December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Cheers ladies :). I'm holding out to reach the due date so not in a rush lol. Still getting the pains and sine had some very mild low abdo cramping but no further signs .. pregnancys are so funny aren't they lol- baby's keep us on our toes

Mummy keep in touch :)
I want a December baby too Aries. Not sure why but I like the idea of it lol

I'm sure you will make it until next week. Just stay off the ball & off your feet and baby won't move down too much lol

My bits feel constantly bruised. It worse in the middle of the night. And I've had low abdominal and back pains and tons of BH but baby's not ready yet.
It's just what happens towards the end of pregnancy I think. Xx

How low does baby after physically be before labour can start? Baby was 2/5 yesterday at midwife and so uncomfortable feels like a bludgeon below my pubic bone and so uncomfortable like the bruised feeling. I'm worried with been been so low could it rupture my section scar? Silly question ano x
Ikklemoi I have no experience with pressure and scarring,.. the being low thing though I asked my midwife as 10 days ago he was 2/5 engaged and when I went back a few days ago she said he felt as if he had floated back up a bit and is now free .. she also said some babies don't even drop properly until your literally in labour !! There doesn't seem to be an actual go to guide where set things happen.
I'm on my 2nd and he doesn't seem to have dropped at all ! My first was swinging between my flaps from 38 weeks at least that's how it felt .

It's a horrid feeling when they are really low isn't it ! Proper head butt your pelvis and make you feel really sore .
Baby doesn't have to be engaged for labour to start. It can happen anytime. Or you can be engaged for weeks and labour might not start spontaneously.

Don't worry about it Hun. It won't rupture your scar unless your having contractions, then there would be a chance of it happening. But it's quite rare xx

Sooo she's here!! I ended up quite unwell with sepsis got home earlier, went to bed to rest spiked a temp of 40 degrees was. Shaking hot and cold went back to hospital for about 5.30. Was brought up to labour ward around 7pm had venflons in each arm, antibiotics, iv fluids, over paracetamol high flow oxygen regularly obs!! Then my waters were broken at 8.45 and my beautiful girl was born at 9.45, 8lb 3 oz of perfection


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Awwww mummy she's so beautiful congrats are yoU both ok? Been thinking of how you've been getting on all day :) can't believe another one of our December babies have made an earlier appearance :) xx
Congratulations Mummy she is beautiful. Sorry to hear it was a bit traumatic!! So your little one squeezed into November cheeky girl!! I am hoping I am going to be early. 37 weeks tomorrow and don't finish for another two weeks ��!! xxx
Huge congratulations mummy! She is beautiful!
I hope you and baby are now doing well!
Rest up you deserve it :)

I'm hoping the early trend keeps up. I've got until the week of the 12th to have this baby. If not it's a section. (Not booked yet but got told it will be between 12th-15th).

I'm hoping the trend keeps up for you SIB be lovely a smooth natural birth :) I'm really wondering how this baby can stay inside for another 16days tbh, he feels so low and the pressure it's uncomfortable I'm gonna mention it to my consultant on Tuesday really don't wanna go into labour early and have an emergency section and appropriate consultant not be there. Things are getting so real now another beautiful Dec baby is here :) xxx
Thank you ikklemoi :)
I'm trying everything to get her moving. Only problem is I'm aching from all the walking, bouncing on the ball, cleaning, etc.

I'm sure everything will be fine. But yes speak to your consultant, he/she might examine you and give you a time scale.
Mine is going to give me a sweep on Tuesday and told me she will tell me how likely this baby is to come naturally. So I'm sure your consultant could tell you from an exam xx

Congratulations mummy! Hope you are feeling better soon.
Aww congratulations! She's beautiful! I hope you're both fighting fit really soon xxx
She's adorable, sorry to hear about the traumatic events before hand but at least your both ok :). 8lb 3oz was a good healthy size.
Wow congrats mummy she's adorable.

Can't wait to see more pics of all the babies that will be arriving soon.


As anyone got any ideas of what would ease the pain/pressure inbreeding my legs/thighs? Feel so bruised baths make it feel abit easier til a get out then the uncomfortable pain is there again. It's getting me down tbh cos can barely bend doing simplisti of stuff is a nightmare x
You although it was a crazy situation the docs and midwives were fabulous I never once felt frightened I knew they had control of the situation and had a backup plan, baby and I are now both receiving Iv antibiotic me to treat the sepsis and she is getting them as a precaution, she's just so lovely
Mummywannabe , how did u get the sepsis ? Had toe waters broke or anything before hand. Any names yet ?

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