December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Is anyone else just massively fed up of being pregnant now?

The baby still isn't head down or engaged and I really don't want a section, but half of me is tempted to just go to the hospital and refuse to leave until they get it out of of me.

I'm getting about 2 hours broken sleep in 24 and been like that for over a week thanks to terrible heartburn on top of the massive and very painful discomfort of the malpositioning. My belly is so sore and tender to touch I can't get comfy anywhere.

Some people have told me the last bit is the most awful but I really didn't anticipate this much of a struggle. How on earth some of you have done this multiple times is beyond me. You deserve medals.

With my first the last couple of months were awful and like you I only got one or two hours a night. Put me off ever being pregnant again but thankfully this time (a happy accident!) hasn't been as bad. I had awful cramps in my limbs which kept me awake and made me cry and although I've had them this time they haven'tbeen as bad so iit's made me think ah well, maybe if I had to I could do this again. However ask me that again aftee giving birth again and I might not be so positive! ;) xx
Thanks ladies. Il ask about medication tomorrow when I go. I really do wish you the best of luck tomorrow tonks! I'm sure all will be fine!

Oh wow bunny! That is a big baby! Haha
I had a growth scan at 36 +3 and baby was estimated at 6lbs 10. Which I thought was pretty big. Apparently baby's put on 1/2 lb a week so baby would be about 7lbs 10 if I had a scan at 38+3. Obviously this is just an estimate though.
The lady scanning me did say that they tend to over estimate. And they can be up to 2lbs out (either way).

My midwife keeps telling me how tall and skinny my baby is though. So she probably does weigh quite a bit lol xx

It was last week I had the scan so I was only 37+5. But the weight was in kg and I just realised I was converting it wrong. My other babies were big so I would expect this one to be too but the doctor seemed impressed. If it was born today it wouldn't even be that big but he seemed think I'd be going overdue.
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Ah right. What weight was baby in the end then?

TBH I don't think anyone knows when baby is going to be born. They just come whenever they're ready. It's unfortunate as twice now I've needed/wanted baby to come before 40 weeks. They tried everything with my daughter and she wouldn't budge lol
I think I'm just one of those people that would go overdue every time.
My nan was telling me how they induced her (years ago) as she was a month overdue! And still baby didn't want to come lol xx

It sounds like it runs in the family. I was 10 days over with my 1st and 5 days early with my 1st so not sure what to expect this time!

Sorry, 8lbs 5oz is the right weight but I was converting it being lower after I had the scan so only ealized how big it actually was yesterday. My other two were big but I never had a scan this late so don't have anything to compare to. You are right about it all being a guess though.

Tonks- hope your day goes well!0
Sorry for TMI, especially at this time in the morning, but can anyone explain what the mucus plug is like please?

I've been to the toilet twice today and I'm having to wear a panty liner because I'm having a wet sticky discharge (whitish/yellow) with chunks of jelly in it.

Does this sound like the plug? I'm really sorry again for tmi! Lol

Also does your cervix have to be open for it to come out or is it just showing that things are heading the right way/the cervix is getting ready?

I'm really hoping it means il be able to have a sweep later but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. I can have another one on Friday if this one doesn't work though xx

Oh sorry bunny. Didn't realise you'd replied. I think we did at the same time lol

I wouldn't worry too much baby will only go to 9lbs 5 ish. And your other babies were bigger like you said.
He or she might not even be that big. The measurements might just be off.

Hopefully you won't go too overdue.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my body is heading in the right direction. Xx

Chunks of jelly was how I would have described it SLB usually white/clear maybe a bit of blood staining thought it
Maybe a bit like this poor depressed fish a big jelly blob lol


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Haha mummy that's a good way of describing it. I'm struggling today feel so uncomfortable to point a don't want to leave the house. I'm sure baby is fully engaged we will see Friday tho wen midwife comes out. I'm glad he's coming 8days early because a can't imagine any longer than a week been pregnant now. Feeling anxious in myself like a can't settle proper and feels like a need toilet constantly even tho only a few drops. X
Thank you. Pretty sure it was my plug... eek!

Been to see the consultant. Bp is still high, trace of protein still. Got to go back on Thursday as she wasn't happy leaving me. Told me to take my bags in because if it's still high they will get baby out... nervous but oh well.

Managed to have my sweep done.. yay! 1cm dilated :) made up.. even if I end up with a section at least I know I tried naturally.

