Had my sweep Friday afternoon.....I woke up at 3am Sunday morning needing the loo, (number2) felt like I just really needed to go even though I'd already been, also lost mucus plug, which basically looks like a sort of see through bloody type discharge and was also a bit crampy, I went back to bed but kept waking up needing the loo and the cramps getting stronger (started like period type cramps, then got stronger) they weren't regular could go 20 minutes then, 10 minutes then 30 then 5 minutes so didn't know what to think, rang the hospital they suggested taking two paracetamol and keep an eye and to phone back when contractions were around every 6 minutes. Around 9 am the pains were much stronger so I woke up my husband(it was Father's Day) so I gave him a Father's Day card and hospital notes and said were having a baby today!! So the contractions still weren't overly regular but much stronger so we decided to head to the hospital to get checked out, I was about 4cm when I got there around 10am, there were no rooms available in labour and delivery due to staff shortages so they kept me in admissions for a while, I still hadn't any pain relief since the paracetamol and it was definitely getting stronger, then around 1pm there was a room for me so I walked up to the labour ward and they examined me I was about 7cm by this stage, I was given entenox(gas and air) which made me feel a little light headed at first but then it was fabulous lol I hen started to make noises that I can only describe like barnyard animal lol MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! So she examined me again and I was already at 10cm so got up on my knees over the edge of the bed and started pushing my son was born at 14:18, I had almost 3rd degree tear and they wanted to take me to theatre and put me out to stitch me up, but I refused and told them just to give me the gas and I'd be ok, and I was the doctor stitching me up said he couldn't believe how well I was coping with what he was doing but I honestly don't remember it being that bad...and I am not good with pain!!!! I then phoned my dad to wish him a happy Father's Day and to tell him not only was I in the hospital but he now had a grandson and he started crying down the phone and trying to tell everyone all I could hear was screaming (Sunday's are a big family day at my mums so my brother was there as were my aunts and cousins so everyone found out when I rang) I was admitted until Tuesday and got to go home in the afternoon (I'm still not even too sure why I was admitted) overall my labour experience was very positive which is why I worry more this time as I know I'll need a few doses of iv antibiotics to try and protect her from strep B before she's born, that's my main concern at the moment, and also leaving my little boy, worried I'll go into labour during the day when I'm alone with him and trying to get someone to come and take him and get my husband home to get me to the hospital. Trying not to worry too much what will be will be but you can't help but stress a little. Can't wait to hold me little girl, I love her so much already just want her to be safe .... And that's my labour experience!