I still want that pasta but I'm also craving potato salad read somewhere I'm not allowed it..so not fair
Hi ladies, how are you all baring up in this heat? I am just thankful i'm in tri1 not tri3 at the moment like I was when pregnant with DD. It was unbearable!
I am seeing GP Friday just to let them know I'm pregnant and get the ball rolling. I still wouldn't even know I was pregnant aside from the sore nipples and bloating... i'm not worried as such and counting my blessings but it is odd. I know the GP last time just took my word for it that I was pregnant and referred me straight to MW so I don't think seeing her on Friday will make me feel anymore pregnant.
I've been feeling the same way justfeeling! I took another test today and the test line is stronger than the control line. Really put my mind at rest! X