December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

My tummy hurts :(
Not low down, not period-type cramps or anything like that.
Just pain right across the front of my bump, from one side to the other.
It feels like baby is pressed right up against the sides and is trying to push its way out through the front of me, just above my belly button.
Like alien!!

I don't want an alien :(
I've had that gecko! When baby moves at times I feel like my skin is about to burst open. So painful!
Officially started maternity leave today, hooray! Took an exam this afternoo . .. how relaxing! ;) Also booked another exam for 8 days before I'm due. Eek! Thankfully if I give birth beforehand they won't charge me which was my main concern.
So I had a failed attempt at a sweep yesterday as my cervix was not favourable, I had a bit of bleeding after which had stopped my dinner time last night, nothing more first thing this morning. So I took a notion today to scrub my house, went to the loo and a massive blob of dark brown and bloody stained discharge was there when I wiped, I'm not sure if this just more old blood from yesterday's examination or my bloody show, I am a little crampy and still feeling pressure
Oh mummy have you rung midwife and asked if she thinks it's a show or not? I've been to midwife today my baby is 2/5 and she said he's a very big baby �� I feel really bruised down below maybe pressure from baby been so low? Actually scared of going into labour before my section atm. X
I think its pretty common to loose some plug after an internal or sweep so its probably just that but you never know :).
Oh mummy! It might not be very long!
How come they said it was a failed sweep? If it made you bleed/lose your plug then it must have worked some way.

I've been the midwife too ikklemoi and very similar story. Baby is 3/5ths still and is very long. Baby's head is low and her bum is just under my ribs. Midwife couldn't believe how long she is.

I've got two sweeps booked in next week now. Tuesday and Friday. So really hoping baby will be here/making her way out by next weekend.

Apologies for the TMI but has anyone ever had a 'clear out' with this/previous pregnancies?

I'm pretty sure it happened last night. Never in my life have I ever had watery movements but I did last night, just once. With awful cramps. Been fine since. Just a little crampy. So I'm not sure what that was.

Don't you just love the end of pregnancy? Haha xx

Oh never thought of baby been long SIB maybe she means that but then again all my babies have been smallish In length I'm 5ft 3 & OH 5ft8. She did say babies bum was just underneath my ribs and measuring 38weeks instead of 36. She pressed down on my pubic bone to measure and really hurt, feel quite fragile this moment in time ano it's only gonna get worse tho. I went to toilet a lot the other day aswell but don't think it was a clear out for me tbh. Pregnancy is lovely lol. I won't ever be doing this again x
Sounds like everyone is inching closer! :)
My maternity leave started today. No idea what I'm going to do with myself. Slightly worried as I tend to get depressed when I'm bored and not working.
Still, lots of tidying to do :D

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Apparently this baby is huge lol but very skinny. The midwife has been shocked every time I've seen her lol
It does hurt a little when they grab around there. Midwife can just feel the top of baby's head and really dug her fingers in for a feel lol
We're quite similar I guess.. but we're due around the same time I think. So it must mean our bodies/babies are doing what they should do xx

Its the opposite for me. I cant work out how this baby fits in so low down, lol. Apparently its head is just begining to engage. Its bum is only just above my belly button and its knees stick out at all angles but mostly lower than its bum. It never seems to stretch out and has never been anywhere near my ribs like the other two were. It seems to like being curled up in a ball, lol. I look 10 month pregnant which I think is partly because baby is balled up and sticking all out the front low down.
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Aaww bunny.. you might find that baby is 'frog legged' when born if he/she is rolled into a ball lol
My daughter came out like that. She straightened out pretty quickly though lol

Lucky you.. I wish this baby would move away from my ribs. It hurts like hell lol xx

So I've been down at maternity this morning started having bad pains and reduced movement around 3am arrived at hospital 8am luckily baby's heartbeat was all good and started moving, I was having really strong contractions irregularly and dilated to 2cm in the time I was there they had no beds so they've sent me home, doc said it could b today could b next week. I'm so sore baby is currently back to back so quite painful
Ohhh mummy I'm so excited for you, looks like another one of our December babies wants to arrive early. I hope the pain eases abit back to back labour is awful bless you, had it with my first. This baby is back to back to not that it really matters what position he's in really. When can you go back to the hospital? Good luck with everything xxx
Aaww bunny.. you might find that baby is 'frog legged' when born if he/she is rolled into a ball lol
My daughter came out like that. She straightened out pretty quickly though lol

Lucky you.. I wish this baby would move away from my ribs. It hurts like hell lol xx

I think you are right. Its funny how much you can tell about them before they are born. DD wiggled constantly and did loads of big kicks inside me. She loved to kick her legs from the day she was born but had her arms clamped at her side and took ages to discover her hands at all. She still spends the while time wiggling and jumping about. DS used to tickle me all the time with his hands and arms before he was born but didn't kick much. He came out waving his arms everwhere but kept his legs tucked up the whole time. He is still quieter than his sister and loves to do fiddly things with his hands. This one is funny because it moves its legs loads but mostly seems to be opening and closing them while still keeping them tucked up like a frog. I think it wiggles its arms plenty too but because it in a ball the whole time its hard to tell which bit is which, lol.
My baby seems to move it's bum the most must have the Saturday night feeling tonight lol. I may sound stupid but feels like is scratching me aswell and something hurts constantly on my hips. How are you getting on mummy?? Hope your ok. Xx
Wow mummy hope your ok so exciting that bubbs could be here anytime now!! Hope you dont have to wait too long though.

I've got loads of movements now not sure what they are but they make me nauseous some times god knows what he's doing in there?!?

I think the movements seem increased as there's less room in there for the little one bless them. Been getting a lot of back ache this evening midwife said a would do anyways with a back to back baby all his weight is pressing on mine. Feeling so positive today about my section and meeting my little boy, hope the mood lasts I'm an hormonal wreck lately. Xx
Mummywanabe any news yet? Might not be long :)

I was after some advice off the ladies. Been having some sharp twinges - like lightening bolts flying straight through my cervix on and off since yesterday. 39 weeks and 2 days !
Lost a small amount of mucus in past 2 days like 1p coin sized blob so doubt its all my mucus ( sorry tmi)

So we think it's baby head pushing on a nerve or cervix getting soft etc ?
Oh mummy! It won't be too long now. Good luck! I hope you and baby are well!

Bunny.. I don't think this baby moves her arms very much. She's all bum and legs lol

Aries I would say it's baby putting pressure on your cervix. I'm 37 weeks today and I've been having these pains for a while. I've not lost anything yet though. That can only be a good sign that things are happening for you xx

Aries- I had sharp pains in my cervix along with strong BH contractions several times a day from about 36 weeks with my 1st. My MW thought it might mean labour was close but she was 10 days late lol. I had pretty much the same kind of pains at the beginning of both labours but they gradually got stronger and more frequent

Mummy- how are you doing?
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