Tonks.. it doesn't matter how baby gets here. It matters that they're healthy

good luck. Can't believe it's 2 weeks until your section!
Ikklemoi.. I've told my little girl that Santa is bringing her a baby sister
Aaww I'm glad your feeling better about it
Don't let them push you into a decision. It's up to you if you want to be sterilised or not.
I've been packed for a while and re packed several times lol
Last time I wasn't prepared enough as I had a days notice (little girl had stopped growing, found out at 4pm was told to go in for induction following morning) and I didn't have any clothes small enough for her. So it was a mad rush to buy more and re pack my bag.
This time I'm trying to be more prepared. But anything can happen. So I'm not too fussed. My partner can always bring more things in if needed.
I know how you feel mummy. I'm the last pregnant person lol my cousins just had her little boy at 31 weeks.
I hope everything's okay mummy and you feel better soon xx