December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Yeh I think baby is beginning to settle down on my bladder too. It's weird because one minute I feel like I am really desperate and it actually hurts then the next minute I don't even need to go. And sometimes only some drops come out when I am desperate but other times when I wasn't in a hurry it's a flood. I can only assume it has to do with baby changing position and putting pressure on my bladder.

Mexico- I am planning a home birth too. It's our 3rd one. I agree with the others that labour pain isn't like other pain. I think all whether hormones rushing about help. I coped fine with the pain as long as I could move about. Being at home gives you a lot of freedom to do what feels right. I found lying on my back unbearable so I don't know how so many women labour on their backs in hospital. Almost everyone has a panicky bit that they think they can't cope around transition. MWs actually look for it to know when to start making preparations first pushing being closets. It helps to know that when you start to feel panicky :).
That's what makes it worse the waiting game SIB my anxiety builds and builds while am waiting, at least I'm first on the list of surgery that day which is a bonus. Yeah a c section is safest option for my and baby but carries risks with it been a fourth section.just want my baby here now then maybe a can start to relax abit about things. Stil no hospital bag packed I looked at it today and thought no it can wait another day oooooos. I've no idea what bits and pieces to take for it as don't wanna under or even overpack stuff. Which baby milk are you ladies using for baby? X
Hi ladies! Congratulations to the mummies they have had their babies! I had my final scan on Tuesday just gone and baby is not growing as fast now so they have decided to induce me on Friday. I had a sweep on Tuesday (most uncomfortablest thing ever) and have had brown mucus and discharge since along with little cramps but baby will be here by Monday. Didn't expect it this early so a bit shocked and scared haha!
BunnyN the panicky bit is what we call barnyard in our's when I start to sound like a cow mooing and the midwife panics cos she hasn't got her gloves on yet lol
I'd do labour any day over being pregnant for 9 months again, feel a little sad actually that I wont give birth again
Bunny I'm the same in regards to the bladder situation. It's awful. I'm constantly sat on the toilet because I don't know if I really need to go or not lol

Ikklemoi.. that's good that your first. I have no idea. I could go In at 8am and have to wait until the afternoon. I honestly don't know.

I'm going to try and BF. I don't think il stick with it but let's see. I've bought cow and gate just in case as well. I tried them all with my daughter and she was really constipated.

Blondie try not to worry. This happened with me last pregnancy. My daughter was born weighing 4lbs 9 at 37 weeks. How far are you?
Sounds like the sweep has done something. More than mine has. Good luck and I hope baby is here fast for you.

Mummy... hahahaha, I'm hoping I can try to get baby out naturally. But we will see. I have no idea what real labour is like as it was forced with my daughter and ended in a section. Hoping for a easier time but depends what they say at today's appointment.

Ladies would you eat/drink before my appointment in case they do decide to take me for a section ?
I honestly don't think it will come to that. But if I do eat/drink il have to wait around won't I?


Well from experience with my emergency sections I ate before hand just got some liquid meds to neutralise my stomach wasn't any different to not eating before with my planned section tbh. The morning of my section I can eat a light breakfast so you should be ok, will they tell you what's happening as soon as you get there?Good luck for today be thinking about you :) I wunt settle not knowing we're I was in the list, obviously stuff can change if there's emergency ones etc. I'm driving my hubby mad with al my negative thoughts I'm surprised he ain't turned grey in this past 9month lol. I've got cow and gate but saw this HIPP milk too in Morrisons just wondering what the difference was really. I'm definitely same with the bladder thing too, usually wen a get comfortable he changes positions and a need toilet.
Ah that's okay then. Il grab some breakfast. I'm starving :) lol
I wasn't allowed to eat when I was induced because they knew the chance of a section was high. So I was unsure. I'm also not allowed to eat/drink from 12am the night before my section. That's going to kill me haha

No I'm just going in for a BP Profile. Second one in a few weeks. I imagine it will all be fine. My BP has been fluctuating so I imagine it will show mixed readings and won't constantly be up. So i think il be home in an hour.

I meant to ask. Il ask on the day. At least then I won't be worrying about where I am on the list.

There's not much difference between the brands of milk. They're regulated so they have to contain many of the same ingredients. If I remember right only one of them (main brands) is vegetarian and that is the main difference. The others contain fish oil? I think, don't quote me lol


BunnyN the panicky bit is what we call barnyard in our's when I start to sound like a cow mooing and the midwife panics cos she hasn't got her gloves on yet lol
I'd do labour any day over being pregnant for 9 months again, feel a little sad actually that I wont give birth again

Lol, look they even have an emo for it :mamafy:.

I remember telling my MW in my first labour how much better labour was than morning sickness. She looked a bit startled, lol. I'd do labour any day, MS on the other hand I will be glad never to experience again!
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Bps fine. Got to come back on Tuesday for more monitoring. But continue with planned section on the 15th xx

Glad that it's okay. Is that part or why they don't want to leave you too long? Sorry I know you have said before but I have gotten confused with whats going on with who. My BP gets high towards the end of pregnancy but no signs or PE or anything so my MW has decided it is just what my body does and keeps an eye on it.
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Hi ladies! Just thread hopping from January as my twins will be here in December instead and yours are all arriving now! Its useful to see what's happening! Was anyone induced and how long did it take? How soon after a C Section can you shower?

Lovely baby Tonks!
Thanks Slb! I'm 37 weeks today. Baby is weighing 5lb 6oz at the moment. I have to ring up at 7 to see if there is space for me to go in. Honestly I'm the biggest worry box ever! Cramps and mucus only seem to come at night- don't really get much in the day. What was induction like? How long did it take for you?
Ikklemoi I think the milks are all the same it's just how baby reacts on it, my son had awful constipation on cow and gate, but hipp organic made him much more settled just trial and error really
So excited to see so many beautiful babies :)

I've been feeling really hormonal today. Like, if I wasn't already pregnant I would be suspecting pregnancy about now lol. I'm short tempered and one of my boobs is really really sore, and I can't sleep and I'm warm.
Basically I think I'm sure my period lol

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Do you have a date blueflower?

Induction tbc but between 16th & 23rd December, C Section pencilled in for 20th December if Twin 1 is still breach! Hope he flips and we can cancel it!
been feeling more and more emotional today never thought it'd get to point we're a wanna cry constantly and feel really anxious and unhappy. :( the negativity is taking its toll and no matter how much a try and distract myself from everything boom it's there again. Everyone keeps telling me not to be silly and thinking bad stuff but can't help it, feels like the alone feeling even tho I've so many ppl around me. Can't believe 5days and baby will be here, how can a mentally prepare myself because it still feels surrreal. X
So it's official. Baby's not even here and my boob is already broken!
Suspected blocked milk duct 3 weeks before due date.


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Ikklemoi I felt the same before I had baby I felt so low, and not mentally prepared, or physically I was so emotional and thought I had some sort of prenatal depression, it all changed as soon as I had her.
Niamh has been started on thickener for reflux had a really u settled night last night so I'm hoping it'll help her she seems a lot more settled so far, long may it continue, I'm so in love with her
It's awful mummy I just feel like am gonna be a bad mum to him or that something is seriously gonna go wrong, I cannot physically picture him in my arms as strange as it sounds, just want this 4days to come now. Been having a horrible stitch pain on and off all day, think he's lying on a nerve or something bless him. Aww bless her a hope changing the milk helps her, it's upsetting when they can't settle proper because of the reflux ain't iir. She is a little beauty bless her a love your profile pic it's so cute. X

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