** Due in February 2018 **

Hi ladies, so I went to EPU the consultant did lots of tests and initially thought a possible eptopic as she could feel quite a large lump on my ovary. Thankfully the registrar was free and able to scan me, and to my complete surprise baby was wriggling around with a strong heartbeat, I've never felt so relieved. Confirmed as 7 weeks today and the pain diagnosed as a cyst on ovary, also possibly due to my severe endometriosis! I've cried all the way home, so overwhelmed and happy!! Xxxxx

Awwwww teacup that's amazing news! I understand that relief. I was convinced I had miscarried until I had a scan yesterday morning and the nurse told me that baby was looking absoutely fine! I hugged her as I was so so happy! I'm really not enjoying the worries of the first trimester... bring on week 13!
It's such a stressful time!

I have a scan on Wednesday, should be 9w2d x

So happy for you all.

I'm just confused. Weekend so can't call anyone, only 4 weeks so no point trying to get a scan. Just took a test this morning now that AF date has been and gone, hoping for a big fat positive line and nothing...not even a squinter.
No bleeding, no cramping...occasional pulling feeling but very mild, all other symptoms still there...especially the heightened smell...oh my...that's making me feel v. nauseous at times. Not sure what to make of it all :(
Hi ladies, so I went to EPU the consultant did lots of tests and initially thought a possible eptopic as she could feel quite a large lump on my ovary. Thankfully the registrar was free and able to scan me, and to my complete surprise baby was wriggling around with a strong heartbeat, I've never felt so relieved. Confirmed as 7 weeks today and the pain diagnosed as a cyst on ovary, also possibly due to my severe endometriosis! I've cried all the way home, so overwhelmed and happy!! Xxxxx

Awwwww teacup that's amazing news! I understand that relief. I was convinced I had miscarried until I had a scan yesterday morning and the nurse told me that baby was looking absoutely fine! I hugged her as I was so so happy! I'm really not enjoying the worries of the first trimester... bring on week 13!

Thanks so much, glad all is well with you too. What a worrying time! Roll on week 13 when the constant worry will start to disappear! We told my parents last night, part of me felt a bit silly when I was sat in the hospital alone yesterday, wishing I had told someone so they could be there with me! My partner works away so he was feeing pretty helpless! Exicitment has kicked in a little this morning, just trying to resist the temptation of looking on mothercare and mamas and papas lol xxxx
Hi ladies, so I went to EPU the consultant did lots of tests and initially thought a possible eptopic as she could feel quite a large lump on my ovary. Thankfully the registrar was free and able to scan me, and to my complete surprise baby was wriggling around with a strong heartbeat, I've never felt so relieved. Confirmed as 7 weeks today and the pain diagnosed as a cyst on ovary, also possibly due to my severe endometriosis! I've cried all the way home, so overwhelmed and happy!! Xxxxx

Awwwww teacup that's amazing news! I understand that relief. I was convinced I had miscarried until I had a scan yesterday morning and the nurse told me that baby was looking absoutely fine! I hugged her as I was so so happy! I'm really not enjoying the worries of the first trimester... bring on week 13!

Thanks so much, glad all is well with you too. What a worrying time! Roll on week 13 when the constant worry will start to disappear! We told my parents last night, part of me felt a bit silly when I was sat in the hospital alone yesterday, wishing I had told someone so they could be there with me! My partner works away so he was feeing pretty helpless! Exicitment has kicked in a little this morning, just trying to resist the temptation of looking on mothercare and mamas and papas lol xxxx

Ah bless you...hard not telling loves ones isn't it. Enjoy the excitement xx
GG that's awful, can't imagine how worried you must feel. When I had a chemical pregnancy I had bleeding at what would have been 4+2 xxx

Oh GG i hope everything is ok, try to think positive give it a few more days and test again xxx
GG that's awful, can't imagine how worried you must feel. When I had a chemical pregnancy I had bleeding at what would have been 4+2 xxx

I'm 4+3 today. Just trying to hold on to a little hope. X
Been quietly nervous the past few days cos my discharge was brown when I wiped. Today I realised it is actually my urine that's tan coloured and my discharge is pure white.

