December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

COngratulations Ike! Told you it would be fine!! Welcome to the world Logan!! God that is one big baby probably best you had a section!! Haha xx
Thank you Mexico that's what I said to the midwife with him been so big it was a blessing in disguise they wasn't wrong wen they said he'd be big lol. I'm over the moon x
Congratulations! I was cooing over an 8week baby that was 9lb today!! Glad it all went smooth and love the name!
Yay congratulations welcome baby Logan glad you're ok and all went well xox
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Congratulations Hun! Wow.. that is a good weight :) lovely name too! Hope you and baby are well xx

Massive congratulations Blondie xxx

Ikkle you did it!! Well done and Logan is a lovely name xxx

Slb not long now it's your 2nd section yeah? This section was a walk in the park compared to my last one I'm so glad I stuck with it! You'll be fine xx

1 more day... eek!

Yes tonks it's my second. The first was easy for me. I was off my rocker on diamorphine so it really didn't bother me. It was an emergency section. But the diamorphine kicked in when I got in theatre and I was falling asleep on the operating table lol so it seemed quite relaxing for me.

This time I'm nervous because I'm more aware of what's going on. I wish I could have drugs beforehand to calm me down lol

Thank you though.. I know I'm just being daft. It's hard not to get worked up about these things though xx

Tonks & ikklemoi..

Sorry for asking a bit too much information but what do you wear to theatre?

Just a hospital gown? Nothing underneath?

Last time I had an emergency section so didn't have to think about it.

Obviously I know you need a catheter and they put that in when your in theatre. But do you wear nets and a pad ready or do they put that on you after the section?

I'm not quite sure when you start bleeding after?

Sorry again for asking.

Also a general question to everyone else/those whose babies are here already..

What should I get ready today?

I'm going to put sheets/bedding on. Sterilise dummies and bottles just in case. Check food supplies. Check hospital bags, get Moses basket out, etc.

Anything else? Xx

Congratulations Blondie and ikkle!!
It's so exciting to think that almost all of us will have our babies before the month is out! Well, hopefully anyway

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Ikklemoi i was thinking about you all day yesterday and Im so over the moon that it all went well! Huge congratulations!x
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A big congratulations ikklemoi!

I can't believe I am due the day after tomorrow. I really wasn't expecting to go over with this one but it's starting to look more likely.
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Slb I wore a gown was naked underneath. They put a waterproof mat underneath me on my hospital bed and a couple of maternity pads just underneath my bum. I didn't even put pants on until the late evening.

I know what you mean about more anxious because of being more aware with a planned one this time. I was so exhausted first birth that when they told me I was going for a section after 3 days no sleep I was just so so relieved and my memory of the whole experience was patchy anyway!
This time I swear the spinal is much more effective than topping up an epidural the only uncomfortable thing was when they had to push him out from what felt like my rib cage they were coming through the screen and putting all their weight on me! But I felt a lot less tugging and pulling like I did in my emergency section. The spinal makes you feel a bit out of it anyway so you'll be fine once that starts working through you.

In terms of preparation I did exact same as you in regards to bed and sterilising etc. There wasn't anything I thought I missed out in hindsight. My mum changed my bed sheets so they were fresh when I got home which was really nice after sleeping in those horrid hospital beds.

Good luck Slb you will be fine xxx

Thank you tonks. Sorry for asking. Just trying to prepare myself lol
I was up and walking around after a few hours last time. But someone must have dressed me because I had the nets and a pad on (I think).

Oh really.. I was the same after/during my emergency section. I honestly didn't care at that point lol

I wasn't sure what the spinal would feel like. I didn't realise it would make me feel out of it. I thought it was just to numb you. I'm glad though :) haha

Yes I remember feeling them pulling and pushing last time.

