge to push I still got a prolapse :(

My 24weeks baby was normal delivery 2nd baby was emergency section she was back to back and even though was 10cm they said her position I was never going to deliver.. 3rd got to 10cm no sign off him moving with all the pushing. I ended up forceps and episiotomy with 10 stitches. That was the one that done the damage.
Which birth did u get ur prolapse?
If it wasnt ur last birth were u afraid birth was going to make it worse. I'm so worried about that
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Gosh your labours don't sound fun at all. Harry my emcs was also back to back and had his head looking up, rather than chin tucked down like it should be. He wouldn't have come out naturally either, even if I did get to 10cm. I think it was after my 2nd one I noticed it a bit, but it didn't affect things too much. My speedy labour did the most damage as everything just stretched far too quickly and it hasn't recovered. I have been told I can have surgery once I'm done with kids. Hadn't even thought it could get worse after another baby!
I also ended up with urethral caruncle. It was on my prolapse. I bled for 2 weeks I thought maybe was period but it got worse and pain with walking with prolapse i got a mirror to have a look. I seen this lesion looked like a burn mark. I thought it was cancer. That's was were bleed was coming from. Ended up getting sent to hospital after my GP looked. Was scary.
Found out it's really uncommon for women my age to get it as older ladies can get it after menopause. Was put on HRT cream. When I mentioned all this at the booking app the mw said they would have a field day trying to understand these notes with me being on HRT before.
I still have it today not as bad. But would bleed after sex. Really thought the prolonged bf mucked my hormones all up possibly causing it but they didnt agree.
Oh wow, the things we go through for our babies! I can imagine your notes being really confusing with you having had HRT lol I also have urge incontinence from my last birth, and sometimes when it really plays up I can full on pee myself as I just can't stop the flow at all. Apparently my pelvic floor muscles are good but I still have issues. It is a good job the babies are cute lol
You said it.
I'm def thinking off getting my only tube left tied. This is def my last baby.
Yep definitely no more here either. I'm happy with this little surprise and no more, especially with this sickness still knocking me down.
Are you going for an elective section then? I wouldn't blame you to be honest x
Well I said I was worried that I never get the urge to push but consultant reckons as my son eventually came out with forceps the birth canal was be more acceptable for vaginal delivery but I'm not totally convinced and will be asking more questions as I get further on. I see him again 11th march.
I would like to go normal but im worried about prolapse and I'm not wanting the csection as the recovery off that especially with the 2older ones would be awfully hard when they very much need me.
Yeah I can understand not wanting to recover from a section with other children to look after. It's good you have been able to speak to a consultant about it already and can throughout your pregnancy. I think I will end up under consultant care this time due to my weight, managed to avoid it in my last two pregnancies as I managed to get my BMI below 30 for them. Although I could also be consultant led due to the reduced movements last time, not sure if they would keep an eye on me and baby this time around.
Evening ladies, we’ll all be terrifying any first time mums in here with our horror stories :rotfl:
My first baby (and the smallest at 8lbs 8) was the toughest. She was 18 hour labour in distress the whole time back to back but eventually turned at 17 hours. Pushed for an hour (after epidural and every other drug going leading up to it) when they realised I wasn’t getting her out as I was too exhausted. Was taken to operating room where they did a spinal block, episiotomy and forceps delivery.
2nd baby (the biggest at 10lb 1) was by far the easiest. He was induced and around 5 hour labour and only had a minor tear and nothing else really.
3rd baby (9lb 6) did the damage, only a minor tear but ended up with a rectal prolapse that has never been treated, my periods were like a blood bath every month after him and vulva varicose veins pain returned every month during period and of course the sciatica that has never gone. But he was worth it.

in other news I’m 12 weeks today yay! Only tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday to get through then it’s scan day!
Oh wow. Seems we all have our own little stories to tell about birth.
What u reckon Rose, bigger the baby easier to push out. I've seen other women say this.

Happy 12weeks to you. That is fantastic. :cheer:

I'm in bed and I think feel flutters

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