Called my ex nurse grandma. Apparently some prenatal multivitamins make pee brown. Mine is sanatogen and the pills are dyed yellow.

Sooo relieved

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Booking in appointment went well. Took bloody ages though.

Was a bit worried due to my weight (BMI is quite high) and BP that I'd end up being consultant led but I'm fine with the community MW again. Yay.

Will have to have one appointment with consultant as I've had 5 miscarriages and I'll have to have GTT at 28w (had one with number 2 and it was fine) so overall a very good appointment.

Won't be seeing anyone now until I am 17w (got scan in July though)


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Booking in appointment went well. Took bloody ages though.

Was a bit worried due to my weight (BMI is quite high) and BP that I'd end up being consultant led but I'm fine with the community MW again. Yay.

Will have to have one appointment with consultant as I've had 5 miscarriages and I'll have to have GTT at 28w (had one with number 2 and it was fine) so overall a very good appointment.

Won't be seeing anyone now until I am 17w (got scan in July though)


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Yay...sounds really good. Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy xx
I saw 3 magpies today, but then another flew down and made it four..does it make me stupid I scared away the 4th one so id be left with 3 :lol:

Felt so sick this morning and bleh!! But it passed! My teeth are now a lot more sensitive, I ate a hot meal followed by a freezing cold trifle and was almost in tears!! God my teeth!! :( they were a touch sensitive before I got pregnant but now their taking the biscuit!! :/

Just over 17 days to go until I see my midwife for my booking in appointment which apparently takes 80 minutes :/ surely 5/6 years ago it was a straight in straight out kinda jobbie :lol: wow times have changed!
Thanks so much, glad all is well with you too. What a worrying time! Roll on week 13 when the constant worry will start to disappear! We told my parents last night, part of me felt a bit silly when I was sat in the hospital alone yesterday, wishing I had told someone so they could be there with me! My partner works away so he was feeing pretty helpless! Exicitment has kicked in a little this morning, just trying to resist the temptation of looking on mothercare and mamas and papas lol xxxx

Thankyou! Me too.

I am forever looking at prams or scouring mamas and papas and mothercare sites to get an idea of what products are out there. Trying to pick a nice looking pram with a decent travel system that's not going to make me bankrupt. But I won't buy a THING until I'm into week 13. Although I have bought a U pillow already. It's huge and I LOVE it. Is really helping me sleep better already xxx
I really want a U pillow! :) Can I ask where you purchased yours from? I'm trying to hold off on shopping too but I'm addicted to online browsing, especially with the sales.

Also, so sorry to hear about the ladies who are having a tough time right now! Great news teacup with your scan. Sebbie I hope the sickness dies down soon enough. I think I've been lucky not to have many symptoms. Aside from extreme fatigue and bigger boobs there's nada. I keep wanting to test to make sure I am actually carrying a baby in there :/
Other than my boobs both looking and feeling bruised I feel good today.

So I know it's only the calm before the morning sickness.

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Is anyone getting period pains or cramps/niggles etc?

I was at first but haven't since about 7w xx

Im getting pelvic pains. Had very little until now which I thought was odd but I'm getting those streching pains or what I remember feeling like streching.

My sore boobs and nausea have pretty much gone. It's a minefield all of this symptom changing!
Im getting pelvic pains. Had very little until now which I thought was odd but I'm getting those streching pains or what I remember feeling like streching.

My sore boobs and nausea have pretty much gone. It's a minefield all of this symptom changing!
Yup. Keeps us guessing!

I just treat us to pizza for dinner. Fantastic after months of dieting.

Prawn (baby) didn't think it was so fantastic. I've never felt so sick in my life. Best moment ever.

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