<<<Can everyone PLEASE read this?>>>


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Hello all.

This is just a quick reminder about signature sizes :oops:

Unfortunately, when members have large images in their signatures, they can stretch the page for people with smaller screens, it may look fine on your screen, but for others it can be a pain as you need to scroll sideways to see posts.

A while ago, laura made this post on the subject, and she also set this size for signature images:


Please, if you have images in your signature larger than this box, can you adjust them so they are within that size?

This will make the forum easier on the eye for all of our members.

Thanks in advance :D
Just bumping this as a few sigs are getting a bit large again. :oops:
yeah Sarah a few pixels over is fine, we're not THAT picky, honest :lol:

I'd say anything bigger than yours and we'd ask to re-size. :)
Is mine ok? I'm wondering now if it's too much.....??
Nicola said:
Is mine ok? I'm wondering now if it's too much.....??

Hiya, it does look a bit tall, sorry :oops:

Could you put the "it's a boy" one to the side of the tickers, then it should just about fit :D
yep yours is fine too miss gobby.

As a guide I'd say about 2 tickers or one of those bigger banner type ones is about right.

Like Urchin said it doesn't really matter if your sig is a few pixals big, just just that some were getting quite large hence the little reminder :D

Fine yes. This is getting a bit :oops: for me though!
Just realised a bank card is a good height guide, as it about 2mm taller than the guide on the screen, but if you put the card (the right way round so you can read your name) against your signature.......you'll get an idea of whether you are within the limits without doing it by eye.

Sorry if that doesn't help, I was just trying to find something to measure mine and my nectar card happened to be on the coffee table so I used that.
I'm just bumping this again, as some are getting HUGE!!

PLEASE, a quick reminder:

- There is a limit of 2 standard-sized tickers per signature. Snugglepie do tickers that are 60 pixels high instead of the usual 80. If you really want 3 you could have 3 of those and be within the limit :)

- Any other images cannot be bigger than the height of 2 tickers, this means if you have a big banner AND a ticker your sig is going to be too big.

- Some people have small screens and scolling past so many big images is a pain, and waiting for them all to load will slow down the forum for people.

- If you have white spaces between your tickers could you also please remove them.

- There's no need to ask if you sig is OK ;) you can just add up the pixels in your images and if you go over the limit than by about more than 20 pixels in height or width then please adjust your sig: It's not really fair on the mods that we should be pming people about this all the time.

Here's the pic as a reminder:

Hi urchin i think i was a guilty one, so i have taken 1 ticker off, is this ok now..


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