Due in September

Think positive. Everything is going to be ok. . Uve got lots symptoms going on.
I think the fear is something will all have going through our minds. I'm trying my best not to let it take its power over my thoughts and just taking one day at a time but early stage is a drag.
Today, not much is going on with me. I dont feel pregnant. I did have that mild nauseated feeling but its not there as much today..I'm not even feeling tired or anything.
Evening ladies!
I still have the fear of this one not sticking but I have loads of symptoms so hopefully everything is fine. My back ache is constant being the main thing. But I’ve had some shooting pains in my boobs and yesterday had more cramping. Been very tired and keep falling asleep all over the place

how are you all?
Hi Rose,
I don’t think we have met yet, so firstly massive congrats to you <3
How many weeks are you?
Symptoms are good, so fingers crossed for you. Are you still testing regularly?
I’m not bad, the odd cramp, and sore boobs and a little tired but it’s still early days. 6 weeks is when the symptoms fully hit I think x
Hi chattychar :)
I’m a new old member of the forum was really active back in 2013 when I was trying to conceive my first (and had two early losses both between 5 and 6 weeks) and then I had my daughter and two sons in 2014/2016/2017 so was on the forum again then but then hadn’t even been back on here before I got my bfp trying for number 4!

you’re both right of course that it’s crazy to worry so much at this stage. I’m literally 4 weeks just today i don’t have any more tests but have ordered some just so I can periodically stop myself from freaking out!
TMI but tonight’s symptom seems to be wind and an upset stomach which is pretty unusual for me - I tend towards constipation most of the time. Still achey with some hip pain too
Hi chattychar :)
I’m a new old member of the forum was really active back in 2013 when I was trying to conceive my first (and had two early losses both between 5 and 6 weeks) and then I had my daughter and two sons in 2014/2016/2017 so was on the forum again then but then hadn’t even been back on here before I got my bfp trying for number 4!

you’re both right of course that it’s crazy to worry so much at this stage. I’m literally 4 weeks just today i don’t have any more tests but have ordered some just so I can periodically stop myself from freaking out!
TMI but tonight’s symptom seems to be wind and an upset stomach which is pretty unusual for me - I tend towards constipation most of the time. Still achey with some hip pain too
It’s lovely to meet you :)
It is such a worrying time and I will definitely be worrying until my 12 week scan but we can support each other along the way.
I had really upset stomach last night straight after dinner so hoping that’s a symptom too. The more symptoms the better for me xx
@TTC no2 - how you feeling today hun?
I keep running to the toilet worried that the wet feeling I can feel is but it’s just CM. Are you getting that?
my lower back is sore today too but I think it’s because I have been on my feet most of the day. Getting slight cramps too and I just keep worrying but I need to be positive xx
Char, the cramps and wet feeling happen virtually 100% of the time in the first trimester. Those are both very good signs. Congratulations to everyone again!!!
I'm ok. I've had some cramps this morning in bed. But since that nothing. I feel funny though. I cant put my finger on how to best to describe it . I do mind this feeling the last time. I'm only 4+5 so I'm hoping as I go on il feel more symptoms for the reassurance.
Yes that wet feeling is normal I've had to check few times also.
Has anyone downloaded any apps? I've tried to download the Ovia pregnancy but wouldn't let me sign up. I have the pregnancy+, really like it.
Char, the cramps and wet feeling happen virtually 100% of the time in the first trimester. Those are both very good signs. Congratulations to everyone again!!!
Thank you so much for the reassurance. Literally going in blind so it’s nice to have some advice from you ladies that have experienced it xx
Has anyone downloaded any apps? I've tried to download the Ovia pregnancy but wouldn't let me sign up. I have the pregnancy+, really like it.
I have the pregnancy+ one and what to expect. Like both but the pregnancy+ one is my favourite I think. I booked my 8 week scan. 25th Jan. eeeeeek xx
I have the pregnancy+ one and what to expect. Like both but the pregnancy+ one is my favourite I think. I booked my 8 week scan. 25th Jan. eeeeeek xx

Ooh that is so exciting. Only 20days to go. Probs seems abit of a wait yet but it will fly in so quickly.. just thinking ull be 8 weeks then that's bit mad. We will almost be in double figure weeks when u get to that milestone.
Ooh that is so exciting. Only 20days to go. Probs seems abit of a wait yet but it will fly in so quickly.. just thinking ull be 8 weeks then that's bit mad. We will almost be in double figure weeks when u get to that milestone.
I hope it does go quickly. when are you looking to have an early scan? Xx
I'm hoping il have nhs one anytime from 7weeks onwards . Going to see can I get app tomoro with GP to get the referral made.
Evening everyone! Sounds like we are all experiencing similar symptoms which is good! I’ve had the terrible sore back again today. Last night I was waking up with leg cramps which is always a symptom for me so that was reassuring. Also the fact I am beyond exhausted means my body must be working hard on something!
Evening everyone! Sounds like we are all experiencing similar symptoms which is good! I’ve had the terrible sore back again today. Last night I was waking up with leg cramps which is always a symptom for me so that was reassuring. Also the fact I am beyond exhausted means my body must be working hard on something!

All very reassuring Rose. Did u suffer any sickness with ur other babies.
I never got it bad at all. Think only sick a few times with them
Had a few shooting pains in my noonie this evening :rotfl:
Is this normal? Haha xx
Hi Ladies driving myself crazy here just want some reassurance please. Soim 4 weeks + 2 days pregnant and i get a light cramp in my lower belly but i also get a light twinge type pain on my left side Which feels likes its always there not painful just annoying and also on my right which is weird as my right tube was removed after 2 ectopic pregnancies. Is this all normal
Lol seems its pretty normal too. I dont mind getting in early stages but defo as the weeks went on something to do with the extra blood flow down there.
Did u know u could get varicose veins there too :shock:

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