December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

We have been through two full term pregnancies, a chemical a 10 week loss which involved a long recovery and now this pregnancy in the last 4 years so its been non stop pregnancy and TTC in that time. I think we are a bit crazy, lol. Honestly I think I would just keep going if my body could take it but I'm 37 now and finding that pregnancy is taking its toll. The HG was so bad this time in tri 1 that it was actually pretty scary. People know I had a rought time of it and keep saying "you are going to be so glad when pregnancy is over". Keep thinking no, I'll be crying my eyes out about it after the baby is born! Of course there is a part of me that will be relieved to see the back of pregnancy but I cant help being sad too. Some parts of pregnancy are awsome and its all been such a huge part of our life for the last 4 years. I think it wouldn't be so bad if I could think that we can always have another in a few years if we change our minds but at 37 we would have to be fairly quick to have another so 3 is our final number, although my mum says we still have to have one more by mistake, lol. Its going to be a shock to go back to using birth control too. We never really used it since our 1st, we just let BFing do the spacing for us :).
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Just been reading through my notes from yesterday and baby is 3/5ths engaged.
I think it was mummy asking about the shooting pains?
Maybe your little one is engaging Hun. I was adamant baby was just popping in and out lol

It's really daft because I know it means absolutely nothing. But I'm really happy baby is heading in the right direction. At 37 weeks with my daughter I wasn't engaged at all, failed induction etc. So I'm hoping this baby keeps moving down and putting pressure on my cervix so the sweeps will work etc xx

I'm my baby is not engaged then something's not right I can hardly walk and my bump has dropped big time lol just looking at my diary for December not sure where I'm going to fit time in to have a baby as my son has so many things on haha
Haha.. I thought baby was engaging a few weeks ago (because of the shooting pains) but my midwife said she was free. But obviously baby is starting to engage. My bump and bits seem to be merging into one because my bumps going that low hahaha just thought I was going mad lol

Haha.. December is a busy time anyway isn't it. Then a baby due as well. Luckily my daughters nursery don't seem to be doing anything xx

Ive not dropped yet, bump is still high. Have the midwife monday to go through the birth plan- the realisation and closeness of it is 100% making me anxious! Had a slight panic attack this morning (2am)- was in bed and had these shooting pains in my lower back and then period type pains, thought it was time and i was going crazy, panicking and everything! Felt sorry for my oh haha! This is my first child, as you can probably tell lol we have said we want 3 but ask me in January and it might be a different answer haha!
Blondie I wouldn't worry about it. It means absolutely nothing as some
People only engage in labour.
Having said that I've been getting pains for 3 days so it could mean that your baby is moving lower.
I don't think it matters whether your a 1st time mum or have had 19 already. Every pregnancy/baby is different. And no one really knows what we're doing. We just wing it haha
This is my second and I certainly don't have a clue. lol xx

This is my second and I feel more scared his time lol when I went into labour with my son it was like ok so I'm going to have a baby now! This time every time I have a pain I'm thinking ooooh is that it lol I think I just worry because of having strep B and now living much further away from the hospital as SLB said I feel like I don't have a clue even though I've done it before! I'm afraid labour will be worse as I thought the first time round it wasn't too bad lol I may eat my words
I'm scared this time because I know what to expect haha I can remember what labour was like and for me it was awful. I was on a strong dosage of the picotin drip (meant to be more painful) and was being induced for 4 days. It failed and I ended up with a section. So all the pain was for nothing.

I'm hoping for either a normal natural delivery with contractions that progress. Or a planned section.
We will see what happens though!

I never experienced spontaneous labour so I have no idea what to expect in that sense. Any one want to share past experiences? What were your first signs of labour? Xx

Had my sweep Friday afternoon.....I woke up at 3am Sunday morning needing the loo, (number2) felt like I just really needed to go even though I'd already been, also lost mucus plug, which basically looks like a sort of see through bloody type discharge and was also a bit crampy, I went back to bed but kept waking up needing the loo and the cramps getting stronger (started like period type cramps, then got stronger) they weren't regular could go 20 minutes then, 10 minutes then 30 then 5 minutes so didn't know what to think, rang the hospital they suggested taking two paracetamol and keep an eye and to phone back when contractions were around every 6 minutes. Around 9 am the pains were much stronger so I woke up my husband(it was Father's Day) so I gave him a Father's Day card and hospital notes and said were having a baby today!! So the contractions still weren't overly regular but much stronger so we decided to head to the hospital to get checked out, I was about 4cm when I got there around 10am, there were no rooms available in labour and delivery due to staff shortages so they kept me in admissions for a while, I still hadn't any pain relief since the paracetamol and it was definitely getting stronger, then around 1pm there was a room for me so I walked up to the labour ward and they examined me I was about 7cm by this stage, I was given entenox(gas and air) which made me feel a little light headed at first but then it was fabulous lol I hen started to make noises that I can only describe like barnyard animal lol MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! So she examined me again and I was already at 10cm so got up on my knees over the edge of the bed and started pushing my son was born at 14:18, I had almost 3rd degree tear and they wanted to take me to theatre and put me out to stitch me up, but I refused and told them just to give me the gas and I'd be ok, and I was the doctor stitching me up said he couldn't believe how well I was coping with what he was doing but I honestly don't remember it being that bad...and I am not good with pain!!!! I then phoned my dad to wish him a happy Father's Day and to tell him not only was I in the hospital but he now had a grandson and he started crying down the phone and trying to tell everyone all I could hear was screaming (Sunday's are a big family day at my mums so my brother was there as were my aunts and cousins so everyone found out when I rang) I was admitted until Tuesday and got to go home in the afternoon (I'm still not even too sure why I was admitted) overall my labour experience was very positive which is why I worry more this time as I know I'll need a few doses of iv antibiotics to try and protect her from strep B before she's born, that's my main concern at the moment, and also leaving my little boy, worried I'll go into labour during the day when I'm alone with him and trying to get someone to come and take him and get my husband home to get me to the hospital. Trying not to worry too much what will be will be but you can't help but stress a little. Can't wait to hold me little girl, I love her so much already just want her to be safe .... And that's my labour experience!
P.s my waters had already broken but I didn't know, I didn't get a big gush or anything so may have happened when I was the loo or in the shower or something
Wow mummy.. apart from the tear it seems your 1st was quite positive. And very quick for a first baby.
I was with my sister when my niece was born and that was well over 26 hours and quite a few panic moments/almost rushed for a section.
Father's Day as well.. wow :)