Thank you.. overthinking everything obviously lol
I'm going to keep myself busy doing everything and hopefully tire myself out so I get a decent nights sleep. Doubtful though lol x

Good luck for tomorrow SIB all will go brilliant for you Hun,
In theatre I just had my hospital gown on had to take underwear jewellery off, you can request the catheter to be inserted once the spinal is in place. I panicked all way through my section about everything hated the feeling of losing control of my legs even tho Iv had that feeling before. Everything went well tho and anxiety makes negative thoughts but you'll be fine I've mastered 4now, doctor did say that my uterus is thin tho and a had a few adhesions as to be expected. My blood loss in theatre was 1000ml, but since section very light bleeding which is great. I'm still in hospital not a clue wen there tonnna let me out before am getting so anxious as a can't sleep with the heat and others making noise. My Logan is so content I can't believe it he's seriously a little Treasure, thanks to everyone who's congratulated me x
Thank you Hun :) I know all will be fine. I'm just a worrier lol I get myself worked up sometimes.
Trying to think positively and think about holding my baby girl.. eek!

I'm glad you and baby Logan are doing fine :) hopefully you can go home when you're ready.

I lost 700mls after having my daughter. I think 500-1000 is normal.
You will have to share a picture if you feel comfortable/when you can :) xx

Good luck sib, look forward to hearing all about it!! You will be fine :) take care xxx
Hey ladies.
Had my strongest BHs ever yesterday. Also felt extremely emotional. Called my dad up in the middle of the night crying because I was convinced we don't physically have space for a baby and thought he would have to extend our house before it gets here lol.
Before now any BHs I've had I was never sure if it was just baby stretching but this so totally different. Like aching all over my belly, almost like trapped wind pain but all over.
Maybe things are moving along now after all :)

The only thing I'm struggling with just now is that my back \hips are out. I've always had bad sciatica and my hips used to 'click' out of place regularly, but that all seemed to stop when I got pregnant. However, I've been waking up so much through the night that my husband was struggling to get up for work, so I had been going through and lying on the fold out bed to give him a break. Seems it's not as supportive as our own bed because my hip/lower back clicked out of place Tues night and I've had shooting pains down my leg ever since :/

Really hope this isn't me for the rest of the pregnancy. The only way I know how to fix it is with a yoga move that during pregnancy is 'not advised'. Id hate to go into labour with limited movement, especially since things had been going so well up to now. Really frustrating.

Also, I was feeling low so went to get my hair done, but I don't like it lol. Silly little thing, but what with all the hormones I have been feeling pretty low this week. I just want baby here so I can concentrate on them and forget about everything else.

Sorry for long post, it's felt like a v long week already xx

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Thinking of you slb!

Gecko- I had a melt down the other day about not having things ready and our house needing work to make room for the baby. Obviously we haven't done the work yet, hoping next year once things settle down. I managed to get most of the little stuff sorted and am feeling much more positive and calm about things now (today anyway :)). DD has her room ready finally but isn't sleeping in it yet so that is the next thing to work on. I have a strong feeling she is just going to end up on the floor in our room anyway as she already likes to sleep there sometimes so I'm trying not to worry about it. We have had the two of them sleeping in our room until now so what difference will 3 make, right? Lol, lets see how it goes. At least she does officially have her own bed.

I seem to specialize in super strong BH but I have had them for months now. It's funny how different they are for everybody.
Hi ladies, I have just seen the midwife and have been referred for another grown scan. I measured 36 centimetres two weeks ago and now 2 weeks on I am measuring 36.5 so have only gone up .5. I will be 40 weeks on Monday. Scan is booked for tomorrow at 8:45 dependent on the outcome I may have to be induced. Just when I thought it was all going nice and smoothly!! Xx
Did she say anything about if the baby's head has engaged? I remember when I was pregnant with DD my bump measure actually seemed to get smaller towards the end but it was just because there was a bit less fluid and baby's head engaged so she wasn't as high up. It's good that they are keeping an eye on things but fundal height it pretty vague. I would try not to worry about it yet.
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