December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Awww am glad your feeling abit more normal today, I've noticed I feel worse on car journeys wen am sat upright baby as felt like he's gonna break free again today. Ano the worry will fade away one I have him in my arms but it's the build up to that and thinking negative thoughts about dying as extreme as it sounds. I feel sorry for my partner and ppl I'm around cos am a proper misary they try and cheer me up and it just won't happen tbh. X
Sitting is a nightmare, lol. I haven't really done sitting for a couple of weeks now. There just isnt anywhere for the bump to go so I have to come up with weird positions that are not that comfortable. I realised that when I sit straight on a chair with my legs open my bump is so low it actually sits on the chair between my legs :).

Yeh probably no one can make you feel better about things now but you will be so relieved when its all over! Of course then you still have recovery and a new born to deal with so it won't be all easy but you can take that bit one day at a time and you won't have the thought of a CS looming over you.
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Yeah my bump is really low it's horrendous getting in and out of car too I bet I look a right idiot to ppl that see my trying to get out lol. I'm hoping the anxiety reduces cos a can't imagine myself going Into theatre in the state I've got myself into. I'm so scared of leaving my boys behind etc ano the sections only generally take a hour I think from last time but feels so long in there with clock ticking seems like ya in there days.
So after being put on a drip, contractions started at 3pm. My little girl was born at 21:44 weighing 7lb 1oz. How I have done that I have no idea. My partner was completely amazing and helped me so much. She's had hourly obs to test breathing, blood sugars and temperature and she's completely fine. Hopefully get to go home this morning.
Awwww congrats blondie so pleased for you, I'm currently absolutely bricking myself about what's gonna happen in my section later on today, read so much about things going wrong in a 4th section so scared beyond belief :(
Congrats blondie!!
Good luck ikklemoi. Everything will be fine. I k ow how you feel though.. mines booked in for Thursday. It's a scary time but your in the best place and you and baby will both be fine :) x

Thanks SIB hopefully all will go ok am just so nervous about the negative things happening to me and made it worse as I ain't slept all night with worry, I just hope am not tempting fate having my 4th section wen they only recommended 3 absolutely shitting bricks. Hope everything goes well with your section on Thursday Hun x
Congratulations Blondie!! Positive mental attitude Ike. I truly believe that!! If you think positively things will be fine!! You are at the best place. Just think of your little bundle and your boys and try and block out everything else you just going for a little sleep!!

I am due on Monday and really want he or she to arrive early!!! What are the chances!!!first baby 👶 I bet it arrives on Christmas Day!!! Haha oh well!!! It's moving round like crazy!! Xx
Thinking or you ikkle.

Congratulations Blondie!

I had a few random painful contractions yesterday evening and then regular BH contractions for a couple of hrs that didn't go away when I lay down so I really thought it might be the start of something but eventually I got to sleep and it went away.
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Thanks everyone sorry for been a complete and utter mad woman lol.
Got to be there for 12 arghhh the waiting about is making me worse a serious cannot cope with the anxiety of what's happening even tho I've had so long to prepare for it am still unprepared mentally. Gonna ask for some anxiety meds cos a can't see myself been able to lay there all that time without a panic. Oooo u never no bunny could be start of something eeeek. X
Mexico.. you never know TBH. Some people go before their due dates, others on time and others overdue.
I've been hoping il go naturally but my sections on Thursday so I doubt it now.
Feeling really down about it TBH. I really wanted to try naturally.
Had my pre op today and obviously panicked.. sat there listening to the risks made me nervous. Not sure how I'm going to feel on Thursday waiting around.
I asked where I was on the list but apparently they don't do a list until the night before. So I won't know until the day.

Any last minute tips on how to get baby out naturally?? Nothing's worked so far though :( xx

Ikklemoi.. I hope they get you in early. Keep us updated. Good luck xx

Sib the consultant told me the best thing was sex!! Lovely just what you want when your this far gone!! Xx
I won't bother then haha!!! Not long for you though Sib now are you feeling ok?xx
Nope defo not worth it lol My back/hip/right leg feels sort of disconnected and hurts whenever I move on that side. I can't quite explain it. But it's probably my joints loosening up for labour. But I couldn't imagine having sex with this pain lol

I'm over my mini panic from earlier haha
Just listening to all the risks upset me. But I know I'm being daft and will be fine.
Just getting a little nervous.

I actually can't imagine having my baby TBH. All I can think about is having the section. Bad I know.

I need to think positively and just think about baby xx

Congratulations blondie and hopefully your little chap is in your arms now ikklemoi!

We did the deed for the first time in about 5 months (and that last effort was a failed one!), it wasn't as awkward as I expected but doesn't seem to have done anything with regards to getting stuff moving. My son was induced at 2 weeks late and I really don't want to go there again! X
Hey ladies my little boy is here finally eeeek little (well big) Logan 9lb 4 . The c section went smoothly even tho a freaked out a few times took ages for the consultant to stitch me back up tho but had minimum blood loss not had pain relief since a left theatre everything was a breeze. Consultant said my uterus was very thin tho but to be expected after a 4th section. Am amazed a feel so stupid now for all the panicking x

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