I've been having Braxton hicks all day and still having them now (and lower back pain) since the sweep. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will work xx

I keep thinking I need to go pee the last couple of days but then I go and it's only a few drops like you say.

That does sound like it could be bits of your mucus plug slb. I lost a couple of bits with my 1st not long before I went into labour. I didn't loose the whole thing until well into labour both times. Then it was pretty unmistakable, a huge glob of dark bloody gelly. The fish is a pretty good image, lol. I know some people loose bits earlier though.
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Ikklemoi.. I've been the same. Constantly feel like I need a wee lol I'm 1/5 now so your little one may well be engaged.

I'm pretty sure it was my plug bunny. I was uncertain this morning but the consultant seems to think so to. I don't think I've lost all of it because it wasn't bloody or anything. But feeling more confident knowing I've gone from 0-1cm in a week. So at least things are heading the right way.

Mummy that image is powerful lol mine wasn't like that but I don't think it's come out fully lol

Anyone heard from tonks?

Hope you and baby are well :) xx

Ladies.. after we have our babies where do we go (in regards to the forum)? Is there a December mummies section somewhere?
I've tried looking but can't find anything.
It would be nice to stay in touch and help each other as our little ones grow :) xx

Not heard anything from tonks no, hope her and baby are ok :)
I doubt this baby can physically get any lower it's so uncomfortable never been like this before so early on I'm 38weeks tomorrow. Bet I would of lost loads of weight with going backwards and forwards to toilet so happy I've a downstairs toilet too this moment in time lol. Silly question but how does it feel to be dilated without the contractions? I keep wanting to crying knowing my baby will be here this time next week it's surreal to the point of not even having my hospital bag packed yet said all weekend I'd do it but never got round to it lol.
It definitely would be great to keep in touch with everyone, I'm so happy to have shared this pregnancy experience with all you ladies and grateful of all the support from everyone. Xx
Usually someone starts a thread in the baby and toddler section for those that have had their babies already. No point in starting it too soon because to start with there are so few babies that all the mummies might as well hang out here but I think we will soon have quite a few babies so if anyone feels like starting a thread I am sure that would be great.

I don't think you feel much if you dilate without contractions. Probably more crampiness and pressure but that is common by the end of pregnancy anyway.
I've had Braxton hicks and a few twinges here and there/shooting pains when I walk. But definitely no contractions. If I hadn't have lost my plug I wouldn't have even known my body was heading that way.

I would bet baby is fully engaged then. Aaww Hun, try not to worry. He will be safely in your arms soon :)

I've had my bag done for weeks/months lol but my daughter came as a surprise (went in at 37 weeks and told I was being induced that day) so I wanted to be prepared just in case.

My consultant actually mentioned the enhanced care (what tonks was talking about) saying they're bringing it in locally soon. I left hospital after 1 day with my daughter and hoping to leave again pretty quickly.

If no one knows of anywhere I will create a group in the baby and toddler section :) xx

Sounds like a great idea to start a group slb. There isn't anything as far as I know.
I never knew about the enhanced care but obviously it must of been what I had with my last section been out the next day. In a way I hope I am but in a way a don't wanna be sent home in cold with a newborn baby proper panicking about taking him out in the night air with colder nights. Can't wait to come on here and say he's here safely (fingers crossed) he's moving so much tonight again proper fidget never felt as many movements from him in a day as a do now poor little man must be squashed. Be good yeah a thread in there :))
Once a few more babies are here I will start it/see if there's a group :)

Ikklemoi.. if your not ready to leave they won't make you. Just take it a day at a time and see how you feel.

Last time I did really well after my section. I didn't have any pain relief or anything and was walking around after a few hours. Fingers crossed il be the same again if I need a section.

Baby will be fine. Just make sure he's wrapped up. The cats warmed up first. Unwrapped in the car lol

Not sure if it's a coincidence but the last few days I've been eating pineapple & drinking pure pineapple juice and I've lost some of my plug and dilated a little. So I feel like they actually have helped and I should have been eating it for a while now. I've been on raspberry leaf and evening primrose oil for weeks with no effect lol unless it's suddenly kicked in. Who knows?!? But just thought I'd share in case any of you ladies were trying to speed things up xx

That's meant to say make sure the cars warmed up before you take him out.. not cat... hahahaha xx


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