December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

It's awful ain't it I told my midwife the concerns I have and she said it'll all come to me natural without even blinking an eye il no what to do. Eeeek less than 6weeks wow it's flying by ain't it. I just want my baby here safely then a can start to breathe a sigh of relief &I can't wait to hear all of Dec mummies babies been born too :) is your little boy excited? My youngest recently keeps saying he doesn't want to have a baby brother cos he's the littlest, my oldest as surprised me tbh he's got autism and never really took interest in babies etc but he's really excited for Babi coming just thinks he's not gonna be able to sleep all night because of a crying baby bless him lol x
Tonks... your little boy was adorable! So much hair and it's so dark! I love it :)

My mum and dad are both quite pale. I've got a yellowish skin tone. But I tan really easy. My dads brothers are all the same. Weirdly it skipped him (he was blonde). But I seem to take after my uncles.

Hope your okay today tonks! I didn't even realise the doctor will prescribe ranitidine when pregnant. I'm struggling with heartburn :(

Mummy.. me and my sister were completely opposite. I'm dark, she's blonde. Our little girls have followed suit as well.

Ikklemoi.. I'm vegetarian. And I'm low in iron. No one can force you to eat meat. Ask for iron tablets or buy some from the chemist. I also have alpha thalassaemia though so my iron levels are a bit messed up anyway.

Ladies we will all be fine. I think having a baby does come natural. I'm
More concerned with how my daughters going to react lol
I've never let her sleep out etc so it's going to be a big change for her when I go into hospital :( xx

I think that's what it is to be honest I know I can handle a newborn my son was horrendous for the first 3 months but we got through it and survived lol but I'm worried about the effects of a possibly tired and cranky 3 year old his not used to sharing his mum and dad but it'll be change for everyone, my mood is up and down I think I'm just lonely now I'm off work no grown ups to talk to so when my poor husband gets home sometimes I'm sobbing, my parents are away on hols, my friends are all busy or in the middle of moving house I think if I had a wee bit of company every now and then I wouldn't feel so suffocated at the minute
I am vegetarian too. My iron levels at the beginning of pregnancy have always been fine. Infact my MW was impressed how high they were at the beginning of this pregnancy. They always end up low though. I don't think it has as much to do with not eating meat as the fact that I get terrible sickness in pregnancy and spent weeks not eating anything much and then when I did eat again I had to just eat what I could stomach, so not the most balanced diet. I also seem to make big babies so I guess they take lots out of me :).
Mummy- my 1st was hard work as a baby. I was dreading how I was going to cope with a newborn and a toddler. It turned out that our 2nd was a much easier baby. Once we got through the first 2 weeks and I was recoverd physically from the birth and we had settled in to some kind of routine I was amazed that life with 2 was actually easier than life heavily pregnant with a toddler. Of course there were bad days when everyone cried at once (me included, lol ) but on the whole it wasn't nearly as hard as I expected. Infact it was easier with the two of them than it had been with DD on her own as a newborn. Partly because it wasn't all new the second time and partly because DS was a much easier baby. There are moments when everyone needs you at once but you soon get used to dealing with it. Of course now I'm wondering how on earth I'm going to cope with 3 :).
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Tell me about it Mummywannabe, I've got 6 pounds of baby rolling around in there now and two months still to go. I was only a size 10 before pregnancy. I am ruined haha xx
It's only just hit me that by the end of this year I'll be a Mum of 2 young boys....

I also don't think I will last until my due date, as I am starting to feel constant contractions and have been for a couple of weeks. I've been checked over and there is no explanation as to why I'm getting them as he is "very healthy, happy and moving round". They are not Braxton hicks as I know what they feel like as I had them with Eddie. I just feel very hard and sore.

So I'm predicting I'll have an early December baby, which would be quite good as I don't really fancy being heavily pregnant over Christmas time again.

Oh and love the baby photos on here... looking at them just makes me want to have my son now!!
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Soooooooooo it's November!!!!! We're having babies next month hehe
:pink: :yellow: :blue: :family:
Wheyyy gosh stuff is seriously getting real now �� Xx
Eeep! There's a fair chance I'll go into Jan, but that's still scary stuff!

Does anyone notice that their baby has busy days and quiet days? Sometimes I get a bit worried because bambino is quiet, then the next day they don't stop wiggling!
Yes baby goes mad the movements r lighter I was awake from 4am trying to feel baby move felt nothing til 7am so tired now
Soooooooooo it's November!!!!! We're having babies next month hehe
:pink: :yellow: :blue: :family:

Where is the smiley for running around in circles in panic, lol! It is exciting baby will be here so soon but I also feel so not ready!
I have a feeling that I will be leaving here, but not sure....

I've been getting really strong pains/cramps since last night with some slight bleeding and feeling really off.

Today I've had constant pressure below, with more cramping and bleeding, so not sure if I'm starting to miscarry or have gone in to early labour....

Away in to get checked over.... so scared I'm losing my boy....
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Spins more like early labour Sophia, my friend had her little boy 7 weeks early, keep us posted
Oh Sophia I hope your alright, my sister had her little boy 6weeks early he's 9now and very healthy, ano they can try stop labour as well if it's. Not progressed to far or steroid injections to mature babies lungs. X
Keep us updated Sophia, we will all have our fingers crossed for you! Xxx

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