December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Awwww bunny how much did Ds weight? Mine have managed to fit into. Newborn not for long tho, they've been smaller in length but really chunky babies bless them. X
DS was 11lbs. He did wear a newborn sleep suit the day he was was born because that is all that was ready for him but he was a bit squished into it, lol. DD was 9lb but more chubby than long and she was a bit of a slow grower so she was in newborn for quite a while.
Lovely nursery pic!

Ladies, I've only just arrived at 3rd tri, but it's already hitting me like a bus and I thought pregnancy up until now had been pretty tough going. Ugh. Is it awful the whole time? My sickness, heartburn, back and girdle pain have increased tenfold when I thought they were bad already. I'm waking up in the night feeling like my chest is on fire and also I've had (tmi sorry) diarrhoea for about 10 days now. Impossible to get comfortable too, and I'm just dreading the next ten weeks of misery! Sorry for the moan, I know you'll understand! xxx
Wow 11lb I've a feeling was he born natural or section? I think size of my babies have made it difficult for me to have natural births as well as all but one been back to back, only Babi I have normal wasn't back to back was a breeze with him tho. I feel like am definitely missing out on the full pregnancy experience tho with having an elective section as well as been so anxious having horrible nightmares about it all just Want baby here safely xx
It was a natural birth. It was actually fine. He just got stuck a bit on my pevis at the start or pushing but changing positions sorted that. Everything else went well. It was actually easier than DDs birth. He wasn't back to back though, that might have been a different story.
Laura... I've been the same as you. As soon as I hit Tri 3 everything seemed worse. However, everything comes and goes. I have good and bad days.

I can't decide whether to just book in for a section or not :/ at least I would know what was happening then.

Growth scan later today :) xx

Awww SIB that's the only good thing about a section knowing when baby is coming and been able to prepare, I've 4 other boys so a suppose in a way it's been good that I know, I'm just so nervous and scared of everything to do with c sections, I've known from about 12weeks that it'd be another section so my mind as had opportunity to go crazy with anxiety leading up to it all. Only 49 more days now and be getting ready to meet my little Babi. :)
Hi Laura I've been having the same problems I'm still being sick , so exhausted and the back and hip pain have been horrendous which o think have contributed to me feeling a little low in my mood lately, my lower back makes an awful grinding / clicking noise when I've been lying down! I've 6 weeks to go now! Counting the days
Growth scan went good today :)
Baby is already measuring 4lbs 9 (my daughter weighed that at birth - 37+4 lol) she's got tons of hair :) growing perfectly so far :) hopefully she will carry on growing.

I'm due back in 4 weeks time to discuss birth options. I think I'm going to book in for a section on/around my due date and has sweeps before. If baby comes naturally before then great. If not il just have a section. I refuse to be induced anyway.

What date is your section? Xx

Awww a love babies with loads of hair look so cute bless them, I'm glad everything went well with your scan :) my section is on 13th Dec exactly 7weeks today :) he's gonna be 8days early but I think he'll be massive and ready to come by then bless him. X
My daughter had loads of hair too..
I think they will be very similar :)

I've been looking at dates and think I will book a section in between the 12th-17th. If baby comes before then great.

Eek! Not long left! We would probably be due around the same time xx

Slb I'm planning pretty much the same too. Refusing induction of any kind and booking section and if I come before then I'll try naturally. I've got consultant in 2 weeks to finalise so they better accept my plan.

Also my son had hair exactly like your daughter when he was born. I'm so blonde as well looked odd me carrying him around. I hope this baby has lots of hair too xx

It's the best plan for me I think. Induction failed last time. So I may as well be prepared just in case she doesn't come on time. As my experience of induction was awful.

2 weeks.. not long! I hope you get what you want. I don't know if the consultant will fight me on it because I've already agreed to a vbac. But obviously I've changed my mind.

Did you say your husband is Turkish? Does your son take after your husband?

Me and my daughter were both born with black hair but it's gone lighter as we've gone older.
I love it, I just wish she'd have stayed dark. Were calling our daughter Keira. It means little dark one/dark haired. So hopefully it will suit. I'd be shocked if baby was born pale/blonde lol
For some reason darker haired babies always seem to have more hair. So I'm sure this baby will have hair to :) xx

OMG slb I had a bit of a moment thinkin you'd delivered early when I saw that pic lol
Omg SIB how cute and all that hair too ��. My actual due date is 21st Dec, so he's gonna be 8days early midwife said even if I go into labour before hand they'd just take me down for a section which i no is safer supposedly but I'd feel a slight disappointment as well if that makes any kind of sense. He's gonna be born on the last week of school too for my boys so hoping the Christmas plays etc don't land on the day I'm in hospital. X
Sorry ladies.. no I'm still fat and pregnant haha

Though if baby's was born now she would be the same size as my daughter on that pic.

Oh yeah.. hopefully you can make them. Though I'm sure your boys will understand. I'm probably gonna have a section 12th-19th. Il book in when I go for my appointment in 4 weeks time xx


This is him just a few days old, yes he takes after his Turkish father.
He's still pretty dark haired now but he has gone a little lighter but it's very thick. He certainly gets a nice tan like his daddy not like me who burns at the sight of the sun.

I do wonder if this baby could be a complete opposite of his brother. My dad wasn't Turkish but he had very olive skin and black hair and my mum was back in the day so blonde etc. Yet 3 of their 4 kids all ended up with my mums colouring and my older sister took after my dad, we don't even look like biological sisters we are always having to explain that yes we do have the same mum and dad. I always thought the darker genes were more dominant. To be honest I hope I get another dark haired baby. I'm so excited to see like all you other ladies are too.

I'm struggling so much today I had to call in sick at work and get a doctors appointment to get something better than ranitidine which the doctor was very reluctant to give me. I can't sleep at night and I woke up with like a bone grinding sensation in my groin area when I walk. It even makes sounds it's vile and period type pains. I just hope it eases up as my house will never get itself sorted at this rate!


I'm loving these little baby pics, when my son was born he had lovely dark hair then it all fell out and grew back blonde. My aunt had one with black hair, one with red hair and one with blonde hair.
Tonks my lower back is grinding it sounds disgusting, I'm struggling with mobility especially after I've been lying down
Awwww tonks how cute is your little one, a love dark hair too, 2of mine were born with dark hair not that much of it tho and my other top with blonde hair the few little strands they had bless them. I'm also getting pains feels like an horrible pain across my scar too and loads of pressure, I was told it's spd and round ligament pain, midwifes weren't concerned at all. Midwife rang me up this afternoon saying my iron is even lower now to what is was at 28weeks and said a need to eat meat etc but a told her a physically can't and she said it weren't good enough ��. I'm scared that my iron level won't bump up to a decent level before my section, want to prevent the need of a transfusion if I can. My anxiety is peaking as well today, I'm worse through oct Nov Dec Jan months anyways but worried it'll start to get bad again, don't want to start having to take my meds again tho for it as they don't no the full risk to baby with most medications. Can't believe some of us will be having our little ones in 5weeks is due at beginning of Dec, feels like it's come around so fast can't really get my head around it all been a mummy again scared of forgetting things after 4year of having a newborn x
Ikklemoi I'm feeling the same my son is 3 1/2 now the thought of a newborn scares the life out of me, have been so anxious in recent weeks, I'm due in less than 6 weeks now aaaaaaaah

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