Yeh I think baby is beginning to settle down on my bladder too. It's weird because one minute I feel like I am really desperate and it actually hurts then the next minute I don't even need to go. And sometimes only some drops come out when I am desperate but other times when I wasn't in a hurry it's a flood. I can only assume it has to do with baby changing position and putting pressure on my bladder.
Mexico- I am planning a home birth too. It's our 3rd one. I agree with the others that labour pain isn't like other pain. I think all whether hormones rushing about help. I coped fine with the pain as long as I could move about. Being at home gives you a lot of freedom to do what feels right. I found lying on my back unbearable so I don't know how so many women labour on their backs in hospital. Almost everyone has a panicky bit that they think they can't cope around transition. MWs actually look for it to know when to start making preparations first pushing being closets. It helps to know that when you start to feel panicky
Mexico- I am planning a home birth too. It's our 3rd one. I agree with the others that labour pain isn't like other pain. I think all whether hormones rushing about help. I coped fine with the pain as long as I could move about. Being at home gives you a lot of freedom to do what feels right. I found lying on my back unbearable so I don't know how so many women labour on their backs in hospital. Almost everyone has a panicky bit that they think they can't cope around transition. MWs actually look for it to know when to start making preparations first pushing being closets. It helps to know that when you start to feel panicky