** Due in February 2018 **

I really want a U pillow! :) Can I ask where you purchased yours from? I'm trying to hold off on shopping too but I'm addicted to online browsing, especially with the sales.

Also, so sorry to hear about the ladies who are having a tough time right now! Great news teacup with your scan. Sebbie I hope the sickness dies down soon enough. I think I've been lucky not to have many symptoms. Aside from extreme fatigue and bigger boobs there's nada. I keep wanting to test to make sure I am actually carrying a baby in there :/

I actually bought it off eBay, and it is really good! My husband picked it and did a load of research to make sure he got one with the best type of filling. It's huge but I have been sleeping so much better with it. The link to the one I bought (which I really recommend) is:

I really want a U pillow! :) Can I ask where you purchased yours from? I'm trying to hold off on shopping too but I'm addicted to online browsing, especially with the sales.

Also, so sorry to hear about the ladies who are having a tough time right now! Great news teacup with your scan. Sebbie I hope the sickness dies down soon enough. I think I've been lucky not to have many symptoms. Aside from extreme fatigue and bigger boobs there's nada. I keep wanting to test to make sure I am actually carrying a baby in there :/

I actually bought it off eBay, and it is really good! My husband picked it and did a load of research to make sure he got one with the best type of filling. It's huge but I have been sleeping so much better with it. The link to the one I bought (which I really recommend) is:


wow I want one too!
I definitely recommend them. It's transformed my sleeping :)
Found unused hpts today. You know what happened next.

I think I definitely need one of those pillows too. Hubs works nights so I have an entire double bed to get comfy in.

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Love a good hpt haha! I did one last week and it was ridiculous

I haven't taken any tests since I got my 3+ on a digi nearly 2 weeks ago :lol: I've had to reel in my testing as it was winding OH up the amount I was spending and they were only cheap ones too :lol:

Anyone else finding wearing a bra so uncomfortable?..it really is like torture!! My appetite still seems to of taken leave! I don't think I'll be gaining much weight this pregnancy because I've hardly eaten anything (minus the bad things of course :lol: )
Yes a bra is pretty uncomfortable for me as well... ideally I should go and get measured as they've definitely grown considerably, but I haven't gotten around to it yet x

Okay so I realised I cannot sleep on my tummy anymore - it gets uncomfortable and painful.
Lying on my back for too long makes the boobies hurt
coughing hard triggers really strong pulls above the crotch - its painful
sneezing can pull any muscle - like the right butt muscle!

Anyone relate?
Sneezing and coughing!! Horrible! I get a pull on the left or right usually around my uterus, makes me jump!

Sneezing and coughing!! Horrible! I get a pull on the left or right usually around my uterus, makes me jump!

Oh, so its normal :lol:

Last night I was trying to stop my coughing cause it was SO PAINFUL down there.
Sneezing and coughing!! Horrible! I get a pull on the left or right usually around my uterus, makes me jump!

Oh, so its normal :lol:

Last night I was trying to stop my coughing cause it was SO PAINFUL down there.

I've been terribly ill for the last two weeks, flu like symptoms and now i feel on deaths door with a bad chesty cough and runny nose :(
I always feel a little tug when i cough- however, i had a early scan on Sunday and saw the little bean flickering away!

I just wish there was something i could take to make me feel better <3
Sneezing and coughing!! Horrible! I get a pull on the left or right usually around my uterus, makes me jump!

Oh, so its normal :lol:

Last night I was trying to stop my coughing cause it was SO PAINFUL down there.

I've been terribly ill for the last two weeks, flu like symptoms and now i feel on deaths door with a bad chesty cough and runny nose :(
I always feel a little tug when i cough- however, i had a early scan on Sunday and saw the little bean flickering away!

I just wish there was something i could take to make me feel better <3

only thing you can do is apply vicks around your nose to breathe better. :( or take paracetamol which I have strictly avoided. How about different teas? they have a soothing effect.
Ive got the same, and now developing a cough too.

glad to hear about your scan. lucky you!
Mine is in another 3 weeks, Im so desperately excited

it's amazing, we are all getting colds at the same time
Sneezing and coughing!! Horrible! I get a pull on the left or right usually around my uterus, makes me jump!

Oh, so its normal :lol:

Last night I was trying to stop my coughing cause it was SO PAINFUL down there.

I've been terribly ill for the last two weeks, flu like symptoms and now i feel on deaths door with a bad chesty cough and runny nose :(
I always feel a little tug when i cough- however, i had a early scan on Sunday and saw the little bean flickering away!

I just wish there was something i could take to make me feel better <3

only thing you can do is apply vicks around your nose to breathe better. :( or take paracetamol which I have strictly avoided. How about different teas? they have a soothing effect.
Ive got the same, and now developing a cough too.

glad to hear about your scan. lucky you!
Mine is in another 3 weeks, Im so desperately excited

it's amazing, we are all getting colds at the same time

I think any teas would need looking into for the caffine content. Lots of the herbal/fruit/ green teas are actually not great for pregnant women according to quite a few things I've seen in the last few months.

Hope you feel better soon. X
Sneezing and coughing!! Horrible! I get a pull on the left or right usually around my uterus, makes me jump!

Oh, so its normal :lol:

Last night I was trying to stop my coughing cause it was SO PAINFUL down there.

I've been terribly ill for the last two weeks, flu like symptoms and now i feel on deaths door with a bad chesty cough and runny nose :(
I always feel a little tug when i cough- however, i had a early scan on Sunday and saw the little bean flickering away!

I just wish there was something i could take to make me feel better <3

only thing you can do is apply vicks around your nose to breathe better. :( or take paracetamol which I have strictly avoided. How about different teas? they have a soothing effect.
Ive got the same, and now developing a cough too.

glad to hear about your scan. lucky you!
Mine is in another 3 weeks, Im so desperately excited

it's amazing, we are all getting colds at the same time

I think any teas would need looking into for the caffine content. Lots of the herbal/fruit/ green teas are actually not great for pregnant women according to quite a few things I've seen in the last few months.

Hope you feel better soon. X

oh I wasnt aware of this, thanks for updating us.
I did the last hpt this morning. Lines match the control now but damn do they get blazing fast. Pee barely touches it and boom line. It's addictive.

Today my hayfever is bad and can't have antihystamines. Sneezing pulls my stomach so I'm feeling grotty.

Anyone else had odd popping sensations like bubbles popping in uterus area? It's only been twice but feels weird.

As for tea... ginger and lemon tea caffeine free is really nice and settles my stomach. So does ginger Pepsi max

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So I just threw up for the first time and I am absolutely ecstatic. :lol:

it came on randomly and I dont feel ill or anything.
Ha I remember feeling like that the first couple of timesn

So I just threw up for the first time and I am absolutely ecstatic. :lol:

it came on randomly and I dont feel ill or anything.
It's always us who have been trying for a while who get weird isn't it lol. We can't wait for the gory bits

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