December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Sophia hope your ok. Like others have said lots of healthy babies are born early.

That's sounds like the start of my labour I started bleeding on and off I thought that was normal.


Now back home...

The good news is that I'm not in labour...

The bad news is that I'm on complete bed rest until the birth, as there is a small chance I could still go in to labour, as I'm contracting well. Luca is lying very very low down, which explains the pressure.

The midwife is coming every 2 days to check on things. I'm still getting some cramping, but it's not as bad as it was before. I'm not going to be allowed to go past 36 weeks, if I last that long!

They don't know where the bleeding was coming from, but thankfully that has stopped now.

So I'm only allowed up to get up to pee and shower and nothing else!!

I just feel so exhausted and am so over being pregnant!!
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Brilliant news that you and baby Luca are fine, but bed rest doesn't sound fun at all.

Chin up and just keep focussed on that lovely baby as much as you can I suppose! Xxx
I'm so glad that everything is well Sophia, I hope the bed rest helps as hard as it is need to try and relax & rest. Why won't they let u go past 36weeks? Xx
:faint: that's as close as I can find BunnyN lol


Sophia. I was put on rest in the beginning of tri 2 in my first pregnancy for 6 weeks. It is enough to drive anyone crazy. I didn't even have to stay in bed all the time so I could sit at the computer etc but wasn't really supposed to do anything. The good news is that even if you do have your baby soon it's chances are really good of not having major problems. Of course every week he gets to bake is even better but you will soon be there!
I'm so glad that everything is well Sophia, I hope the bed rest helps as hard as it is need to try and relax & rest. Why won't they let u go past 36weeks? Xx

I'm not being let past 36 weeks due to the very low position of Luca and they feel that's long enough for me to wait, but I guess they are just being cautious at the moment.

Contractions have eased slightly as has the cramping, so hope I get some sleep.. Midwife tomorrow.
Sorry for random tmi post but, OMFG thrush!
I'm talking lying in bed, legs a-kimbo while your husband fans your bits at 3am thrush!!!

I've actually gone mad lol. Am so ready to not be preggers any more. Not that I'm remotely ready for baby yet, but totally over being pregnant... and itchy :/

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Oh also is anyone else finding baby's movements kinda painful at times? 32 weeks tomorrow and sometimes I feel like I'm in the horrible 'chinese chow mein' scene from 'Alien'!

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Sorry you're having an awful time but your husband fanning you did make me giggle! Hope it eases up soon!
Sorry graced made me giggle too but how awful only ever had it once and it was just awful, a few weeks ago I did find movement quite painful not so much now it was a deffo a little foot kicking me thought I was going to bruise
I'm getting movements allover feels like he's gonna break out of my tummy any moment it's surprising really how hard they can kick. To say my placenta is at front I feel everything now, the kicks lower hurt me the most don't no if it's because of scar tissue or what. The realistic dreams have come back again, so awful I hope they stop once the baby is born as sad as it sounds sometimes I wake up crying. Got to go for my whooping cough injection on Monday as anyone had this yet? How does it make you feel afterwards? The flu jab made me feel really ill. Xx
I had a nicer dream last night dreamt I ate fried chicken the whole night lol but at least nobody died in that dream
Got whooping cough jab around 18 weeks my arm was a little sore and a bit of a hard lump for a few days otherwise ok
I had my flu and whooping cough on the same day. I had a red and hot lump off the flu but the whooping cough was fine!

I was a bit tired the next day but it was the end of a long week so might not have been related! Xxx
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When I was suffering from HG in tri 1 and couldn't eat I had dreams about food almost every night lol. I would wake up feeling okay and thinking "I could murder a pizza". Then about 10 seconds after waking up the sickness would hit. I had one dream that I was in labour and OH ordered sushi.
Going in again as now getting increased cramping and stronger pains.
Also had a "clear out" in bathroom, so not sure if this is a sign of imminent labour? Never had this with Eddie, only my mucus plug leave and a bloody show.

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... and it feels as if Luca is going to literally fall out when I am walking.

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In hospital and been on monitor. Regular contractions and 1cm!!

I'm on a drip to try and slow things down, but been told Luca is on the way.

Had my first steroid injection and getting the second tomorrow.

Also have a catheter in as not allowed to move at all.

So sore and uncomfortable but know in the right place if I do go in to labour....
I'm sure Luca is in safe hands as I said before my friend had her little boy 7 weeks early and he's thriving a couple of days in NICU for close observation but doing great keep us posted when u can X

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