December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Just looked at my growth chart and I'm measuring a week ahead on the graph but it makes baby off the scale percentile wise �� Quite concerning really.
Just looked at my growth chart and I'm measuring a week ahead on the graph but it makes baby off the scale percentile wise �� Quite concerning really.

Is that going by your bump or the measurments of the baby on a scan?

I think it is totally normal for fundal height to be out by a week or so. They only send you for a growth scan if you are more than a couple of weeks out.
Three weeks out and they've said I won't need a growth scan unless I keep growing (so next time I'm four weeks ahead)...

It might just be that I have a big bump. I carry all my weight on my stomach anyway, so it sort of makes sense my bump would be bigger to me. Xxx
Same here, my stomach wasn't exactly flat to start with :). I haven't been measured recently but my bump was 4 weeks ahead last time I think!
Met a girl at a wedding last night had her baby 7 weeks early! I came straight home and set the nursery up haha, packing my hospital bag this week just incase
Yeh, it makes you think! Was the baby in hospital long? We have a friend who was 6 weeks ahead of me and had her baby at 26 weeks. He only got home recently though.

My mum was looking at my bump the other day and she said "there is no way you are making it to 40 weeks!" I admit my feeling is that it will be more like 38 weeks this time but watch me go overdue...:).
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My boss' daughter had her baby at 22 weeks!

She stayed in hospital a long time, but is perfectly healthy. It's so amazing what they can do to help preterm babies now �� Xxx
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Wow 22 weeks is really early. That must have been scary!
She said you could literally hold her in one hand. I can't even imagine how tiny she must have been! Xxx
The chart is one they plot your fundal height on according to weeks you are, so can't really understand why am off the chart just measuring a week ahead? ������. I'm worried about a big baby only because of the health risks I've read about with bigger babies. I think it might be anxiety why am overthinking it all, just 7week and a couple of days left can't believe how fast it as actually gone at all it's really scary. Got everything in now apart from baby milk which am starting to stock up on from next week..... is your bump big bunny? With one of my little boys I was huge went into labour on my due date, /&: he was 9lb5. I'm not really big at all this time around, don't think a carry much water tho just majority is baby. Xx
He was 3lbs when born was on NICU for a little bit but has been home a few weeks now and is absolutely thriving, beautiful little tiny new born he was due this week! Must have wanted to come to the wedding hehe
Hopefully the right way up this time


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I cant imagine a 3lb baby. A friend had her baby in August and it was 6lbs. It looked sooo tiny to me but I guess most babies look small to me after DS being 11lb.
He was very tiny last night even at 7weeks later, got my hospital bag packed tonigh, tomorrow I'm going to wash clothes to bring to the hospital for baby and that's me ready
Oh wow a 3lb baby, I've seen the little prem things today in asda omg a doll would eeen be too big for them so tiny. My babies are always big but look little to me in a strange way lol. Awww babies nursery looks lovely mummy, I'm wondering when to set everything up for Babi, getting abit anxious getting now thinking I'm gonna forget what to do with a newborn etc.!
Yeh,forgot to say in my last post, nursery is lovely.
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Mummy the nursery is lovely :)

My girls will be sharing. I want to decorate but it's such a huge room I keep putting it off.. oops! Lol

Went to the midwife on Friday. (Turned 32 weeks on sat). Baby measuring 31 weeks so pretty perfect. But I've got a growth scan tomorrow so we will see.

My daughter was 4lbs 9 and was tiny compared to other newborns. Everyone was shocked when they saw her. I'm honestly not sure what size baby to expect this time. Il probably go from one extreme to the other and have a huge baby haha xx

I would be pleased if this one fits in newborn clothes. They were small on DS from day 1 so felt a bit cheated out of the newborn stage.

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