December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Awww mummy she might come anytime now you never kno :) so exciting wonder who will have the next Dec baby :) x
Thanks ladies. I'm super excited to get a date. Can't wait for baby to be here now. Plus with the Tightenings, lack of sleep and back ache I'm actually hoping Something's happening. If not I really don't understand what all these pains are about lol
I'm going to mention it to the consultant. I don't think anythings going to happen soon though, so I've left it. But I'm on day 3 of getting tightenings and back ache.

Ikklemoi.. it might be easier to handle if you went into labour. Less anxiety as you wouldn't know if that makes sense. I'm nervous about going for a planned section.
I'd rather it be an emergency.

Mummy.. I've been like that for a few weeks. It's awful lol my little one must pop in and out though as I don't get it all the time. Good luck :)

I've got my first sweep booked in for this Friday.. eek! And then one every Friday for the next 3 weeks. Really hoping they work so I don't have to have a section at all.

My section is booked for 2 weeks tomorrow. If I come before that then great but I'm just glad I won't go over my due date this time as I'm tired!

My BH seemed to have completely stopped the last few days and I don't really feel as uncomfortable as I have been. So think it's unlikely I'll go into labour before section day arrives, oh well!

Just can't believe baby will be hear so soon now xx

Wow 2 weeks tonks it's mad can't believe how fast this pregnancy as gone at all,and glad to have been able to share the experience with all you ladies. :) that's the best thing yeah not been able to go over thedue date, my boys think santa is bringing there baby brother bless them there getting rather excited now. I think an emergency one is less anxiety yeah because it's done so quickly your head doesn't have time to engage what's going off, I've read quite a few ladies having 4+ sections so a big fingers crossed there won't be any complications. Got the consultant next week to talk about pre op stuff etc he's bound to mention sterilisation again, although a lot of consultants advice against it with the suds was rate not been too good. When's everyone packing there hospital bag? I've not got round to it yet unsure how much to pack as last time I packed way over what I actually needed. X
Bag packed weeks ago, we live a 30 min drive on a good day from hospital, we live up a mountain and now with snow and ice it could easily take an hour not in rush hour traffic so wanted everything prepared and ready, also with strep b the sooner I can get to hospital the better to try and get more antibiotics in and then hopefully baby won't need any and I'll get home sooner, it is all starting to feel very real now! All the other mummy's at my sons nursery school have had their babies in the last few weeks and days and now their watching me waiting lol
Have had a banging headache for three days now although I think it's something to do with my sinuses I'm going to see if the midwife will see me this afternoon at my GP just to check my BP and baby's heartbeat
Tonks.. it doesn't matter how baby gets here. It matters that they're healthy :) good luck. Can't believe it's 2 weeks until your section!

Ikklemoi.. I've told my little girl that Santa is bringing her a baby sister :)
Aaww I'm glad your feeling better about it :)
Don't let them push you into a decision. It's up to you if you want to be sterilised or not.

I've been packed for a while and re packed several times lol
Last time I wasn't prepared enough as I had a days notice (little girl had stopped growing, found out at 4pm was told to go in for induction following morning) and I didn't have any clothes small enough for her. So it was a mad rush to buy more and re pack my bag.
This time I'm trying to be more prepared. But anything can happen. So I'm not too fussed. My partner can always bring more things in if needed.

I know how you feel mummy. I'm the last pregnant person lol my cousins just had her little boy at 31 weeks.

I hope everything's okay mummy and you feel better soon xx

Been away for a while ladies, been trying to get some much needed rest and had to buy a new phone as mine gave up the ghost.

Due 01 December - next Thursday :-)
Midwife today and I feel gigantic
Some very strong braxton hicks all week lasting 10-20 seconds only to die off within 10 mins
No other signs yet
Aaww not long now! Il keep my fingers crossed for you and pray you don't go over :)

Aaww not long now! Il keep my fingers crossed for you and pray you don't go over :)

I went over with my son by a whole week in 2006 !
This is only my 2nd , 10.5 years later ---- so I'm wondering if I'll go over again with there being such a big gap - every pregnancy is different though. I would like a baby born in December though so holding out till at least my due date on the 1st lol

Although I seem bigger this time , all front but only gained 14lbs in total ! My last son was back to back so made me look smaller . The 2nd son is all front and not afraid to show the world his big butt through my gigantic sized abdo !!!
Saw midwife , she seems happy with me. She's guesstimated baby at 8lb 6 - 8lb 9 for birth if on due date 01/12/16 , charted on the 70th percentile and measuring 39cm fundal height at 38+ 5 ( so pretty much average size) She doesn't think he'll be a 9lb baba though so I'm pleased about that. My sisters last was a 10lb!! My vagina twitches just thinking about it lol

