December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Mummy she is just perfect. Congratulations!! :D xx

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No waters hadn't broken they're not sure at the moment what triggered it,
We've called her Niamh Roísín (it's Irish) pronounced Neave rosh-een)
Hopefully they will find out the cause for future . Beautiful name and really unusual :) I love it
The name is absolutely beautiful for a beautiful little girl :) a like Irish names and ones that arnt often heard of :)
Feel more comfortable tonight just can't sleep.because of anxiety, babies moved a little today but less than he seems to usually move he's probli done the 10 movements but it's usually loads more sped this time of night when am laid down. Could he just be having a lazier day?xx
Up for the 2am feed so far she's been Amazing but she's only just over 24 hours old hehe! I know technically I'm not a December mum but I'm close enough lol
Niamh and Roísín wouldn't be too unusual over here!
Mummy feel free to spam us with baby pics.. I'm so broody! Haha I can't wait until our little girl is here :)
A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl :) this might be the calm before the storm? Haha hope not though.

He could be ikklemoi but keep your eye on it/get checked if you're worried!
My little one hasn't got the room to move around anymore. I feel movements but I haven't felt kicks for weeks now. I spoke to the midwife and apparently it's normal because they're squished. But you should still feel them move. X

Ikklemoi reduced movements is what initially brought me to maternity on Saturday, u may feel like it's nothing g or u don't want to waste time, or you've too much on but just go get checked out and have peace of mind xx
Ikklemoi.. just read your original post again.

They don't recommended following the 10 movements a day thing anymore.

It doesn't matter how many times he's moved. It still needs to be checked if it's less than usual. Sorry only just clicked on to what you we're saying.

Beautiful name mummy can't wait until next week now for baby to be here.


Congratulations mummywanabe, what a lovely name and she's such a cutie! I hope you're doing well xx
I think different babies move so differently. This one wiggles constantly. I'd be getting worried if I hadnt felt 10 movements in the last hr. If I hadnt felt any movement in over an hr I'd be off to the hospital pretty quick because it would be so strange. Some babies just move a lot less though.

Mummy. You are still a November mummy even if your baby was born in November :). Please stick around. When there are enough babies we can have a new thread in baby and toddler but its a bit early for that yet. And its nice having some newborn posts here :). I cant belive how close its getting! You were 38 weeks and how many days?
38+4 wasn't due til 6 th December still,in a bit of shock really that she's here so far she's been pretty easy let's see if she stays that way when we get her home lol might still be a few days yet
My second came at 39+2 and that was a shock to me after DD coming at 41+3. I'm really hoping this one holds on for another couple of weeks because I have so much left to get done. My bump is so big and low everyone says I'm not going to make it to my due date!
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I'm 39 + 4 now. All of a sudden today I'm sure I actually felt baby's big head drop into the pelvis as I was walking around the shops. It felt like my uterus was going to fall out my lady bits !!. I have the john Wayne walk all of a sudden too. Due on Thursday 1st so hoping to hold out but must admit I can't wait to meet my little man. I have also had 2 episodes of what appears to be a show in the past 3 days .... yesterday was the most I had seen. If I'm sitting and chilling I don't have any pressure but when I walk it's sore.

I'm glad the early arrivals are doing well & they both have such beautiful names :-)
Oohhhh I don't know, there's a few eager beavers this month by the looks of things :). Just hope everyone has healthy happy baby's and hopefully easy labours too. There's a lot of babies due around Christmas week too which I think is lovely.
I think your the closest Aries.. eek! Good luck Hun!

I've been having braxton hicks all evening... I think!
They're not that painful but quite regular. And I can't believe how hard my stomachs going with them!!
Got my sweep tomorrow so I'm hoping the BHs will help prepare my cervix. I'd be gutted if the consultant can't do it lol
Baby's dropped further as well.. so I'm hoping it's all heading the right way :) xx

Oohhhh I hope your sweep is successful :) . I got one on Thursday - due date - my midwife wouldn't do it earlier. I reckon he will be here by the weekend though .... are you having boy or girl or surprise ?
Thank you. Same to you Hun :)

Why wouldn't your midwife do it before 40 weeks? They're allowed to do it from 38. I'm under consultant so she can do it from 37.
I wish you the best of luck :) it looks promising if you're losing your plug.
I'm having another little girl :) xx


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