I'm really hoping for a positive birth this time or a section like I said.
The contractions I got on that drip were awful. 14+ hours I was on it and still was only 1-2cm.
That was after 2 pessaries as well.

Are you booked in for another sweep?
How far were you when you had it? It seemed to work pretty fast xx

I had my sweep when I was 39+2 my son was due on19th June arrived on 16th, my labour was abou 11 hours. I have my 38 week review at hospital tomorrow my guess is they'll ask me back in a week or 2 for a sweep I'd probably prefer it in a week. And I'll be asking for a lady doctor....smaller hands hehe
Contractions on the drip are much more intense and painful, had that with my first wen I was induced never known pain like it at all, they left me 26hours and only dilated to 8cm and baby got stuck, so took me down for a section I was so drugged up on gas and air a thought the thing they gave me to neutralise my stomach was vodka ������. Mixed feeling again tonight been so snappy to OH for no reason I really haven't been able to help it and then next min wanting to cry. My hormones are allover ATM. Can't believe I've another 20days left, I don't feel mentally ready does any of you ladies feel ready? Think the baby is squashed inside his movements are so much more erratic and uncomfortable so low down but then movements near my ribs? I'm trying to keep positive and hoping for a smooth c section,.does anyone no if they give anything to calm nerves in theatre? Iv never noticed with my sections and never been told I'd have something to calm me. Hoping I get it this time my fear is having a full on panic attack on the theatre table. ��Xx
Mummy some of the midwifes hands I've come across have sempt massive�� Never had a sweep before always refused them when I had the option of one of them.x
I'll deffo be having one if it's offered lol I'd rather try the sweep than be induced as I heard it hurts more, although my friend was induced and her daughter was born 30 mins after the drip was started that child did not want to wait lol, I've been quite emotional at times crying over nothing I don't feel at all mentally prepared this time, I'm so exhausted I'm too tired to push lol
Wow.. can't believe it worked so quick. Especially at 39 weeks.
I'm booked in for a sweep on Tuesday 37+3. But I doubt they will even be able to do it never mind it actually working.

Weird question... do they just use their hands or do they use instruments as well? Like do they put a speculum in first to check position etc.

I'm glad someone else agrees. I was in agony on the drip lol

I've had little bursts of extra hormones if that makes sense. One minute I feel fine and the next I'm an emotional wreck. I think it's normal the further we get. Don't worry about it. Your entitled to get snappy at times.

I feel ready at times and not at others. I can also feel baby below my pubic bone but her feet push against my ribs. Baby's bum stays just above my belly button but moves from side to side.

I think if you ask they may give you something. I had diamorphine not long before I had the section and I actually fell asleep haha but it's not recommended within 30mins or an hour of birth. My section was an emergency though.

I'm actually hoping for someone with big hands who will be rough hahahaha. Only because I want them to try their hardest to do the sweep and it actually work. I've had friends who've told me that their midwives have been very gentle and it's not worked.

Anyone else itchy? Got out of the bath about 30 mins and my hands and feet are really itchy. First time it's happened. I've put some moisturiser on and took an antihistamine and they have calmed down a bit. They feel slightly hot now if that makes sense. I'm hoping it's just a one off. Can't deal with this for the next few weeks xx

I must be strange because I loved labour, lol. I'm quite looking forward to doing it again. Of course there is always a bit of anxiety about things going wrong but as long as that doesn't happen I'm good.
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I loved the labour with my second bunny was such an amazing experience so different to a labour that ends in section and just elective sections, I'd just love natural birth but never gonna happen, is it wrong to be upset by not having a normal birth. I'm scared of something going wrong but got to think there's a lot of ppl there to deal with them kind of situations best they can x
I think its totally normal to find it disapointing not to get the birth you wanted. I know I'd be a bit gutted if it ended in a CS this time. At the end of the day I guess its not the most important thing in the world and you have to make the choices that are best for you and the baby even if that means a CS, its still something you can be proud of.
They just use their hand doing a sweep, they attempted one on me today but cervix isn't open enough so going back for another next week baby is down low though just waiting for the door to open ��

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