Oh and she offered me a sweep on either 01/12 or 06/12 so I opted for 01/12 . Told her I feel gigantic now and doubt I'd make it till 06/12 anyway.
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Hope your cousins baby is doing well and Slb. 31 weeks is pretty early but should be far enough to be past the big risks? I think I would feel cheated out of the last weeks of pregnancy if I was that early. Baby having to spend extra time in hospital instead of wiggling inside you must be a bit sad. As uncomfortable as 3rd tri gets this is the last one we are planning on so trying to enjoy my bump. I cant say I enjoyed the first half of pregnancy much because of the HG so its a bit of a last chance. I seem to have spent a large part of the last 4 years pregnant so saying goodbye to the whole pregnancy thing will be strange.
Good luck ladies! It's getting close now isn't it?! You know i woke up Sunday thinking it was only the 10th November to then realise it was the 20th! I had the shock of my life. It's going so quick! 35 weeks on Thursday and the nerves are setting in the closer I get. Been getting the lower back ache and tiredness- i could sleep for England! Baby is very active today though which is good!
I feel a little sad, I do not enjoy pregnancy but it's the last time I'll be doing it and I feel a little sad that it's almost over now and for the last time, I will miss the little kicks and reminders that she is in there, 14 days left until I meet her if she comes when due it feels like it's all gone so quick now
Time flys doesn't it ! I cant believe how fast this year has gone !!! Good luck with all the babas ladies
I know Good luck everyone within the next couple of weeks were going to start getting labour updates and baby announcements! Thanks everyone for keeping me sane X
Oh god Bunny I can totally relate. I've been ttcing since Oct14 and preggers 4 times in that time not including this one! Last Christmas I was 6weeks pregnant and feeling nauseous so Christmas Day feels odd planning the drink I can have and actually wanting to stuff my face.
I'm actually pretty excited about that.
It will feel so odd not ttcing or being up the duff or I hate to say it recovering from a MC, I feel like it's become my life!
I have however got in the back of my mind if I want a third (which deep down I do if only we had more money and space!).

When he's moving and even hurting me inside I feel so happy but still feel anxious when he's sleeping that I wont miss!

I am starting to shit myself about recovery with section and BF, arggggghhhhh!


Awww tonks am sure the recovery will be fine but ano how you feel with the worry, it's not so much the pain I'm bothered about it's complications which touch wood so far haven't been a problem placenta wise etc. Gonna ask the consultant again about risks etc even tho a no most in a gluten for punishment it just don't feel real in any way at all that this time in 3weeks my baby will be born, mood is so up and down at the moment excited then the fear of anxiety and not knowing what to do comes along. Not even been here too which is morbid ano (sorry ladies). Today my inner thighs feel so bruised not sure how to ease the soreness can't remember this with my other pregnancies at all. X
We've deffo decided we're stopping after this one, I had 5 miscarriages and I just can't take the heartache again, I had a friend who's a midwife (well a girl I know) she said I was ungrateful for ever complaining when I'm pregnant because I'm lucky I know I am but the stress after 5 losses was crazy and the hyperemesis was horrendous both times, so I've blocked her , really don't need that negativity!
I'm so anxious that baby will have a cows milk allergy again but at least this time we will know the symptoms also hop g I'll be a little more relaxed this time, not looking forward to the sleep deprivation again my hubby and I were laughing last night saying we will be fighting over which one of us is going into our sons room to sleep when he has a nightmare lol ready to meet her now
Gosh the zombie mode is brilliant ain't it �� My oh don't hear babies cry apparently so I'm the one doing the nigh feeds, i can't wait in a way but just hope am not to tired and bottle ends up near babies eye or ears again lol. That's really insensitive of the girl you no, hoe can she judge you or tell you how your supposed to feel, :especially after going through so much. X
We always planned to have two babies. But now it's nearly over I'm already tempted to have a 3rd haha

Bunny.. my cousins little boy is doing amazing! 4lbs 7, off c pap, he's already sucking (usually only starts after week 35), he's taking bottles. He will be home in a few days I would imagine.

What a day..
scan went really well. Baby is estimated at a huge 6lbs 10 already... eek! Lol

Saw the consultant who did blood pressure and urine. BP was 142/103 and urine had a trace of protein.
Was sent to labour ward for checks and told I couldn't go home until they were satisfied with BP.. luckily it came down quickly. It's been fluctuating since last week but I didn't get checked as I had this appointment.
All is fine with me and baby. They think it could be the start of pre-e but BP dropped to normal levels. Just told me to keep an eye out for any of the other symptoms and head to labour ward if needed.
Didn't get to discuss much with my consultant because she sent me to labour ward. I've got another appointment with her booked in for next Tuesday (37+3) so we will see how that goes. She said she will give me a sweep then (rather than midwife doing it this Friday) and book me in for a section. So I will find out a date next Tuesday hopefully xx


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