Dragon's cave... egg game thing

ooo i can see a crackkkkk!! hehe
clicky clicky!!! :dance: :dance:
Haylii, you have been cleaning your egg :rotfl:

How many can I have before my signature is too big?
Kalia you have the same one as me with something wrong with its eyes!
I want a cool Dragon too :-( mine are rubbish!
Philbert looks like he could take on all the other dragons single-handed and win! :D
Philberts ok actually he looks quite cool but scruffy is lame...oooh actually look hes changed a bit- hes growing wings!!
I finally got some after three days of trying :cheer: :cheer:

Please clicky them, they're poor little abandoned ones :(
Oh no... I can't get onto their site....!!! what am I going to do!!!
sarafet said:
what happens now that they've hatched :think: :lol:

I think once they grow up, if you have a male and female you can breed them , haven't a clue how this works though! I'm not that geeky....honest! :oops:
I just tried to name my green one Dave and it wouldn't let me :evil:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

well one things for sure this thread is guarenteed to make anyones day!! You lot are hilarious!!!!!
Im sat here with a stinking cold, but my sides are hurting from laughing so much!!!

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